Flipverse 293 members · 7 stories
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Bed Head
Group Admin

The Flipverse is almost completely identical to the canon-verse, with the one major change being... well, being in the Forum's title picture. Spike was born as a pony and Twilight as a dragon.

That being said, let's break down the important things those that plan on writing their own Flipverse stories will need to know! Warning, spoilers for the fic Flipside follow (but if you're planning to write a story, I bet you already read it.)

*Edit: added notes on Canon Mane 6 (minus Twilight) 8/28/13*

Who's who: The Flipped Mane Six

Spike "Purple Prose" Flail, the Element of Magic.
Born and raised in Canterlot, Spike has the same family as Canon-Twilight does. Shining Armor is his older brother, and his parents will use what seem to be the accepted names of Twilight Velvet (mother) and Night Light (father).

Spike attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns when he was young, and earned his cutie mark working on the school newspaper. By writing an article that exposed Princess Celestia's then personal student (Trixie Lulamoon) as a bully and a cheater. That moment also lead Twilight (Trixie's former assistant) to come live with him.

As an adult, he works for the Canterlot Sun, the most popular newspaper in Equestria. Twilight works as his assistant and their relationship is very similar to canon just with Spike calling the shots while Twilight keeps things organized. Since the events of the Summer Sun Celebration and the defeat of Nightmare Moon, the two now live out the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville. Spike is on special assignment to send reports of local news to his boss, Ink Blot, back up in Canterlot, and even has his own weekly article dedicated to slice-of-life style reports.

Spike is still very similar to his canon portrayal, a hard worker when he's not sleeping in and very protective of Twilight. While his magic power isn't much more impressive than a normal unicorn's, he proved his worthiness of bearing the Element of Magic by pushing himself to the limits of his power in order to protect the Elements from Nightmare Moon when she tried to steal them.

If Canon Twilight Sparkle embodies Magic by the phrase "Learn something new everyday", then Flipverse Spike does it by being "More than meets the eye."

Twilight, Spike's assistant

Twilight was hatched from the examination egg for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns by a young Trixie Lulamoon. She started life serving as Trixie's fancy pet/trophy, something to be shown off to the other students. When Spike's article was published and Trixie was expelled, Twilight went to live with the young colt that saved her.

Since the events of the Summer Sun Celebration, she lives with Spike in the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight still has many of her canon personality traits, including her attention to detail and determination to make sure Spike gets all his work done.

Thunderlane, the Element of Honesty

Born in Cloudsdale, Thunderlane earned his cutie mark by helping his father (a weather factory worker) wrangle sudden stampede of storm clouds. His special talent is dealing with storm clouds big and small, both using them and breaking them apart.

He currently lives in Ponyville with his younger brother Rumble. When Nightmare Moon appeared and cursed every foal in Ponyville into an enchanted slumber, Thunderlane mistakenly blamed Spike for the fiasco. Thankfully that was cleared quickly, and Thunderlane was one of the first to join in the search for the Elements in the Everfree Forest. He proved himself as the bearer of Honesty by (twice) forcing Spike to face difficult truths and keep him moving forward to save Ponyville.

Thunderlane works on the weather team as one of Rainbow Dash's subordinates. For the most part he's not afraid to voice complaints or say what he feels on the subject. When it comes to embodying his element, the idea is "The truth hurts, but it's what you need to hear."

Time Turner, the Element of Generosity

The tan earth pony known to the fandom as "Dr. Whooves." Since his canonical name according to the toy line was Time Turner when I wrote the first story, that's what he is here. He serves as personal assistant and scheduler to Mayor Mare, as well as managing and repairing time-pieces all around town. From wall clocks, all the way to Ponyville's clocktower.

Time Turner is usually easy to find in Town Hall. When Nightmare Moon returned and cursed all of Ponyville's foals, almost all of Ponyville thought Spike had something to do with it. Time Turner was the first one to give Spike a second chance in order to find out the truth of the matter. Though reluctant to go chasing after the Elements at first, Time Turner eventually followed the others since he knew the most about the Everfree out of any of them. He proved himself as the bearer of Generosity by putting himself in danger to try and protect Twilight from falling off a cliff. Even after they both fell, he used his own body a shield to protect her.

