Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Wewt 50 Stories! :pinkiehappy:

*Looks at Stories Folder*

and none of them are from the adult timeline! :fluttercry:

Well I promised to myself and all of the group that I would write a Legend of Zelda Wind Waker fic if there still wasn't any stories in the adult timeline folder, and now it is about time I made good on my promise. Considering this is the first Fanfic I will ever write that isn't for school work, it is probably destined to have errors and stuff. So if anyone wants to help out with prereading/brainstorming my story PM me!

I am almost finished beating A Link Between Worlds, and I will be working playing Wind Waker HD, and take some notes. If I do not report within a month, someone needs to hunt me down. :pinkiecrazy:


I actually posted an idea for a Spirit Tracks fic starring Button Mash and Sweetie Belle that FinestFantasy13 was generous enough to do, since everyone ignores Spirit Tracks despite it being a major entry in the Adult Timeline.

Fifty stories?

2559786 Woo, this branch of the crossover community grows!


I wouldn't say that I have Ignored it, as much as I haven't played it yet and I am extra nervous about spoilers, so I try to avoid it until I either decide to watch gameplay videos on youtube or buy it myself.

Trains for the win! :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

Who hoo! So glad I created this group. :pinkiehappy:

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