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The weakest and strongest of all ethereal beings, Elementals are the living embodiments of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Void, and Aether.

Because they are pure embodiments of the elements themselves, none can match their strength in their respectful elements. However, this means they are incredibly weak against their opposites, meaning a Fire Elemental can be defeated with a gentle rainshower.

Fire Elemental

Destructive by design, Fire elementals live to consume and grow until all available fuel in an area is used up. they never seem to exist in forms over 8 feet tall, but unsubstantiated reports tell of 20 foot monstrosities.

Fire Elementals are the least intelligent of their kin, and can often be outsmarted.

Water Elemental

Water Elementals are among the least active of elementals, but are very smart and fond of puzzles. However, they are prone to violent mood swings, much like the ocean itself.

Earth Elemental

the most solid of the elementals, Earth elementals are passive, calm, and near-impossible to provoke. however, they are also not very bright.

Air Elemental

Active, powerful, and even more prone to mood swings than Water Elementals, Air Elementals are capable of swelling to enormous sizes when irritated, and are the second most destructive elemental type after Fire Elementals.

Void Elemental

the most mysterious and intelligent of Elementals, Void Elementals are also the most rare, with most current knowledge coming from a single individual partially responsible for the Equestrian Civil War.

Aether Elemental

the most insubstantial of all elementals, when Aether Elementals manifest on the Material Plane, they are forced to either bind themselves to physical objects they craft from magic (resorting in this odd, bipedal form), or dissipate and "die".



Group Admin

3717533 This thread has so much ideas must... go... to an older thread... *explodes* Great thread post. :pinkiesmile:

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