Human in Equestria 16,875 members · 17,071 stories
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Group Admin
Dropbear #1 · Feb 26th, 2016 · · 16 ·

Okay guys, listen up.

This thread is where all:
1. 'Looking for a fic...'
2. 'Trying to find...'
3. 'So there was this one fic that I lost track off'
4. Other assorted story-finding questions

Are to live from now on. If you're asking people to find/remember a fic for you, ask it in here so the forum isn't just saturated with threads.

Any such threads will be locked from now on

This thread will also be sticked, so check in occasionally and see wether you can give someone a hand with finding what they're after.

Well, ask away.

5072896 i apologize if i inconvenienced you with an unnecessary thread post. I think that all groups should have something like this.

i can see this becoming very crowded (or never used)

Marsara #4 · Feb 26th, 2016 · · 1 ·



5072949 heh...have a thumb.

5072896 This kind of threads should be weekly.

5072896 You're welcome by the way.

wlam #8 · Feb 26th, 2016 · · 1 ·

People were 99% ignoring that stuff anyway. At least now, all that ignoring will be done in one place.

B-but how will I ever find this one HiE fic about this guy who goes to Equestria and goes on adventures and starts a harem with the Mane Six and is saving the world from Discord? I think it was a Displaced fic...

Please, senpai, how else could I possibly find it without a dedicated thread?

5072896 I was looking for a thread that told me not to do certain things. Has anyone seen it? It was titled something like "Raul's".

5072896 These threads don't work though. You need people who continually visit the thread.


i also would like to point out that the looking for story threads are fairly uncommon. the only ones ive seen are from me ironically and i read through my feed everyday.

on another note the answer i get when i ask stuff like that are really dumb. i have asked for ideas on what to read and made sure to mention i don't want a centin type of story on to get literally nothing but that type.

and on a third note if we post in this thread no one will know but the 2 (i dont think more will check) people who look at it often. when a looking for story thread is made it relies on the fack that it shows up in 9k peoples feeds. if they want to click on it then thats there choice. now everyone who missed this thread and only look at the forums through feed (im sure thats almost everyone, including me) wont even know its her.

wlam #13 · Feb 26th, 2016 · · 2 ·


the looking for story threads are fairly uncommon

"Fairly uncommon" is a pretty relative term. It's about three a week or so on the average in this group alone, which really contributes to cluttering up the place. Having a single place to put that kind of stuff is only sane.


yup making sure the question dont get answered is a great idea (lie)

wlam #15 · Feb 26th, 2016 · · 5 ·

Sucks for them. Great for everyone who's getting annoyed by people treating this group as their personal search engine, though.

Group Admin


Yeah, that sort if thread requires me to catch all of the admins (or at least Thardoc and the two B's) in a thread/chat at once.

So as you all debate the need for this to exist I will use it.
I was remembered for a story in which bronys are universally hated so they all make themselves ponys then move to Equestria and just live but then they all get sick because magic. Then they get better and it's a slice of life fic.

5095117 There's a place in New South Wales called Batman.

TBH, I'm not super clear on whether this thread is for all such help requests, or is mainly intended for finding stories one has forgotten the name of...

I'm looking for another fic to read, preferably one of decent length (like 10's of thousands of words or more). It doesn't have to be HiE. I generally prefer good endings if the story has sad/tragic elements, but I've enjoyed reading exceptions (IE: Killer Rarityverse).

My standards aren't terribly high, I even enjoy super Gary Stu | Mary Sue type stories where the characters are beloved and quickly accepted because reasons.

As to stories I like and have already read (there are more, but this should give a good idea): Favorites List.

Oh, and while I won't spurn unfinished stories (so long as it seems like the writer is still working on them), I generally don't start reading fics unless they're done. In the event I'm recommended a story that's still in progress, I'll track it instead.

Comment posted by topamhat deleted Mar 10th, 2016
Comment posted by topamhat deleted Mar 10th, 2016

Is there any, the martian crossovers I thought I seen one but I can't find it anywhere

5096410 The savage sky series by moguera is good Foal of the Forest is the first of the series I would recommend it. A Novice Swordsman in the Canterlot Court is a good read along with it's sequel and I have to point out Memory Pending along with it's sequel Forgiveness Pending!:twilightsmile:

I'll look into those then, thanks ^_^

I've found a few others I'm interested in, in addition to those you mentioned so with that, I'll probably be set for a good long while.

5099386 glad I could be of help.

Is there a fic out there where a human (male or female) enters Equestria, and humans are inherently magical, but Earth doesn't have enough ambient mana to support magic use? If not, I'm planning to make that a thing.

