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while discussing dragons, I mentioned pseudodragons. Pseudodragons are a group of reptilian creatures that are defined by their vague physically similarity to Dragons, though they do come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and body-types. Though some of them may look like dragons and all are closely related to dragons, Pseudodragons are definitely not dragons.

a few have developed sapience

Dire Jabberwock

A sapient relative of the Jabberwock, the Dire Jabberwock (Shadow Dragon, Magala) is a terrifying sight.

Most other predators will take costs to avoid a dire jabberwock. These pseudodragons can grow up to the size of a Greater Drake, and have a venomous bite. However, this is the least devastating of the Dire Jabberwock's arsenal, as they can also fire purple plasma from their jaws.

Dire Jabberwocks have the ability to cause "Dragon Frenzy", which can cause other dragons (except Purple Drakes) to go into a rage.

Cave Jabberwock

Massive, blind beings, Cave Jabberwocks tend to collect hoards of knowledge, consisting of books and scrolls. How they read them is unknown.

Cave Jabberwocks have no breath weapon, but often learn a vast array of spells.


Draks are close cousins of the Stratodons which once guarded Castle Midnight. they are different from dragons in certain skull features and their tri-forked tail. Some Draks may have a mutation which causes the growth of three separate tails

Pestilence Drak

known to be highly poisonous, these natives of Northrim are highly OCD.

Flame Drak

well known for carrying flames on the ends of their tails as status symbols, Flame Draks are very social, congregating in massive flocks


The Cherufe are a race of bipedal reptilians. Cherufes are slender and tall, with two pairs of arms (the lower pair being slightly shorter and thinner than the other), and a prehensile lizard-like tail. The smaller arms are traditionally used for writing and other detail work, while the larger arms are used in their blacksmithing work, heavy lifting, and other manual labor. Their scales often range from red to black, though green or grey Cherufe exist. The Cherufe dote on travellers; welcoming them with open arms and feasts. Because the Cherufe cannot speak (they write, instead), their intentions are often misinterpreted by all but the most informed of adventurers.

The Cherufe's culture and society revolve around stories and tales that have been shared with them. They often inscribe the stories they hear into tablets deep underground in what legends call the Cherufe Index. Because it is so deep underground, and surrounded by magma, it would be impossible for anyone but the Cherufe themselves to consult this resource. Many believe it doesn't exist.

The Cherufe do not usually venture away from their homeland in the Scorched Lands Muspelheim. When they do, it's often to other similarly hot places, if they can survive the journey. But this isn't for lack of trying; the Cherufe are very susceptible to illness in mild temperatures that most other races would find too warm for comfort.

The Cherufe are among the best blacksmiths in the world and famous for their volcanic forges. However, they only share the fruits of their labor with individuals they deem fit.


forest-dwelling cousins of the Cherufe, the four-armed Quigutl are also experts at metalsmithing. However, while their volcanic cousins forge their works from steel, iron, bronze, and adamant, the average quig is more at home with making trinkets of gold, silver, in, and brass.

quigutl also have a keen sense of smell, ranging from being able to smell the composition of a metal coin to smelling how sharp a concealed dagger is.

Hidebehind Drake

Native to Funeral island, Hidebehind Drakes can teleport and become invisible. they are among the fastest of reptile species, and act as Funeral Island's law enforcement.

Common Hodag
Cave Hodag
Shovelnose Hodag

Simple country folk, the Hodag are found throughout southern Equestria and Funeral Island. all are roughly pony-sized to some extent, and there are three types.

the common hodag is roughly the size of a normal pony. they don't try to bother anyone much, and supposedly can play a fiddle better than anypony.

Cave Hodags are the most secretive of hodags. foal sized and with large, light-sensitive eyes, these hodags usually only come out at night

Shovelnose Hodags are the most northern breed. alicorn-sized, this hodag breed is quiet and gentle, with a taste for porcupine.

Lake Serpent

Queen Ness and Duchess Morag of Glascolt/Coltland, the last two Northern Lake Serpents

The Lake Serpent is a mysterious aquatic creature that can be best described as a gentle giant that prefers to avoid contact with other civilized creatures whenever possible.

Prince Huapi, a Southern Lake Serpent

They are typically about 30 to 50 feet long and have a large round body, four rhombus-shaped fins, a thick serpentine neck, and a relatively small, vaguely horse-like head. A lake serpent's mouth is filled with needle-like teeth designed for catching fish, squid, and other aquatic animals and their skin is smooth. strangely for reptiles, they possess some qualities of whales and dolphins (such as an insulating layer of blubber and the ability of echolocation).

Lady Erie, a Frilled Lake Serpent

Very little is known for certain of the lake serpent's behavior, as they are shy and reclusive creatures that are rarely encountered up close. they are known to live in deep lakes and bays all across the Known World, where they feed on a diet of fish, squid, and seaweed. they spend most of their time deep below the surface, though they are still air-breathers and regularly breach the surface in order to replenish their air supply.

Lord Champlain, a Finned Lake Serpent

Despite their intimidating size and appearance, they are very shy but friendly beings that rarely attack. There are even several recorded accounts of lake serpents rescuing sailors from drowning. they are most commonly sighted at dawn, dusk, and whenever the surface of their aquatic territories are covered in fog or mist. it is believed that they spend a good deal of their time sleeping partially buried on the muddy bottom of their deep lake habitats in order to conserve energy.

Tsesarevich Van, a Red Lake Serpent

there are several strains of Lake Serpent: Northern (standard, no defining features), Frilled (more serpentine, ear frills), Finned (small fin going down back), Southern (humped back), Red (obvious) and Neighponese (described as eel-like). the Northern Lake serpent is nearly extinct, and the current rulers of Glascolt/Coltland (seen above) are the last ones of their kind in their country.

Honorable Lady Ikeda, a Neighponese Lake Serpent.


Not Pseudodragons or true dragons, Illithid dragons share a superficial resemblance to Mind Flayers and possess powerful psionic powers.


I'm from Wisconsin, and I live about 2 hours away from the Rhinelander area where the Hodag hoax was started. I like seeing a "Wisconsin Bigfoot" in Equestria.

Group Admin

5077797 The Hodag is honestly one of my favorite "Fearsome Critters".

I knew I had to add them, and so they emerged as simple "down-to-earth" folk.

5078739 makes sense, since the Rhinelander area's main business at the time of the hoax was logging.

Group Admin

5079090 yep!

there was also a small comic I found on different types of Hodag, which is why I have three types

5079113 cool. do you remember the name of said comic?

Also, at a model train show last year, there was a logging layout set in upper Wisconsin. SOMEWHERE on that layout in the forest was a Hodag. I couldn't find it, but I know that a lot of people did, including my dad. (Dad wouldn't tell me where it was)

Group Admin

5079364 sadly no, and cool!

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