Flipverse 293 members · 7 stories
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Bed Head
Group Admin

Got an idea for a story? Want to suggest it for someone else to write? Want to write it yourself and make sure someone else doesn't take the idea first? This is the board to post it on!

A quick note. As you've all noticed my newest fic does involve Trixie. I need to make a request that nobody else do a "Trixie redemption" story for Flipverse at this time. Also, I need to request the same of any "introducing Zecora" stories. I already have my own plans for her :twilightsmile:.

That being said, go nuts!

Have you made plans for the Cutie Mark Crusaders (or whatever their equivalent would be in this universe)? If not, I might have an idea that someone might be interested in.

Bed Head
Group Admin


Somehow I missed the notice about this post!

I have at best a rough idea for introducing the CMC in this verse. At the moment I'm a bit more focused on trying to get out my current project, Boast Backers, but I'm very open to any ideas people might have! This is the thread to put them in, so go nuts!

1623213 - Well, the idea I have is based on the assumption that this universe's CMC will consist of Apple Bloom, Dinky Doo, and Rumble. Essentially, the thought occurred to me that if Rumble spends a lot of time hanging out with two girls, he'll probably get teased for it, as they're at the approximate maturity level when kids still care about "cooties" (or whatever the kids are calling the phenomenon these days). As the premise for a slice-of-life story, I'd say it sounds promising.

Unfortunately, I'm so occupied with my own stories that I probably wouldn't have time to develop and write this one, but if someone else wants to try it (and it doesn't conflict with your plans) I have no problem.

Group Contributor

(Moved this to the "story idea" forum)

Just had a thought... Considering that the events of Applebuck Season occurred in canon partly due to an injury to Big MacIntosh and how poorly Applejack handled it. How much of a stretch would it be to say that something similar could happen in the Flipverse? Mac gets injured, but as the Element of Loyalty, he's afraid that if he doesn't "do his fair share," then he's letting his family down. Sense of duty, a little bit of pride, and the fact that he's Silent Mac allow him to either hide his injury or simply brush it off.

:ajbemused: "You sure you're OK, Mac?"
:eeyup: "Eeyup."

Spike is the one who notices when it really begins to bother Mac, partly due to being relatively new in town, and partly from his skills in being a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. "Something's going on with Big MacIntosh, and I'm going to find out what..." :moustache:

Bed Head
Group Admin


I had considered something like this as well actually. Without getting too deeply into usual gender politics, I also noticed that in Equestria there's a lot of girls. Turns out wild horses are more likely to birth females than males, go figure.

Getting to my point, in our world the idea of a boy getting picked on for hanging with girls can make for a good story. In Equestria... I don't want to say it's out, but it feels just a bit less likely when nearly 4/5ths of your classmates are girls anyway :rainbowlaugh:. It could happen though, depending on who the bullies are.


Ahh, now this is the sort of thing I had in mind with "Flipped" versions of canon stories. That sounds like it'd be fun and a fresh take on the premise if handled well.

While we're here, an idea I had:

A flipped version of Sonic Rainboom. Thunderlane finds himself entered into the Best Young Fliers competition behind his back (possibly by Rumble, wanting to show how awesome his big brother is). Before he can back out, Rainbow Dash makes a big to do about it, there's a betting pool starting among the weather ponies, and he'd be letting down Rumble and anyone that bets on him if he just tries to bow out.

I guess that's more of a concept for the opening than anything else, but there you go. :pinkiehappy:

1626889 - I see... well, here's an idea that just occurred to me; it would basically cover the events of "Winter Wrap Up." Rather than being about Twilight trying to make herself useful, this version would be about Time Turner trying to use his organizational skills to actually get the Wrap-Up completed on time for once---perhaps the Mayor's called in sick and left him in charge (because he's her personal assistant).

Naturally, his carefully-planned schedule starts to slip, because that makes the story more interesting. From there I can see at least two ways the story could move forward: either his generous nature takes over, and he starts taking on more responsibilities, leading to a situation similar to the canon "Applebuck Season," or he becomes inflexible and demanding, paving the way for a good old-fashioned pony breakdown.

Bed Head
Group Admin


Heh heh, I like that idea.

