Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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He's a combination of Ghirahim, Ganon, and Zant. Think about it; he has features from all of them! His design has bits of them, from Ghirahim's makeup, Ganon's hair, and Zant's clothes; but also has personality traits from them too! He's flamboyant and prone to rage like Ghirahim, when he gets angry he throws a tantrum like Zant, and he desired the Triforce and power like Ganon!

He's a damn nut is what he is.


You know, it honestly couldn't be a coincidence that Yuga shares in Ghirahim and Zant's traits and the fact that Lorule has a black, upside-down Triforce like Demise's sword. Call me crazy, but Yuga, Zant and Ghirahim are probably all connected via Demise's curse as well.


Well, I was about to ramble on about a crazy theory that the Twilight realm was actually Lorule, but after I go thinking about it, it didn't make sense. Though, considering that Lorule lacks an equivalent of the Master Sword, and that Ghirahim's true form has the Lorulean Triforce, then maybe Ghirahim is the Lorule Master Sword! I'm not sure what that would make Demise, though...


The incarnations of Demise are probably their own antitheses of the Hero of Time that come from Lorule. That's my guess anyways.

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2592188 He's also part Agahnim. He's an evil sorcerer trying to bring back Ganon (though for different reasons) and he's the boss of Hyrule castle, and the boss you fight just before entering Lorule/ Dark World. Also, Agahnim is theorized to be an alternate form of Ganon, whereas Yuga is Ganon(dorf)'s Lorule counterpart. Basically all your Zelda Villains combined.

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