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Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

i think this is the third time they have tried this ... so please help like last time and vote to stop this again


Group Admin


thanks friend

3087752 Seriously fuck off with the SOPA bullshit.

Group Admin


well your just a barrel of sunshine aren't you:ajbemused:

3087844 All you motherfuckers have been doing is spamming the god damn site all day yesterday. Don't bloody start again. I mean OKAY every person on the site and their families have heard of SOPA already, it's time to stop spamming.

Group Admin


well i just heard of it an hour ago so apparently your wrong

3087862 For fuck sake it was spammed for hours on tons of groups yesterday, prove me wrong motherfucker. 40 something of the groups I am in were spammed countless of times with SOPA shit, and it needs to stop. It isn't real, and even if it was it would have NO CHANCE at passing this time either.

Group Admin


well that's all fine and dandy but that doesn't stop us from trying buddy and i'm not calling you a liar i'm just saying that i just heard of it because i wasn't online yesterday so i'm doing my part now.

besides we have 5 days that's plenty of time to get 60,000 signatures

3087890 Aye, but we don't need the site spammed anymore about this, sorry for being so rude, but my jimmies are severely rustled.

Group Admin


yeah it was like that for me the first 2 times they did this also and i have no doubt we are going to get another storm of it until the 19th

UPDATE: Trump killed the TPP which is SOPA's dad!

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