Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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So recently I've come to terms with a game crush of mine. I just bought a guide for the game she's in. Have you guys or gals ever had a sweetheart in a zelda game or any game for that matter? Don't be shy :rainbowkiss:

Here's mine...:twilightsheepish:

Won't lie I just got Link Between Worlds yesterday (so please no spoilers) I kinda think Hilda's a bit curter then Zelda. Don't know why normally I like blonds but there's something about her.

Midna all the way.

Totally okay for me to just plain out say link. Totally cliche but whatever there's a reason it's cliche.


Don't worry you won't get spoilers from me. I haven't play lbw yet but she does look cute :raritywink:

Also Malon and Midna. I like red heads. :twilightblush:
And Irene again from Link Between Worlds.
And don't even get me started on non-zelda character crush's otherwise we'll be here a while.
I need to get out more. :ajsleepy:

I am honestly I am partial to any of the Zeldas (or at least the ones from the games I've played: LttP, OoT/MM, WW, TP, SS) but if I must pick one female out of the whole series... The Twilight Princess


... and I am too tired to state my reasons, ask me in the morning

2469427 Zelda-wise: Definitely Zelda from SS. She's just so nice, and doesn't strike me as a downer as much as the other princesses.

But, since you also said "in any game, for that matter?"

I got this for Christmas and beat it in one night, because it was just that addicting. It's made me like Lara Croft again.

From the Zelda games, Link from Twilight Princess. And I kinda like Shad, too.

Now, from any other game, June from Halo Reach.

2469718 YES. Midna times kaiouken 4.
But if not Midna, then Marin from Link's Awakening.

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