Sub plot! Spike is writing an article about Winter Wrap Up Ponyville style, seeing as in Canterlot they just use magic to clean up the snow and stuff. Something for his weekly article.

For the MLP Mare / Stallion ratio, I remember having read that it's actually balanced. Remember that it's a show for girls so they show more mares, but there is still quite a lot of Stallions. Otherwise you can't keep the couple conventions we use (remember the Hearth and Hooves day where they look for a stallion not taken)

As for an idea, you got to redo the poison joke episode. I could see Spike doing an article on Zebra. The effect on Spike could be that he turn into a baby dragon and Twilight into a certain purple mare :trollestia:

Bed Head
Group Admin


Not going to spoil, but suffice it to say I already have plans regarding Zecora and Poison Joke :pinkiehappy:

2860340 Can we still have Flutterguy? :trollestia:

Yeah, I've got one. You remember how Discord discorded pInkie into hating laughter because they were laughing at her instead of with her? I can see Ditzy being much more susceptible to this, cauze she really is sort of derpy sometimes. Perhaps an episode where she temporarily thinks being the element of laughter is a cruel joke? What do you think?

Bed Head
Group Admin


That has potential. It might not even need to be Discord that does it. Just an example off the top of my head...

Say Dinky gets bullied by Diamond Tiara in school and DT does something along the lines of "your momma's so dumb."? Discord or an issue that includes Dinky is about the only way I can think of to get through Ditzy's usual armor against this sorta stuff.

Just to be clear, I wasn't talking about discord. I meant like in ponyville, perhaps after she destroys the city hall in the last roundup? But I think you get what I mean

Now, I haven't actually finished Flipside, per-se, but it's on my to-read list.

You know me, however; always eager to draw more antiponies. So, a while back, I started to design a team of evil counterparts for the Flipside Six. I dropped the idea for a while, but just today I got back into the swing of it and finished up all six designs in one go!

As you can see, there's one big difference from the designs I usually do, and it's evident in those silhouettes. The big thing that separates the Flipside antiponies is that they're actually dragons. See, the basic premise of these characters is that they're dragons from a particular clan composed of various draconic species; they're essentially the runoff of the Dragon world. And they have this setup where they demand tribute from other dragon groups every so often in the form of a few of the eggs from their broods in order to bolster their (largely biodiverse) group's numbers. In return, they do most of the things that the other dragon clans don't want to dirty their hands in--a sort of Dragon Black-Ops clan.

What are these six after, then? The answer is a simple one: Twilight.

These six believe that the clan holds rightful ownership of the dragon whelp named Twilight. According to them, they had a previous agreement with the dragon who laid Twilight's egg to keep her next brood. However, that dragons previous previous obligation meant that just one egg out of that brood went to Celestia by default. And so, these five adolescents--Black Fang, Boltcatcher, The Abyssal Crag, Hail Hollow, and Vanos Vale--accompanied by the standing Governess of the Brood, disguise themselves to locate and reclaim the whelp in question.

Keep in mind that this is all high-concept, though. Also, yes, Vanos Vale is a draconequus. That counts as a dragon.

Group Contributor


The dragon forms are a new twist on Hail Hollow (anti-Ditzy) and Governess (anti-Cheerilee).

Big Mac's counterpart reminds me of Apache Chief from the old Justice League cartoons from the 70's for some reason.

I like Vanos having a cuckoo clock as his cutie mark.

I noticed that anti-F!Twilight isn't Starlight Shadow in the Flipverse... Does Starlight Shadow have her own "Tiamatian Whelp" as a counterpart for Spike the Dragon?

Bed Head
Group Admin

So you took my idea of flipping Spike and Twilight's species and used it to make evil counterparts to my Flipped Six... and they kind of embody the concept and...

That's freakin' brilliant!

The character designs are awesome, and I really kinda get a feel for each of their true dragon forms still kinda reflecting their counterpart. Like if my Flipped Six were dragons, they might look like this (Except for maybe making TT a Draconequus. Unless it'd be funny...)

Heck, I could even picture them having a sort of twisted version of the Flipped Six's group dynamics. And I'm gonna go off on a tangent and make a whole mess of assumptions now, so apologies if I go too far with this...

