Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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Hello guys Slowbro95 and Travis hear to show you how to get this background for google.

Step 1: Get Stylish. Link to get it for Google Chrome <> Link to get it for Firefox

Step 2: Go hear and press '+ Install with Stylish'.

Step 3: go to Google and you will see this.



I have an iPad. It won't work.

2341533 uh is it safe i just don't want a virus on my computer

Dude this is awesome

Group Admin

Awesome. I know that there are also a lot of pony ones.

Mine wont work... :fluttercry:

Its probably because of me being canadian and that changes google in a weird way.

2342268 Sorry Stylish doesn't have a update for ipad.

2342533I have one for Fimfiction.

2343227I can help with that.

2343683We has the Interwebs forsaken meee...

2344014I'll try to find a way for you.

2344178Really? Thanks a bundle.

2341533 HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: GRACIAS MI AMIGO!!!

2458058 I know it works.

That's really cool but it won't work maybe because i'm Canadian also

2641212 Are you using Google Chrome or Firefox?

Step#1: You NEED to install Stylish.
Step#2:Go hear and press '+ Install with Stylish'.
Then your done. If you can't get it to work pm me your Skype name and I will try to help.

I did both things, i geuss it doesn't matter that much thanks anyways.

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