Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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From the different Zelda characters we use to the Friendship is Magic characters we use, which one is the easiest for you to write with? For me, it's most of the Mane Six except for Pinkie Pie, Celestia and Luna, and Discord. Zelda character wise: Ghirahim.
EDIT: And possibly Yuga, if I ever did use him.

it depends it either rainbow dash or twi

2477257 Yeah, Yuga would be easy. For the mane six, I only encounter trouble spots with Applejack and Pinkie, and even then it's only in very specific situations. Marin would be tough to write, but that's because her personality is rather limited...

2477451 Love your avatar! I`m a HUGE SAO fan!

Easiest pony to write with? In my opinion, that would be either Luna or Twilight. Zelda wise, any main character of Twilight Princess, so Zelda, Ganondorf, Link, etc.
That`s probably just because TP is my favorite Zelda game. I know even more about Kingdom Hearts, though.

2531354 thanks I'm also a fan so far I've found few who know of the series/anime:derpytongue2:good to know there a fellow fan:yay: yay

2531427 SAO is an unappreciated gem. It`s a true disappointment...
Are you a Kingdom Hearts fan, perchance?

2543808 yes played only three though annoying the last few bosses at the end of the first game

In my opinion, KHII was the best game. I mean, that last battle against Xemnas was EPIC. :pinkiegasp:
As a side note, would you happen to be interested in writing a KH crossover with me? I have a couple of ideas, I just never found a good way to execute it. And personally, this would probably be too big of an undertaking to pull off myself.:twilightsheepish:

They were quite the pain. Especially the World of Chaos...

I just realized something.
Twilight Princess is the reciprocal of Princess Twilight!
Twilight Princess=My favorite Zelda game
Magical Mystery Cure=My favorite FiM episode

2545665 No he is #Ansemthejackass

You speak the truth, my friend.
If you want to continue this elsewhere, I do have a group for KH crossovers. Even if we have no stories...:fluttercry:


Let's see... Ghirahim is an easy character to write about because one has to just write about a gentlemanly demonic entity whose mind warps down to utter madness and violence the longer he fails. Anjean and Byrne are also surprisingly easy to write about. Anjean wishes to protect the land she loves and preserve the Spirit Tracks, while Byrne himself felt convinced that he was better than everyone else so he helped to resurrect Malladus, but ended up regretting all of his previous actions and became an atoner.

On the MLP side, any member of the Mane 6 besides Pinkie Pie. While they were explored thoroughly, one can never explore Pinkie Pie thoroughly. Her mind is just too random. Princess Celestia is also a good character to write about, since she wears her character on her hooves.

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