Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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As you may or may not know, I really like Spirit Tracks. You also may or may not know that I recently started and cancelled a fanfic where Equestria was a far-future New Hyrule. I also once saw a thread on this forum from a couple of years ago proposing the idea of a Spirit Tracks AU where Link was Button Mash and Zelda was Sweetie Belle, which sort of had me interested.
Since I seem to enjoy proposing fanfic ideas I probably won't write, let's come up with ideas!
For starters, earlier on today I came up with the idea of Zelda-replacement becoming an alicorn after playing the Sacred Duet MIDI Orchestra, but that might not work.
But should we ponyfiy the characters with OCs, or with canon MLP characters? What would be different in the plot?

I just realized that every non-oneshot fanfiction I've ever written is based on the Adult Timeline, not counting fanlyric compilations because those aren't really stories.

I like OC's and how they are portrayed in this world, particularly in an alternate universe setting. Canon ponies fulfilling the personification of other characters, for example like Twilight as Link or Celestia as Zelda, doesn't really appeal to me. But that's my own opinion. Don't write this story solely for the purpose for other people. Do whatever you feel comfortable with

5059647 I wasn't planning on writing it, particularly.

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