Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Surprised no one has asked this... what is your favorite game in the entire series, spin-offs included.

Mine is split between two: Link to the Past, and Wind Waker.

LttP was the first Zelda game I've played, back on the SNES in the mid 90s. WW... I just enjoyed it

2467307 For me, it's a 7/10 split between Twilight Princess (because Wolf Link) and Skyward Sword (because of the Skyward Strike, plus it gives us the origin of Ganondorf).

2467307 Majora's Mask holds a special place in my heart.:twilightsmile:

For me, it's a tie between Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Wind Waker.

2467307 Twilight Princess is my favorite. I just think it had the coolest story.

Least favorite would Skyward Sword.

Ultimate fav is Twilight Princess and the second is Ocarina of Time

Twilight princess. The only game that made me feel as a hero in the game. plus the dark enviroments are really charming.

I really like Minish Cap. It's a shame that it's one of the underrated ones out there.

A Link to the Past.

It's a two way tie with wind waker as my first Zelda game and minish cap because it has vaati... I really like vaati. :trollestia:

Ocarina of time and Majora mask hands down

Twilight Princess. But a link between worlds is rocking my socks so far, so that might change.


It's a three-way tie between Skyward Sword, Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks for me.

Not sure, I can never really pick a favorite one. The one that helped me become a gamer in the first place was Ocarina of Time, The one with my favorite incarnation of link would Be the Wind Waker, Twilight Princess seems to have the best storyline, though i really need to get back to finishing the game before jumping to that conclusion >_<. Best Puzzles Might be going to Link Between worlds, just got that game for my 2DS, also need to finish that one. So far I would say best gameplay mechanics would go to Skyward Sword, and best overworld and sidequests would go to Majora's mask, any other Zelda game I have little to no personal experience, other then internet ressearch.

Me? That would be a 6/4 split between Twilight Princess (Which is strange, since I`ve been stuck on the Lakebed Temple for almost two years now.:flutterrage:), and Majora`s Mask. What can I say? I love to see some major darkness when it comes to video games.

2467307 I've only ever played Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, a bit of Four Swords, and a bit of Twilight Princess.

but, Majora's Mask 3D! Best storyline and mechanics ever! :yay:

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