Time Turner tends to stay focused on the positives in any situation, and tries to approach things with a level head. He also likes keeping everything in town running like clockwork, which tends to put him at odds with those that don't like to stick to schedules (especially Rainbow Dash.) Still, the phrase that best suits him is "Always a moment to spare" as he won't hesitate to drop what he's doing if somepony needs a hoof.

Ditzy Doo, the Element of Laughter

A mailmare that's lived in Ponyville for quite some time, most everyone knows about Ditzy Doo. Fans are more familiar with the name Derpy Hooves for her, but once more I was working off different canonical information. Still, everypony and brony knows this wall-eyed gray pegasus.

Ditzy Doo lives with her daughter (a unicorn filly named Dinky Doo). Much like Rumble did for Thunderlane, Dinky getting cursed was Ditzy's driving reason to find the Elements of Harmony. She never blamed Spike for what happened to Dinky at all, thinking of him as a friend even though the two had just met that day (via her crashing into him at the train station). Ditzy joined just as quickly as Thunderlane in order to seek the Elements of Harmony. She proved herself as the bearer of Laughter by helping to calm down Twilight, who was panicking after her fall from the cliff, by using funny faces and tickling to make her smile and forget her fears.

Ditzy is a very 'in the moment' type of character, and often doesn't notice collateral damage from her actions (think something like her portrayal in the first few minutes of "Last Roundup.") And much like there, there's never any malice behind the damage she does, and her heart is always in the right place. If one were to hold the phrase "Ignorance is bliss" to be true, that'd mean Ditzy Doo is the happiest mare in Equestria.

Big Macintosh, the Element of Loyalty

Big Macintosh (or Big Mac or just Mac) is well known around town, and there's no variance from his canon portrayal (only a few extrapolations...)

He's a stallion of few words still, preferring his simple "eeyup" and "nope" to answer questions. He can and will say more where necessary, but often keeps his choice of words simple and never uses more than he has to. He's also a bit shy meeting new ponies, and doesn't particularly enjoy being center of attention (though it seems he can deal with it by just blushing and nodding a lot).

When Nightmare Moon returned and put every foal (including Apple Bloom) into an eternal sleep, Big Mac at first went with most of the town in feeling Spike had some connection to the Mare of Darkness. After he and Thunderlane were chewed out for following through on that, he was quick to apologize. Upon finding out about the Elements, he was the first to charge for the Everfree Forest with no care for his own safety if it meant saving his sister. He proved himself as the bearer of Loyalty by standing up against dangerous creatures to protect the others. First fighting an Ursa Minor toe-to-hoof to protect Spike and Cheerilee, then putting himself between Nightmare Moon and the others right before she fired off a deadly spell.

The idea "Actions speak louder than words" fits Big Mac great for the show and carries over well here.

Cheerilee, the Element of Kindness

Ponyville's favorite school teacher isn't changed from her canon portrayal. She loves her students and they love her. Though she can raise her voice when necessary to bring them (or even adults!) into line if need be.

When Nightmare Moon returned she spent a good bit of time trying to console a heavily distraught Ditzy Doo. When she heard the racket Big Mac and Thunderlane were making trying to apprehend Spike, she elected to step in there and tell the two off for acting like brutes. Like Ditzy Doo and Time Turner, she didn't believe Spike was working for Nightmare Moon. When Ditzy, Thunderlane, and Big Mac all jumped to enter the Everfree forest, Cheerilee didn't need much prodding before she joined in, desperate to save her beloved students. She proved herself as the Element of Kindness while Big Mac was protecting her and Spike from an Ursa Minor. Cheerilee found the Ursa's mother (a fully grown Ursa Major) trapped in a cave, and set it free hoping to reunite mother and child. It worked, something she was glad for given she had no proof that the two Ursas were parent and cub.

The idea "A gentle touch succeeds where a strong hoof fails" can apply to Cheerilee well.

Canon Mane 6

Rainbow Dash

She still serves as Ponyville's weather manager, and we're dealing with Dash as she was at the start of Season One. Boastful, arrogant, and a bit of a lone wolf. I'll just come out and say that (aside from the ensuing embarrassment afterward...) Rainbow Dash didn't suffer any long-term major punishment for bad mouthing Spike. She's still available in Ponyville, occasionally shirking her duties in favor of practicing her stunt flying or just lazing around since she doesn't have her bonds to the others to pull her head out of the clouds.