Cheerilee and Governess both have this sort of nurturing role but while Cheer is definitely a Team Mom, Governess is more like the School Principal on a class trip.

Ditzy and Hail are their team's goofier members. Ditzy just sorta has her head in the clouds though, while Hail is actively malevolent and insane.

Mac and Crag both stand as the muscle for their group, but while Mac is a quiet and humble guardian, Crag is a nasty, intimidating enforcer.

Thunderlane is brutally honest and keeps the others grounded even if he knows that what he's saying hurts. Boltcatcher maintains the group's status quo by constantly putting down and belittling the others, pointing out and mocking their shortcomings.

Time Turner is the organized voice of reason, arguing for prudence and planning. Vanos makes plans too, but subtly pushes his own agendas, prodding the others into doing what he wants with trickery and reverse psychology.

Spike's the newbie to his circle. He might exasperate them at times, but he at least tries to make amends when he screws up. Plus he's fiercely defensive of his friends, especially Twilight, to the point of nearly getting himself killed in the name of trying to help them.

Black Fang would be the newest member of this team, a teenage up-and-comer clawing out his place. Despite the others looking down on him, he's pushing hardest to find Twilight and prove his spot in the pecking order. He's desperate to make it clear that he deserves to be here.

Twi is Spike's frustrated younger sister, the sort that wonders how her older "sibling" is somehow the less mature and responsible one. Though at the same time Spike's the one she'd go to for emotional support, given that he's her oldest friend and always will be.

Contrasting, Tia would probably be the only the only reason that Black Fang isn't the lowest man on the totem pole. She's a literal tag-along kid that, for some reason, follows Fang around like they're attached at the hip.

Whew, when I get going...

Thanks for showing me this, it's really amazing. A story about these dragons hunting Twilight might get a bit dark but it'd definitely be a good read!


I noticed that anti-F!Twilight isn't Starlight Shadow in the Flipverse...

Actually, that is Flipverse!Starlight. I just tend to draw her coat a little more blue than most other artists.

There's a reason I didn't put her name on that picture, though--for starters, "Starlight" isn't exactly a Dragon name, and from what I imagined, Clan Dragons don't get a name until they earn one by proving themselves an asset to the clan. So Black Fang and everyone else just refer to her as "whelp." However, maybe when she finally reunites with her long estranged sister, Twilight will want to give her a name so she doesn't have to keep calling her "whelp". And Starlight is as good a name as any...

Also, she and Twilight are called Tiamatian Dragon Whelps because their mother is Tiamat, one of the Original Dragons and the Dragon that Celestia has her egg-getting deal with.

Also, it just now occurred to me that Fang's Dragon silhouette is lacking a tail. That's a mistake on my part--Fang most certainly has a tail. I'll have to rectify that soon.

I always throw the "On Cross and Arrow" counterparts out there because I like the concept.

I have no idea how it would work here, it's just the names I use are odd.


"...So you're me." Spike frowned.


"And you're still using Purple Prose as an alias."


"And your dragon is...Dusk."


"So what's your real name? It's not Spike, is it?"

"...Barb." the mare muttered as she avoided Spike's gaze.

"...Barb what?"

the tension between the two increased as the mare remained silent.

"....Barb Wire." The mare finally responded, "That is why I ask people to call me Miss Prose."

"...Really?" the stallion chuckled, "And I thought Bolt Allie was a weird name."

"Spike, Be nice..." Twilight nudged him.

Bed Head
Group Admin

Aaaand you hit on the same name for R63 Flipverse Spike that I'd use. Heh.

Hadn't even noticed the missing tail because the rest is SO AWESOME :rainbowkiss:


What's weird is that I had used it for a 63'd Pokey at first.

Aside from Multiversal Harmony. There is yet to be a major crossover between the multiple Alternate Element wielders. As such, I have an idea for one that I which to share with anyone that's interested in trying it out (if you're interested, PM me!):

Title: Crisis of Infinite Harmony.

Main characters: The Main Six, Spike along with several other characters.

Genre: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Comedy, Dark, & Adventure.

