Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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I proposed this idea in another group, but I feel that the best game in the series that Button Mash and Sweetie Belle can express the best Link and Zelda personas is Spirit Tracks. Though the age of the game's Link and Zelda are similar to the ages of Button Mash and Sweetie Belle, what really would make the roles believable is the fact that, outside of Skyward Sword, it's the most intimate that Link has gotten with Zelda, same way with how Button Mash can relate to Sweetie Belle. Button Mash would also make a good Link, especially with his savvy mind and fandom characterization being able to traverse through the world. Also, Sweetie Belle is innocent, yet feisty enough to play Spirit Track's Zelda very effectively. I would write this, but I feel that I'm not the author for the job. In addition, I would like to see Spirit Tracks receive more love here as a Zelda game, and what better way than a story such as this?

I shall notify more possible authors not in the group


Thank you very much good sir for taking the time to look at this idea and offering a generous hand :twilightsmile:

2528397 I like this idea. However, I've never played Spirit Tracks. Did play Phantom Hourglass, though. Plus, I've got another Zelda idea that I'm toying with.

You might have the man for the job!

i just... Need to do some research on Spirit Tracks first. Someone stole my DS the day I got ST. :fluttercry:


I shall help you research Spirit Tracks if you need it and what ponies can fit into which scenario (such as who the Lokomos can be, and who the villains and other characters can be).

That would be a huge help! I`ll do a little bit of research, and get back to you, say, tomorrow?

Alright. I`ve read the Zelda Wiki articles on Spirit Tracks, and I`m ready whenever you are.


I'm ready when you are as well. Just PM me.

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