Still quite the... well, shy pony, she still lives at the edge of the Everfree Forest and takes care of her animals. Once more, as it stands, we're dealing with Fluttershy from early Season One. She prefers staying at home with her animals to talking to ponies, perks right up when there's a cute critter around, and almost faints if somepony surprises her. Without her connections to the canon Mane 6 it's safe to assume that it'll be hard to draw her from her shell... though much like in the canon, she does have a fondness for little dragon Twilight.


Still the same hardworking mare she's always been. Applejack is also just as stubborn as ever, taking her responsibilities on the farm and around Ponyville very seriously. She's of course proud of her older brother and his accomplishments. That doesn't mean she's gonna up and let him do all the hard work next time. Really, there's not much to say about AJ... though without the others to soften her up, it's probably a safe bet somepony else will have to remind her not to be so stubborn at times.

Pinkie Pie

It's Pinkie Pie. What do you expect to change?

In all seriousness, she's just as happy-go-lucky and energetic as ever. Still sees everypony in town (new or old) as her friend. And if somepony isn't her friend, she hasn't met them yet. Granted, the rest of the Mane 6 had something close to a restraining factor on her, eventually dialing her wacky antics back a little. Kind of. If you squinted. But in the end, Pinkie is pretty much a constant whatever continuity she's in.

Though I'm hoping we won't be seeing any Flipverse versions of "Cupcakes."


Naturally a universe centered around Spike's adventures would come to Rarity eventually. Without her ties to the others her true passion is for fashion of course. It'll also mean we're dealing with the somewhat more snobbish Rarity from early Season One: likes everything to look nice, hates getting down and dirty, would love to make it big in Canterlot, etc. And now she doesn't have the Mane 6 to draw her out of her usual comfort zone with the little adventures and such they pulled her into.

Then there's on other important detail: her relationship with Spike. As in canon, Spike fell head over hooves the second he saw her. Without the vast age and species difference, plus the addition of Spike being regarded as a hero, there's no denying that Rarity would have an easier time taking his feelings for her seriously. This simplifies the relationship... but doesn't necessarily make it better. At the moment, it's still not even in a budding stage really. For those that read and might write Flipverse stories, I plan to try and keep the romance developing at a reasonable pace.

Equestria in general

Aside from Celestia not having a personal student (her last one being Trixie Lulamoon, who was expelled in grade school), there's no difference between Canon and Flipverse Equestrias. Celestia was in charge for one-thousand years, and Nightmare Moon has been purified and returned to being Princess Luna. Given that Spike himself wrote the article about Nightmare Moon's defeat there's the chance that all six Element bearers are more well known and wildly recognized than the canon Mane 6, but that doesn't need to be a rule if you're writing a fic for this setting. Other than the addition of the Canterlot Sun (which is really just giving a title to Canterlot's primary newspaper) there's no significant changes in two Equestrias.


Trixie Lulamoon

Much like her canon-verse counterpart, the Flipverse Trixie is brash, arrogant, and overall obnoxious... but not without reason. Back when she applied to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, an unexplained explosion in the sky caused her magic to surge.

The end result? She hatched the dragon egg that was being used for her exam and was named Celestia's personal student. A role she took to with eagerness, while enjoying all the perks that came with it. Unfortunately, unlike Canon Twilight, Trixie began abusing her power and position. Spike wound up being the pony that took her down, leading to her expulsion from school.

When it comes to Flipverse Trixie, she's already well on her way to the way she was in Magic Duel, and she's slightly better justified with it (though she's nowhere near being the right still!): She holds Spike responsible for ruining her perfect life and stealing her destiny of being the one to stop Nightmare Moon. While her initial plan to try and disgrace Spike in front of his friends didn't work out, you can bet she's biding her time and waiting for another shot at revenge.


Much like Pinkie Pie, Flipverse Zecora hasn't changed much. She'd been living in the Everfree Forest since long before Spike moved in, everypony in town was terrified of her, and it was only an accident with Poison Joke that lead anypony to even trying to get to know her better.

Facing facts, Zecora in canon is something of a writer's convenience. The mysterious stranger who somehow knows and sees everything, who never seems to want to give direct answers but always drops the right hints to a troubled pony that help them find the solution themselves. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that so long as it's not overly blatant or abused. While she does fill that role well and there's no reason to shift her from it, there's also no reason to completely ignore chances to explore her as a character.