Cannon Placement:
Hasbroverse: After Chapter 2.
Lunaverse: After Crisis on Two Equestrias.
Manehattanverse: After The Wrong Place at the Right Time.
Cadanceverse: After The Music of Ponyville.
Flipverse: After Flipside.
Dashverse: After Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel.
Crisisverse: Right before the start of the story.

The story starts when right after Megan and Twilight Sparkle arrive in Equestria. As it turns out, another portal has opened in another part of the Everfree Forest. Not taking any chances the Mane bring the Element's of Harmony to close the portal. Sadly, the clashing energies causes a backlash of energy that make the portal stronger and threatens to suck them all in! However, a strange entity pushes them back, while the beams from the Element's are sucked in before the portal implodes on itself, causing a massive explosion...

...when the Mane awaken, they find themselves back in Ponyville. Where Megan reveals that after the explosion, the Element's have vanished, many strange occurrences involving dimensional rift's have been happening around Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, and many other city's across Equestria! Not only that, but there have been reports of ponies seeing doubles of each other, but their "other selves" are acting weird;

Why does Rainbow Dash think Celestia is her teacher?
Why does Daring Do think she's the Element of Honesty?
Who is this strange Dragon and why dose she look like Twilight?
Why is Fluttershy calling herself Element of Generosity?

As more and more question's start popping up, help comes in the form of a Chronomancer named Tick Tock, and Trixie...the Element of Magic?! The two reveal that their attempt to close the portal resulted in several other Element's being flung out of their own world and into their own, and unless they get them back to their own world, their dimensions will collapse on each other! With no time to waist, the Mane Six with their new ally's embark on a journey to find the other Element wielders! But unknown to them, another group of Mares have arrived in Equestira...and their anything but friendly...

Who are these Six new mare? Can the Mane Six stand against them? And who opened the rifts in the first place...?

Well, I'm not going to have the time and energy to write any stories myself, but I DO have a possible idea that combines elements of the third season finale, Equestria Girls and the fourth season opener: Anyway, Sunset Shimmer (her student BEFORE Trixie) returns to Equestria and finds an old book belonging to Starswirl the Bearded, which contains an unfinished spell. Deducing that the spell is somehow connected to the Elements of Harmony, Sunset gets the idea to try to fix the spell to "earn" ascension. Thus, she ends up doing HALF on purpose, what Twilight did COMPLETELY by accident in canon. All six of the Element Bearers (including Spike) end up getting their Cutie Marks (as well as portions of their memories and personalities) swapped. Twilight, however, figures out how to get Spike back to normal and then the duo get their friends back to normal too. Afterwards, Sunset Shimmer is defeated and the Element Bearers use Twilight's idea to fix the spell so that no one can get the "clever" idea to do that to them again. The revised spell ends up increasing the abilities of ALL six of the Element bearers sixfold (but does NOT turn any of them into alicorns) AND grants them a strong psychic link that allows them all to instantly sense when one or more of the others are in trouble, even from miles away. Unfortunately, the mess was fixed at the EXACT time the Plunder Vines strike, so the Element Bearers form an uneasy alliance with Sunset to figure out how to stop the vines and save Equestria.

Okay, so I'll admit it's probably a pretty bad idea, and I don't have it thought out enough to make it work even if I DID have the time and energy to write it myself. Still, it was something that's been in my head for a while and it had to come out. I'm sorry. And, hey, if somebody DOES like the idea enough to do it themselves, well, it would be a late-season 3/early-season-4 idea anyway, so they would have lots of time to think of ideas to flesh this idea out.


The general idea sounds good, although I'm not keen on the mane-6 get their 'powers' boosted, for a start most of them don't have a power, what would this actually mean for them, Big Mac gets super strong? Cheerilee teaches even better? Ditzy becomes an even better mother?

However, gaining a psychic connection could be a story by itself, particularly if they can't control it.


The revised spell ends up increasing the abilities of ALL six of the Element bearers sixfold (but does NOT turn any of them into alicorns) AND grants them a strong psychic link that allows them all to instantly sense when one or more of the others are in trouble, even from miles away.

