Flipverse 293 members · 7 stories
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Bed Head
Group Admin

As proof that I am thinking ahead and working on the Flipverse, I just figured I'd drop this here. Consider it a part of the Story Ideas thread as well if you'd like. Just a basic outline of what I think a Season 1 of Flipverse will look like.

Given that it's the founding season, a big part of it would of course be establishing and exploring the characters and their budding friendship, and how those bonds are expressed between each individual. Much like Season 1 of the canon, it'd be mostly Slice of Life stories, and even the more adventure driven ones (I hope) should be very character focused.

1. Flipside (The original, of course)
2. Boast Backers (In very slow progress)
Then in no particular order...
3. Thunderlane focus story (Likely Thunder and Circumstance from my blog post before)
4. Big Mac focus story (Likely In Wolf's Clothing from that same post.)
5. Cheerilee focus story (No solid ideas atm)
6. Ditzy Doo focus story (No solid ideas)
7. Time Turner focus story (Maaaybe one idea, possibly, atm)
8. Twilight focus story (Have an idea I'd like to run with, keeping it under my hat)
9. CMC founding episode
10. Finale (Set in stone in my mind, I know what I'm doing as a finale. No spoilers)

Now this is by no means comprehensive or set in stone except where otherwise noted. There could be more stories or less depending on what sort of ideas come up, if other people write some, etc. This is just the bare-bones outline of what I have in mind for Season One.

So, if anybody has suggestions, wants to write a story of their own, or just wants to discuss the outline itself, this is the place for it!

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