Anything I missed? Want to argue a point I made about setting or characters? Questions about other important things? Post them in this thread! I'll also update this thread with pertinent information as characters and the world develop.


Do Cadance and Spike have the same relationship as Twilight and Cadance do in the show, or is it nonexistent, less friendly, more...'friendly', or have they even become some sort of rivals?

Just how many ponies in Canterlot know Spike personally?

What qualifies as canon for this group? I wouldn't mind adding a decent piece to the structure.

Will the Cutie Mark Crusaders stay as Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, or will you change it to three other foals?

I'll get back to you if I come up with any more questions.

Bed Head
Group Admin


Answering in order:

1. I actually hadn't thought much on that, but in my head I hadn't planned on Spike knowing Cadence as his old foalsitter. Partly due to the virtue of not introducing her in the end of Season two I'd hoped to incorporate more appearances for her in other stories so Spike could meet her there. This doesn't need to be a rule, I suppose. This verse is still new so a lot is open-ended.

2. Know Spike personally? Definitely the Editor-in-Chief of the Canterlot Sun (Ink Blot) and probably several other reporters from the paper. There's room for folks to write in co-workers and ponies Spike has interviewed, I just request that things not get too overboard with every other story involving somepony else from Canterlot that knows Spike showing up.

Don't forget, it was Spike's idea to move to Ponyville to be close to the other Flipped Six. Keep that in mind regarding how close he might have been to many others up there (while also minding that Canterlot and Ponyville are practically in spitting distance of each other).

3. Qualifies as canon? Right now I suppose almost anything as long as it's not just swapping the Flipped Six's names into a canon episode. Until there's actually more stories to set up a real baseline canon the main rule I'm going to enforce is this: If you're going to Flip a canon episode to submit to the group, find something interesting to do with it. Take in a new direction, or maybe use it tell a canon story from another perspective, just do something other than swapping in the Flipped Six's names. Once there's actually more stories made for this verse there'll probably be slightly tighter controls on what counts as Canon.

Now, something like a Flipped "Story of the Blanks" or any other popular fan work would be non-canon. Stories that are fun to write by switching in my Flipped Mane Six, but that wouldn't really work to effect future stories I guess is the best way I can phrase it now. A Flipped "On a Cross and an Arrow" would be another good example, as it's fun but chances are the Rule 63 verse wouldn't be affecting anything in the mane verse again. I suppose the best way I can set examples for non-canon at the moment is to refer you to the Lunaverse group and take a look at their non-canon folder.

If you're unsure about whether something can fit as canon, feel free to either send me the details via PM or post them in the Story Ideas forum. Discussing the idea can only help after all.

4. I... Ideally yes, I would like it if the CMC had the core three. That being said, I admit that there's strong likelihood that Rumble and Dinky Doo could also be CMC, and possibly be founding members in addition to (or possibly in place of!) Sweetie and Scootaloo given their own connection to the Elements. I have the vestiges of a "founding" episode in my head kinda, but for now that's up for anyone that might have an interesting idea I suppose.

Hope that was helpful :twilightsmile:!

1477754 What about Spike's crush on Rarity? Now that he is an adult pony(and he's a hero), a relationship seems like it could start up pretty quick. Do you have any thoughts or rules you want to establish, or do you want to just do it all yourself(especially the start of the relationship)?

Bed Head
Group Admin


I am a Sparity fan (who isn't?) but I do admit that a relationship between Spike and Rarity would be significantly less... complex than the canon one. Note I don't say "better." Part of the fun of the Spike/Rarity relationship is in the fans figuring out how the two can make it work despite difference in species, age, etc. Without all that, Rarity would have an easier time taking Spike's feelings for her seriously.

Spike, however, is still the same in that regard. He's shy about admitting his feelings to Rarity and dumbstruck by even the smallest favors or attention she gives him. I've got no problem if people want to play around with that so they can go ahead and do so in their fics. Let's just try to keep the relationship developing at a realistic pace for now, the first step of which will probably be Spike working up the guts to confess his feelings and him and Rarity actually learning more about one another.

Oh, and let's not forget that in canon, it took a literal life-or-death scenario before Spike managed to confess :rainbowlaugh:. No need to go that extreme, just something to keep in mind.