The problem I'd have with that idea is that it doesn't make anything more interesting, not to mention that "abilities" isn't a very well-defined term. Unless the stakes have upped massively to Dragon Ball Z levels by that point, it probably wouldn't work. And let's face it, My Little Pony is hardly anything like Dragon Ba-

oh wait

Look, I'll try to explain it more clearly (key word try)

The "boosted abilities" deal, it is NOT meant to be godlike by any stretch (yeah, sixfold is respectable, but not even close to infinite) and only extends to BASIC physical and mental abilities

for example:

Spike's magic, yeah, upped to a more respectable level, but still not even close to Twilight's canon levels.

Cheerilee might gain some increased intelligence and heightened senses, which WOULD make it harder for her students to put one over on her, but that's about it.

Big Mac might be strong enough and tough enough to put up a decent fight against a full grown dragon, but still not enough so to win without help.

Time Turner might gain increased speed and intelligence, which would help out in keeping up with the paperwork and coming up with plans, but would still be within reasonable limits.

Thunderlane might gain increased speed and agility, but not even close to godlike.

Ditzy, well, I'm going to have to get back to you on that.

And, anyway, as I admitted earlier, I acknowledge it probably isn't that good of an idea and profusely apologize for wasting everybody's time with it.

4347161 - You didn't waste anyone's time, quite the opposite. When brainstorming, bad ideas are far more valuable than no ideas at all. :)

Hey there. Here's another possible idea (albeit one Bed Head might have to run by Little Jackie Papercut):

An as yet untitled crossover adventure teaming the Flipped Six with the Manehattan Six (set mid-season 2 for BOTH series). Yeah, I know Multiversal Harmony is presently in the works, but that's just ONE Element Bearer from EACH universe; this would be ALL six Element Bearers from BOTH universes meeting each other). Let's be honest; the idea of Spike seeing a universe where he and Twilight are (from his view point) flipped around in terms of species AND age as well as a universe where his former bully is an Element Bearer would be downright priceless, and the Manehattanverse is probably the one AU that he could see BOTH at the SAME time. :-D

Admittedly, I'm not going to have the time and energy to write this one myself, but I just had this idea in my head for too long to ignore it.

The hardest parts would be 1. Getting permission from Little Jackie Papercut and 2. Finding a villain powerful enough to convincingly challenge the heroes of BOTH universes. Then again, the latter is what brain-storming is for.

Bed Head
Group Admin

Ehhh, I'm a bit iffy about doing more cross-overs. More so because I'm afraid of keeping the other writers involved waiting than anything else. Kinda like what I'm doing right now.

I digress.

Funny you should mention a "boosted abilities" kind of deal, because ever since the Season 4 finale...

Well, let's just say it's not as out there as others would say. It wouldn't be permanent, but a six-way power up for the big fight with Tirek...

Heh, well it's fun to imagine, whether or not I get that far. Suffice it to say, Spike having a triple dose of alicorn magic kinda equates to the mother of all caffeine rushes in my head.

4359506 Yeah. It probably would, but it would probably be wiser (not to mention less cowardly-looking) for Celestia to talk Luna and Candance into temporarily lend her their combined power so SHE can fight Tirek herself.

Also, considering Spike is NOWHERE near as powerful as canon Twilight and would NOT have access to the Starswirl section of the Canterlot library (at least not without a "press pass" and, even then, he'd be watched too carefully to be able to have access to the book), he could NOT do the time travel spell that attracted Cerbeus (sp?), so Tirek couldn't use that opportunity to escape. Thus, either Tirek would have to find another way to escape, or you would have to find another major villain for the Season 4 finale.

Perhaps even Starlight Glimmer (as in the main villain of the season 5 opener). I mean, as a reporter, Spike might actually hear about the existence of the town from a source other than the magic map. He and his friends have some major hassles at first (especially with the "Sameness Spell" hampering even Big Mac's strength), but as he and his friends help teach certain town members about TRUE friendship, they gain just the edge they need to defeat Starlight and gain the last key THAT way.

Of course, that IS just an idea. I respect the fact that this is YOUR series and profusely apologize in advance for stepping on any proverbial toes.

Bed Head
Group Admin

Truth be told, I do like that sort of undercurrent to any of the big threats (Discord, Chrysalis, Tirek, etc...) you brought up. That Celestia tries to deal with them herself, not wanting to endanger Spike and his friends.

