Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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One thing that is easily overlooked, is that Link is not a mute. Ocasionaly NPC's react to link as if he ran an explanation or told a story to them, this is especially seen in Skyward sword. We just can't hear him. It seems this is done so the player could imagine what he is telling people, and how he talks to them. Though Occasionaly the player gets to choose one specific responce from a sudden prompt in game, but it is not common.

So what does this mean for an Author who wants to be accurate to Link's speach abilities?

Well Mute may not be the best choice. Link may not talk much though, but when he does would it make sence for the author to put in someting like
Link explains his sittuation with Tingle, and looks side to side as if the fairy boy man would pop up at any second

So readers can imagine what he is saying as though they were playing a Zelda game, or the author can put in thier own views to what Link says to attempt to give the readers a special point of view.

Link looks side to side "He follows me and sells maps... as far as I can say" he said

As for the prompts the player recieves to chose how link responds? Mabye that could be done in an interactive Zelda story and/or a 2nd Person Zelda story?

Any Ideas?

Group Admin

He is shown talking in Skyward Sword. You just don't here what he says. But he does have lines of dialog in almost every single game. It's just that the player chooses what he says in a menu. I think that is often overlooked.

I have never supported the idea that Link is mute. Nintendo makes him a silent protagonist because they want you to feel like you are Link, instead of the nameless force pushing him around. Due to that, you can interpret Link's personality however you want, as the player is meant to project their own personality unto him.



Indeed, Quick Question. Did i use the term "Overlooked" incorectly?

Because I feel like I accidently claimed that Link was a mute. :derpyderp2:

Group Admin

1487002 Giving a voice to a silent video game protagonist is a tricky business. I am currently writing dialog for Chell in my Portal fic. Essentially, it's giving a character more depth than was ever intended.

Don't be afraid to give Link dialog. But he does have a personality. He is brave, heroic, tenacious, fighting, chivalrous, serious, nice guy, modest, gets things done, and has a tenancy to get a lot of sleep, especially before adventures. Keep one thing in mind: he is a man of few words. Don't try to limit his dialog, but let his actions speak for him. He wouldn't be one to go on long-winded Pinkie rants. So, whenever he does talk, make it short and concise. Link's the type of guy who would be able to explain a complex situation in as few words as possible.

Also, he has plenty of dialog in the mangas. Read them if you want to get an impression of how he would talk. (Just keep in mind, that they're non-canon.)

But whatever you do, AVOID THIS!


You used it correctly.

1482566 In the story that I recently wrote Link can speak.

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