Group Contributor

Considering the dynamics of the Sparity ship in canon... would it be appropriate to use that dynamic in a flipped Twilight pairing with Time Turner? He did save her life, and there is the Element of Generosity parallel between him and canon Rarity. Plus Twilight is still bookish, and given the circumstances, a crush (not necessarily a full ship) could be ultimately adorkable.

Bed Head
Group Admin


It's like you read my mind or something :rainbowlaugh:. I was thinking a TwiTurner crush would be unbelievably cute to try and work into some stories.

It might be best to explain where the original Mane Six are right now. I recall Rainbow making a fool of herself by accusing the captain of the guard's brother of being a traitor.

Bed Head
Group Admin


I do not know why I wasn't updated about this post, but whatever. You're right, that's an oversight I should correct.

Canon Mane 6

Rainbow Dash

She still serves as Ponyville's weather manager, and we're dealing with Dash as she was at the start of Season One. Boastful, arrogant, and a bit of a lone wolf. I'll just come out and say that (aside from the ensuing embarrassment afterward...) Rainbow Dash didn't suffer any long-term major punishment for bad mouthing Spike. She's still available in Ponyville, occasionally shirking her duties in favor of practicing her stunt flying or just lazing around since she doesn't have her bonds to the others to pull her head out of the clouds.


Still quite the... well, shy pony, she still lives at the edge of the Everfree Forest and takes care of her animals. Once more, as it stands, we're dealing with Fluttershy from early Season One. She prefers staying at home with her animals to talking to ponies, perks right up when there's a cute critter around, and almost faints if somepony surprises her. Without her connections to the canon Mane 6 it's safe to assume that it'll be hard to draw her from her shell... though much like in the canon, she does have a fondness for little dragon Twilight.


Still the same hardworking mare she's always been. Applejack is also just as stubborn as ever, taking her responsibilities on the farm and around Ponyville very seriously. She's of course proud of her older brother and his accomplishments. That doesn't mean she's gonna up and let him do all the hard work next time. Really, there's not much to say about AJ... though without the others to soften her up, it's probably a safe bet somepony else will have to remind her not to be so stubborn at times.

Pinkie Pie

It's Pinkie Pie. What do you expect to change?

In all seriousness, she's just as happy-go-lucky and energetic as ever. Still sees everypony in town (new or old) as her friend. And if somepony isn't her friend, she hasn't met them yet. Granted, the rest of the Mane 6 had something close to a restraining factor on her, eventually dialing her wacky antics back a little. Kind of. If you squinted. But in the end, Pinkie is pretty much a constant whatever continuity she's in.

Though I'm hoping we won't be seeing any Flipverse versions of "Cupcakes."


Naturally a universe centered around Spike's adventures would come to Rarity eventually. Without her ties to the others her true passion is for fashion of course. It'll also mean we're dealing with the somewhat more snobbish Rarity from early Season One: likes everything to look nice, hates getting down and dirty, would love to make it big in Canterlot, etc. And now she doesn't have the Mane 6 to draw her out of her usual comfort zone with the little adventures and such they pulled her into.

Reiterating an earlier note: Her relationship with Spike. As in canon, Spike fell head over hooves the second he saw her. Without the vast age and species difference, plus the addition of Spike being regarded as a hero, there's no denying that Rarity would have an easier time taking his feelings for her seriously. This simplifies the relationship... but doesn't necessarily make it better. At the moment, it's still not even in a budding stage really. For those that read and might write Flipverse stories, I plan to try and keep the romance developing at a reasonable pace.

Also, one quick note:


Nothing is truly set in stone about where any events, characters, or relationships could go yet! While I do have my own ideas, plans, and thoughts I want to stay open to what my readers think and what they might want to add through their own writing! The other sticky thread is just the place to put those ideas or announce that you plan on writing them yourself.

What I'm saying is: Flipside laid a groundwork. Anyone that wants to join me in building up from it, come along and feel free to open discussions of how the pieces might fit together whenever you need to.

P.S. I'll add the notes on the Canon Mane 6 up to the first post for convenience sake. Consider that post a sort of "Simple Wiki" for the Flipverse's important characters, to be updated as necessary for the time being.