In the canon-verse where Celestia had secretly been grooming Twilight for leadership. Each of the Big Bads was another test for Twilight to tackle and pass.

Spike and friends in the Flipverse are the accidental heroes. While Celestia might have been amazed at the courage they showed fighting Nightmare Moon, they're still her little ponies. So she doesn't want to put them in harms way again if she can avoid it.

Of course, it's not like she'd be able to keep them from stepping up. Heh.

4392031 "Okay, I appreciate all of this but... I'm not gonna be able to stop you. Am I."


Hey there. Just thought of a possible story idea (again, I'm not going to have the time and energy to do it myself, but anybody who likes the idea enough AND can find the time and energy CAN do it):

Spike and Twilight make a return to Canterlot to visit Spike's parents and big brother in time for the latter's birthday and, by sheer chance, ends up meeting up with Sunburst and Moondancer (who have become VERY good friends since their days at Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns; Sunburst now a Lieutenant in the Royal Guards and Moondancer is the chief librarian of the Royal Library). After some friendly chat, Spike figures something out; while Sunburst and Moondancer were both as fed up with Trixie's bullying as HE was, they ARE grudgingly grateful to Trixie for ONE thing - she allowed them to bound as friends).

Of course, if you don't like the idea, I will completely understand.

Here's a possible one for the Mare-Do-Well counterpart: It's actually part of a revenge scheme by Trixie (she uses the Mare-Do-Well identity and some carefully rigged "near disasters" to try to "out-hero" the Flipped Six [only using the costumed identity because she KNOWS how bad her reputation is and she doesn't want others automatically suspecting her "heroics" are an elaborate ruse]).

Of course, if nobody likes this idea, I will completely understand.

Group Contributor


The premise sounds similar to the Major Man episode of the Powerpuff Girls.

In the original MDW episode, Rainbow Dash saves the filly Aura from the well, and Cream Puff's runaway baby carriage, but it's never really brought into play that she considers herself a hero because of the Element of Loyalty... she thinks she's awesome enough on her own at that particular time. Even the Rainbow Dash Fan Club doesn't play up her Element as much as her natural talents.

Boast Backers already went into how Trixie feels about Spike's heroism, so having Trixie return so quickly might not be the best idea, since the universe hasn't given Spike enough time to deal with the aftermath of her last visit. Spike also needs a story or two to build confidence, not have his get torn down again.

It's not a bad idea, it just doesn't seem to fit into where the Flipverse is at after the first two stories (three if you count the Crossover)... If I were to make a generalized suggestion for the next story, it would be to have the primary focus on a member of the F!6 other than Spike, and to leave Trixie where Bed Head left her for a bit.

Some of Mare Do Well might work... Rainbow Dash gets a big head from saving Aura and Cream Puff, and Spike is tasked by Ink Blot to write about it. The challenge would then be to adapt the story to get to an appropriate Flipverse-centric moral at the end. For example, instead of being from Dash's POV, what do Ditzy and Thunderlane think of Dash's increasing bravado, and how does it affect their jobs/friendships? It was certainly one thing when the other five canon elements were wrangling her, but without that bond, why would Time Turner, Cheerilee, or Mac feel they need to be involved? Perhaps it is Dash who decides to abandon weather duty to be a vigilante, and for various reasons she annoys the F!6 enough that they team together to stop her.

5081402 To be fair, I was not talking very next episode (because, well, you're right in that it would be too soon here and now). I was actually thinking mid-season 2 for the "Trixie as the Mare-Do-Well" deal. Sorry I wasn't clearer on that.

And, yeah, you DO bring up OTHER valid points. Instead of going the "costumed identity route", maybe a Reason You Stink (I try not to use profanity on public forums, even if I respect the rights of others to do so) Speech somewhere along the lines of "Before you accuse us of just being jealous for trying to chew you out for being more obnoxiously arrogant than usual, I would like to remind you of something. WE beat Nightmare Moon AND Discord and none of US got a swelled head over either one of those. Saving a couple of kids is great; don't get me wrong; but compared to saving the world twice and not getting arrogant about it, well, even YOU can do THAT math. What would we have to be jealous about?" with some other stuff added to that.

