Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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Mother Maiamai goes to Equestria in search of her children. Upon encountering her, the mane six decide to help. Their quest sweeps them away into something bigger than any of them anticipated. They gain the means to travel to the alternate dimension of Loqestria(working name) a la Lorule. Inside of this new world, they must find a way to survive. They get caught up in some turmoil (not sure what it would be yet) and resolve to rescue the world from destruction, save the lost Maiamais, and somehow return home.

GO FOR IT!:yay::pinkiehappy:

2509285 Just so you know I did not understand any of that all together, but GO FOR IT

2509333 I'll do it!:pinkiehappy:WOOO!


I wish you luck in your endeavors.

2529513 And you, yours.:pinkiehappy:

2509285 Your Idea sounds kinda cool, Is the title there just so you want your thoughts on what you consider a random Idea or do you want us to all pitch in random Ideas for a random Zelda/Pony Crossover?

If it is the Latter, one that I just thought of that might make a better short comedy thaan a long adventure story. Twilight's Library burns up in a fire, and she sets up a new home inside the Great Deku Tree. :pinkiehappy:

If it is the Former, then I am not sure what Ideas i can pitch in for your idea, I still need to finish the game :twilightblush:.

2533177 That could be funny, we should get someone to write that. I was actually just asking for peoples' opinions on my story idea in the title.
On an unrelated note, I just got the pegasus boots and freaking sweeped both worlds and got every single Maiamai. Victory is so sweet.:rainbowkiss:

My REALLY confusing idea: An AU version of both Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
After the events of Oot, when Zelda sends Link back in time so that he can live a normal life, he refuses to let her do so. Instead, Zelda casts a different spell. Instead of sending Link back in time, she makes him immortal. So, in this story, the Link from Twilight Princess is actually the Link from OoT, 100 years in the future.
While fighting Zant, when he attempts to use the spell to change their arena, Link shoots him with an arrow, causing the spell to backfire and send them both to Equestria. Comedy, ponification, possibly death, and the discovery of a new Master Sword ensue.

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