Comment posted by punzil504 deleted Aug 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Little Jackie Papercut deleted Mar 7th, 2014
Bed Head
Group Admin


Trixie Lulamoon

Much like her canon-verse counterpart, the Flipverse Trixie is brash, arrogant, and overall obnoxious... but not without reason. Back when she applied to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, an unexplained explosion in the sky caused her magic to surge.

The end result? She hatched the dragon egg that was being used for her exam and was named Celestia's personal student. A role she took to with eagerness, while enjoying all the perks that came with it. Unfortunately, unlike Canon Twilight, Trixie began abusing her power and position. Spike wound up being the pony that took her down, leading to her expulsion from school.

When it comes to Flipverse Trixie, she's already well on her way to the way she was in Magic Duel, and she's slightly better justified with it (though she's nowhere near being the right still!): She holds Spike responsible for ruining her perfect life and stealing her destiny of being the one to stop Nightmare Moon. While her initial plan to try and disgrace Spike in front of his friends didn't work out, you can bet she's biding her time and waiting for another shot at revenge.


Much like Pinkie Pie, Flipverse Zecora hasn't changed much. She'd been living in the Everfree Forest since long before Spike moved in, everypony in town was terrified of her, and it was only an accident with Poison Joke that lead anypony to even trying to get to know her better.

Facing facts, Zecora in canon is something of a writer's convenience. The mysterious stranger who somehow knows and sees everything, who never seems to want to give direct answers but always drops the right hints to a troubled pony that help them find the solution themselves. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that so long as it's not overly blatant or abused. While she does fill that role well and there's no reason to shift her from it, there's also no reason to completely ignore chances to explore her as a character.

Trixie Lulamoon

Much like her canon-verse counterpart, the Flipverse Trixie is brash, arrogant, and overall obnoxious... but not without reason. Back when she applied to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, an unexplained explosion in the sky caused her magic to surge.

The end result? She hatched the dragon egg that was being used for her exam and was named Celestia's personal student. A role she took to with eagerness, while enjoying all the perks that came with it. Unfortunately, unlike Canon Twilight, Trixie began abusing her power and position. Spike wound up being the pony that took her down, leading to her expulsion from school.

When it comes to Flipverse Trixie, she's already well on her way to the way she was in Magic Duel, and she's slightly better justified with it (though she's nowhere near being the right still!): She holds Spike responsible for ruining her perfect life and stealing her destiny of being the one to stop Nightmare Moon. While her initial plan to try and disgrace Spike in front of his friends didn't work out, you can bet she's biding her time and waiting for another shot at revenge.

I think the key difference here is that Trixie is ALREADY a lot better at magic than Spike, so there would be no need for the Alicorn Amulet (unless, of course, she [mind you, this is when she is still relatively sane] actually PLANS to take over all of Equestria and realizes she needs to boost her power enough to allow her to fight her former teacher AND her sister on equal hoofing to stand any chance of doing that [which is unlikely because, then, she would be facing a treason charge if she failed]). In fact, it would actually be the magical equivalent of the Why Don't You Just Shoot Him? trope.

The TwiTurner crush does sound cute. But I'd suggest not to make it a copy of the Sparity crush. (As a side note, I wasn't too crazy of the Sparity ship. But don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't against it either. Personally, I like the Sweetie Belle/Spike ship.) I think the TwiTurner crush should be done more along the lines of Twilight really enjoying Time Turner's company. Perhaps she'll act similarly to how she did with Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls (but with a character that people actually like). Where Spike's brain would basically shut off in the presence of Rarity, I think Twilight would be more bashful in the presence of Time Turner. Whenever Time Turner compliments her, she'll smile bashfully and blush.

Also, as a nitpick, it's spelled McIntosh, not Macintosh. It's an easy and common mistake to make, even this site's "Big Macintosh" tag gets it wrong. But I've actually looked it up, and the name of the Apple, as well as looking in the credits, it's spelled Big McIntosh. Macintosh is a computer (which was also probably supposed to be named after the apple, but spelled it wrong).

Group Contributor

He did actually go in that direction in the stories that focus on Dragon Twilight... In our discussions we always viewed it as a parallel that just made sense. There was plenty of canon material to work with by that point (Flash Sentry and Timber Spruce being examples) of how Twilight, and even an Alt-Universe Twilight might crush on someone.

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