Group Contributor


Yeah, that could be an interesting Spike/Trixie reconciliation attempt story in the future. He's just too ticked off for it to work at the present.

Hey there. I was thinking of some possible season 4 stuff (obviously I'm not going to have the time and energy to do them myself, and it will be years before we get to Season Four of this series - and THAT's being generous).

Any thoughts on "key episodes" for Season four of this series (i.e. episodes that show these element bearers not only showing their elements more than usual, but also inspiring someone else with the demonstration)? The only "key episode" I can think of (and even that one, as I admitted before, I don't have the time and energy to do myself) would be for the VERY last key; namely Spike and his friends inspiring the ponies of "Our Town" with REAL friendship after stumbling onto the existence of the town by accident while Celestia is dealing with Tirek (in other words, Tirek would only be mentioned in passing toward the VERY end of the story [via a newspaper headline concerning Celestia capturing him] while the REAL main villain for the Season Four finale in this universe would be Starlight Glimmer).

So, I ask again, any ideas?

Bed Head
Group Admin


I've had a few ideas for key episodes, as for Tirek and "Our Town"...

I try to keep the major events (Nightmare Moon's and Discord's escapes, etc) in mind that they'll still happen, Spike and his friends will just handle them differently. A few of the major events I do have thoughts of changing in more significant ways, but only because I have ideas on how the situations could be changed thanks to the difference between Spike's backstory and Canon! Twilight's.

Hey there. Just thought of a possible future story that one of you could do if you liked the idea:

The Flipped Six end up in a magic comic book, much like in "Power Ponies" (since I figure Pony Spike would probably be just as big a comic book fan as his dragon counterpart), but it is a DIFFERENT comic book (author's choice on team name)

Spike's comic book counterpart could be a Spider-Man Expy (works in the newspaper business, ridiculously bad luck, tries to hide his fears behind a ton of wisecracks, routinely takes on danger well beyond his power level and usually comes out on top despite the aforementioned bad luck)

Big Mac's counterpart could be a Superman Expy (super-strong farmboy with an even stronger sense of justice; YOU do the math)

Time Turner's counterpart could be an Expy of Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic

Of course, there is still the matter of comic book counterparts to Dragon Twi, Cheerilee, Ditzy and Thunderlane. And we also need an appropriate main villain but that's what brainstorming is for, right?


And maybe there could be a story where Spike accidentally finds out about Bon-Bon/Sweetie Drops's secret agent past and has to decide whether or not to report it or keep quiet about it (since MOST good reporters come across something on occasion where they have to choose between reporting something that sounds very juicy or remaining silent/respecting privacy for the greater good).


Then again, if nobody likes either one of these ideas, I profusely apologize for wasting your time.

I just wanted to address the response you had for the CMC episode ( 1626889 ). I have an alternate idea why Rumble would get teased that doesn't have to involve grade-school gender politics. Perhaps the bullies could actually be a group of other pegasi who tease him for hanging around non-pegasi. That could change the reason for teasing from being about girls to being about tribalism. This could also make for an interesting idea that I could add. Though I'm not a fan of seeing her as an antagonist, perhaps F!Scootaloo could actually be one of the bullies. The tribalism could explain why she's not one of the CMCs, and she could have a personal rivalry with Rumble based on the idea for the Flipverse Sonic Rainboom episode you had. Scootaloo is still a fan girl of Rainbow Dash, like she is in the Maneverse. This leads her to see Rumble as a rival, since his older brother is Thuderlane, and she views Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane as rivals. So Scootaloo bullies Rumble to prove that she's better than him, believing that that equates to Rainbow Dash being better than Thunderlane. Granted, that doesn't make that much sense. But it would to a child.

Again, I don't hate Scootaloo, nor do I like the idea of her being a bully. But I think the concept works in this context. Perhaps the reason she acts like a bully in this universe is for a similar reason that Babs Seed became a bully to the CMC. She became a bully to avoid being bullied. Perhaps she used to be bullied because of her small wings and issues with flying. So as a defensive mechanism, she stood up for herself. But she feels like she constantly has to assert her dominance, or she might end up getting bullied again.

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