5099594 and its sequels use somewhat similar idea. Magic field on Earth is too stale, but Twilight stirs it enough for humans around her to start using magic. And then they go to Equestria, where the field is lively enough to cause some nasty side effects.

what was the one fic where a human goes to equestria but finds out that ponies have a long life-span so they get turned into a filly and the main character has a glass eye? :applejackunsure:

5108926 wow you're fast. ok how about one where a guy has to share a body with a pony? :rainbowdetermined2:

Lucky you that I'm having a bout of insomnia again tonight.
I think it's mediocre, though.

5108941 I thinking of this one "my voice in a head". But I found it through DoH

5108941 I wonder if there is a group for stories like that?

I couldn't remember the name, but I do know that one. I thought it was pretty funny. Too bad it seems to be on perma-hiatus. I'm not aware of any specific group for that kind of story, though.

5108957 ponies who hear voices this looks like a close enough group.

I am looking for a story.

Unfortunately, I don't have too much information on it. It is a series of genderswap ponification stories. The main character was a human that has inherited his grandfathers riches, and was sent to Equestria with the name of Silver.

Once more, sorry for the lack of information.

I haven't read the story itself, but I think you are talking about this series:

Group Admin

>People said thread will never work.
>Thread is 500% more effective in story finding than individual posts.


In your face, Narle.

5114021 All it took was a small loan of a million Bits

I'm looking for stories where the human realizes Celestia is a tyrant and tries to fight back.

5072896 Dropbear you are by far my favorite author... But this just won't work! People aren't gonna post stuff here

Group Admin

They are (and have been). If they don't, then the thread they post will be locked and/or deleted. HIE isn't a search function, after all.

Hell, you could always start a 'looking for story' group if you felt inclined. It'd probably get a lot of traffic.

5152172 I could but I don't think it would be used anymore than this one.

Off topic a bit, but when do you think plan B will get an update?

Group Admin


It had an update two weeks ago.

5152194 Exactly! That was two weeks ago!

Well, I've read the first 4 of the Savage Skies series, the first Novice Swordman story, and Memory Pending. I've got the next two of Savage skies queued up as well as Forgiveness Pending (One million words? Yeah, that will take ages). I've also read Lyra's Human and am about halfway through the sequel Derpy's Human (which is over 600K words itself). Also, Friendship is Optimal. Of the lot you suggested (Savage Skies series, Novice Swordsman series, and the Pending series) I'd say I liked least was probably Memory Pending (Mainly because of the almost harem like elements), with Savage Skies series being the strongest, though I took a break from it after reading 4 of the novels in a row. The Novice Swordsman story had its issues too (well, most fanfics do). TBH, I think the writer wasn't the greatest at math, considering the rate ummm:

griffons died in the two large battles, by all rights the force of well under 10000 in each case should have been wiped out far faster than they were, even accounting for losses on the pony side. I mean, in the span of what was probably less than 30 seconds just one of the bearers could kill several griffons. Multiply say 10 of the top pony side fighters by say average of 3 kills a minute each and dividing 3000 (which is more than the losses by the griffons in either battle, if I recall correctly) by the product = 100 minutes. The Luna cursed battles (most notably, the first one) should have been done in the space of a long movie. Even being ultra conservative to account for long periods where the top fighters might not have been fighting, (even though at one point the main character had been fighting without sleeping and I think with only minimal breaks, for like 2 days straight), it should have been done in the space of a day. It was fairly strongly implied that while the ponies were on the battlefield, griffons were always quick to rush up and join the fray. Regardless, the math and logic both shoot down the notion of a battle involving a force that numbered less than 10,000 combined (both sides added together), and that was that bloody could not have feasibly lasted 3+ days. Like I said, failure at math there. Also, the griffons in general were being monumentally stupid, given the logic the fanfiction's universe worked under, having Celestia and Luna being fairly essential to the proper maintenance of the celestial bodies. Seriously, either the griffons would just plain lose because in the end they'd have to face the wrath of the godlike beings that were Celestia and Luna, or they'd somehow win and throw the whole world out of whack because there wasn't anyone left to run the cosmic machine. They win what, exactly? At best, a pyrrhic victory in which they doom themselves, at worst maybe Celestia and Luna or just the pony army (in the unlikely chance they won, by griffon logic before the first battle) coming to wipe out the entire griffon nation for their offense.

Back on topic. I'll still read the sequels to the stories you've suggested. (or try to, again...Million+ words with Forgiveness Pending @_@ Not to mention its 'naughty excerpts' in Censorship Pending XD). , I've still got a lot to read in other words. However, I'd still appreciate people giving suggestions whether they're HiE or not. Again, preferably complete (or at least still actively being updated) stories. Dark/sad stories aren't ignored, but preferably with happy endings.

EDIT: Bit of a correction to grammar.

I remeber this one fic(no idea if i remeber right)
There is this huy that getsteleported to fuckibg nowhere with his broken phone. He walks around and ends up helping changelings, get to a villiage and gets a spakely/magicresistant armour. Something somethinh he became vampire because batponieS and freind with griffin prince.

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