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Who's your favorite villain in the Zelda franchise? Personally, my favorite so far has to be Ghirahim.

Vati the wind mage

I like Zant. He's definately one of the creepier villains in the series, and he is one of my favorite bosses.
And dat boss theme:

2467990 Ghirahim all the way! He fills my heart with Rainbows!:twilightsmile:

Zant is cool, and I love Ghirahim to pieces (So FABULOUS!!!), but I have to give it to the first one I ever killed: the Evil Dream god, Bellum.

Seriously, he gave me the creeps. Phantom Hourglass was the first Zelda game I played.

Aww don't make me choose :pinkiesick:I guess I'd have to say... Majora.

Hm...tough question. Probably Zant though.

Ghirahim, no doubt about it. The only villain who's script in the game made me entertained.
Btw: He's fabulous!!!:raritywink:


I genuinely liked Ghirahim. imo, he's what Zant should've been like.

If non main villains count, it would be a tie between Volvagia and Zant. Volvagia has such a sad story behind why Link had to kill him (If you read the OoT manga), and Zant is just plain awesome.

If not, then Zant, hands/hooves down.

2469392 technically majora isn't a villain in an of the games. you fight skull kid and majoras mask, but ya, majoras mask is my favorite villian

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