Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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Just curious since I'm new to Zelda crossover I was wondering if any one could give me any recommendations on what to read in regards to Zelda crossovers.

Also love the picture of Link and Epona my heart melted at the site of it.

This may be shameless self-promotion, but here's The Legend of Spike: Discord's Mask by me.

Well I did love Majora's Mask (My favorite in the series). So this sounds like a promising story. Still if you don't mind I would like to know what sort things I can expect from its dark tag. I do apologize for asking but I've had a lot of bad experiences with dark stories in the past so I tend to frown on them.

So I'd kinda like to know ahead of time what exactlys in it that gives it its dark tag.
so i can decide whether or not I wish to proceed in reading it. Although in this case I doubt its anything that will bother me.

I hope that doesn't bother you.

2397343>>2397418Read dat. I started it a while ago, and though I haven't read much, it's pretty good from what I've read so far.
And just so Diablo doesn't feel alone in shameless self-promotion, here's To the Moon and To the Moon and Back Again, the first two entries in my To the Moon Trilogy. I'm pretty proud of them and would very much appreciate you giving them a read.:pinkiehappy:
Also, Hero of Time is really good. It definitely deserves a read as well, and I favorited it.

Well they look good but again they have a dark tag line and I tend to frown on those. Could you tell me what is in them that makes them have it? I apologize but I have my reasons for being cautious of them.

The final one though sounds like it might be good to read at some point and I've added it to my read later list

2397494 it's a GREAT story!
Ember: in fact, i give it my "MY 100% MULTI PERSONA APPROVAL FOR EXILING IN INNER BICKERING" award.

2397529Well, I don't want to give away too much of the story...there's not really any gore, if that's what you're worried about. There's one scene early on in the first one that contains a corpse, but that's it. It's dark because of the overall emotion that it's supposed to instill. The setting is pretty dark (especially in the first one) and the mood is very dark.

The Dark tag is there because it deals the themes of death, loss, and despair that's present in Majora's Mask. There's nothing gory or overly violent. If you can handle the game then you can handle this story.

Ah okay then I'll be sure to check it out. Sorry for asking I'm just iffy with dark stories is all.

Ah so its dark in the same way that the game was or is it darker then that. In any case I think I will if that's all it is. Basically is it worse or the same as the game? I do apologize for asking these questions, but given my unpleasant history with dark stories I have a screening process for them now. Just to make sure I actually want to read it or not.

2397791Never played the game...:twilightblush:I just know a lot about it. You'd have to read the story to be sure.

2397343 This one, A Link to the Past Is absolutely fantastic it is still incomplete and hasnt updated for a while though. It should provide quality entertainment nontheless. :twilightsmile:

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