Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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So I've hit a sticking point in a fic I've been writing and started thinking.
All of us here love Zelda. All of us here love ponies. Why not do a gigantic collab between ALL of us about Zelda and ponies?
Specific plot and details will be worked out later. Simply PM me if you're interested and I'll set up a Skype group or something for us.
S'gonna be gud. I forsee no problems.:pinkiecrazy:

Trust me even when everyone's doing their own thing working in a giant group always leads to trouble. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of a huge MLP Zelda collaboration project and if you can pull it off it'll probably be good. But it won't be easy so I wish you luck. May Miyamoto and Faust guide you.

2476327 Well, no one else replied anyways.:twilightblush:Oh well.

This could be good... I have a few Zelda crossover ideas, I just haven`t been able to pull them off myself.

2547786 I've got a few too. Do you have a skype account?

No, I do not. The only social media (Or really anything other than face-to-face interaction, for that matter.) that I use is Facebook.:twilightsheepish:

2550746 We can bounce ideas off each other with PMs if you want.:pinkiehappy:

Sounds cool.:moustache:

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