Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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Hands down the most likeable new character in a Link Between Worlds. He has a personality that is actually just downright adorable. It actually makes him renting out/selling his items at exorbitant prices bearable. Actually, I liked that about him. But I always questioned to myself why he has all these items and why the bracelet he gave Link allowed Link to turn into a painting. That question bogged on my mind until he was revealed to be a citizen of Lorule. Not just that, but he was actually the Lorule counterpart to Link. After discovering this, my liking for Ravio exponentially grew since he's basically Link. He may be cowardly, but being able to gather those items makes him quite an awesome character.

He's just so dampened likeable.

Group Admin

3028094 Actually, he's not really a coward, even though he claims he is. He's may not an adventurer like Link, but he was the one who stood up to Princess Hilda to tell her what she was doing was wrong. This is a lot like Fluttershy, in fact.


He only gained the courage after he witnessed how Link was. It's just the same way how Hilda (who was foolish) and Yuga (who was pathetic in power) were before interacting with their foils (interacting with Zelda made Hilda wise enough to listen to Ravio's reasoning, and Yuga became all-powerful by absorbing Ganon). It honestly matches how the absence of the Lorulean Triforce stripped their counterparts of Power, Wisdom and Courage. Yet, at the end of the game, the Lorulean Triforce was restored, and so were the missing characteristics of Ravio, Hilda and Yuga (if he was alive).

3028603 That's deep...

3028603 That's deep...

3028603 I think the reason Ravio charged such outrageous prices for his items was quite simple.

He knew that if Link was just handed the items he needed, he might not have had enough experience to utilize them to their full potential. But by renting them out, Link could get a feel for how each item handled as he earned enough Rupees to actually be able to buy the item, thereby making him a pro at using those items by the time he could afford them!:pinkiegasp:


That's actually a good point. Though, it's really easy to find rupees in the game. Regardless, is there a way on how to successfully incorporate Ravio within the MLPverse?

3030262 "You mean there is a universe out there where bright, colorful talking horses use gold as currency!? I think I just might have a few useless trinkets I've been trying to get rid of...or a few thousand...." :raritystarry:

Group Admin

3028603 That's deep indeed. :derpyderp2:

3030262 Perhaps Hyrule is to Lorule as Equestria is to... some chaotic counterpart (Perhaps that's where Discord's from.) And they ponies all have their counterparts there. Man, 4 universes. And that's where Link and Ravio come in to save the day... Hey, I came up with this on the spot, okay? :trollestia:


Coming up with things on the spot is the sign of a healthy imagination. And imagine the Aquestrian ponies (Yeah, I just inverted the e to an a).

i think all those items were from the Lorule Castle, and he took them from the weaponry or wherever because he knew that the hero from Hyrule could use them to restore harmony to Lorule.

3028603 I've seen a theory about Yuga being the wizard mentioned in Zelda 2. (I don't remember exactly where, though.) In any case, I don't think he's alive shortly after ALBW, but anything afterwards much futher along is another story.


Yuga may be unlikeable as a character, but he does a good job with the role he played. After all, he managed to pull a Hijacked by Ganon on Ganon himself.

3036770 :rainbowhuh: I didn't say anything about him being unlikable. But true, nonetheless. :twilightsmile:


He could be the wizard that was spoken of, but it is very unlikely.

Also, from what I have read of this forum, Yuga isn't really likeable as a character. He's good as a villain, but he's just bad everywhere else. He does have the obligatory tennis boss sequence for the final boss fight.

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