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What's, in your opinion, the worst Zelda or MLP villain thus far? For MLP, I gotta go with Either Gilda or Lightning Dust, mostly because they annoyed me; for Zelda, I gotta go with Yuga because, while they tried to make a villain similar to Ghirahim or Zant, they forgot two things; one, have the villain be encountered often and have a unique personality like Ghirahim, you only met Yuga three times in LBW, and his personality is just a watered down Ghirahim; and two, make the villain feel threatening, like how they did with Zant. Yuga never felt threatening, even after he fused with Ganon, he still just felt like "Oh, this guy again." The final fight was pretty awesome though...Doesn't quite make up for the rest of him, though.

Yeah, Yuga wasn't too good...for mlp, I'd go Lightning Dust. The moral for that episode felt tacked on and her character just seemed weird to me. For Zelda...hm. Probably Yuga, if I absolutely had to make a choice. There isn't any villain I really don't like, but Yuga might be my least favorite just because I like others more.

you mean the kind that you want rip there head off just to shut them up

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Worst MLP villain? Sombra. I was so hyped about him. He had a badass design, badass powers, and was over a thousand years old. But when it came to his appearance, he didn't even feel like a character. All he ever said was "sllllaaaaaves." And he didn't even do anything. Now, I'm not saying that he was a bad villain; he served his purpose and felt very threatening, but there was so much more they could have done with him. How'd he get his powers? Why's he so evil and obsessed with slaves? What's up with Gak? I think he could have been spectacular, but was just wasted potential.

As for Zelda? I'm really not sure. Most Zelda villains were geat. Yuga was okay, but definitely not the best.

2731550 For mlp, I think i'd have to go with Sunset Shimmer. She could have been a great villain, but she just a typical high school bully. Nothing interesting, in my opinion. I think she could have been way better, and as for Zelda, i'd also go with Yuga for worst villain.

For zelda I would say yuga or girahim. Yuga felt under developed and not threatening at all and girahim was well thought out but just rubbed me the wrong way. For mlp I would say sombra but in all truths I have to say nightmare moon. She's so cliche evil it's a bit painful. If she's Luna it's great when she's NMM she's mindless and boringly cliche.

Group Admin

2735188 Actually, I think I'll change my worst MLP villain to Sunset Shimmer. If her whole plan was to take over the world, then what was the point of her being a high school alpha bitch? And I seriously can't see Celestia choosing her as a pro·té·gé. :trollestia:

:facehoof: I can't believe I only just realized that her name is a play on Twilight Sparkle. Oh, mah glob. It's like, totally amazing, because they're like, opposites, because Twilight is nice and Sunset is mean. :pinkiehappy::applejackunsure::ajbemused:


MLP villain-wise, I'd go with either Gilda or Sombra. Gilda's just an unpleasant female, and Sombra just didn't live up to expectations.

Zelda-wise, Malladus. Yes, he is the big bad of the game. However, anyone knows when the big bad of a game is horrible if a pint-sized imp is more threatening than the character.

I dunno. I think the fact that Yuga did merge with Ganon does say a few things about how threatening he is. Not to mention how he goes about with the portraits of the Sages' descendants. Not saying he's the best, but there are worse contenders. :duck:

Anyways, I did read something on how Chrysalis is the worst villain. Of course, it's all opinionated, but I could see where it was coming from. I mean, one could argue that she was looking for food for her people. But that does bring the "Complete Monster" tendencies into question. Not to mention her change of motive in the comic's "Return of Queen Chrysalis" arc. Simply put that "something" could be summed down to, "Nightmare had motivation, background, and determination, Discord had background, motivation, and a fun personality, Sombra had background and presence." My addendum could be "And Sunset had background, motivation (as far as the comic is concerned), and eventual remorse for her actions." Of course, the blurb on Chrysalis didn't have much to begin with, but eh.

For worst Zelda villain, my vote would go to Malledus as well. Especially since he doesn't even look threatening in his original form. Not to mention, he doesn't have much in the way of personality.

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