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Today for fack knows what reason. We were to write a short interpretation of the following picture.
Just curious as to what this picture might symbolise to you.

A rising giant, mankind, awakening and standing up. All the dirt falls off, the chains can't hold it any longer and fade away. The spirit of man shines brightly with its own illumination.

A man/woman held down by figurative/literal chains (maybe regret, grief and so forth and/or negativity/negative emotion), unable to be free to live his life as he/she desires most, possibly forever bound there, unable to escape.

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

a guardian, chained down by those who did not know what it was

Iron Man once caught a fish thiiis big!

I'm the one who gave them fire and in my pride forgot that in time all actions have consenqunce.

5789179 A A figure, chained to his preconceptions and bias unable to perceive what th world truly is like, the shining heart indicates it's insight

They think those chains keep it contained...

But they are the reigns of destiny, bending to Mankind's will as we rise from our ashes, stronger than ever.

A man tied down by countless chains that represents his emotions,desires and regrets. He's surrounded in darkness but his heart still bright as ever.

A person whose heart and soul was torn away from them, whose outraged screams reach far outside his prison of chains, who is slowly tearing himself free with his will alone and who's gonna tear everything asunder... unless something will fill his hole with something new. No matter be it love, or hate.

5789179 Iron Man in trouble.

5789179 A new Atlas.

A soldier at war, chained to his duties but his heart is someplace else.

I bet your teacher found it amusing that most of your class would see a negative annotation to the picture, huh?

5789179 Mankind embracing technology, unsure whether it's shackling it to a bleak, dark existence or allowing it to ascend in a physical and metaphysical sense.

5789179 an iron man fan going for a walk with hellhound chihuahuas.

5789179 Iron Man wannabe gets captured in his first battle.

5789179 in a Dickinson move Ultron has managed to contain ironman with his own personal version of "strings". These strings actually being adamantium chains.

5789179 i see ironman doing some bdsm shit

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Guys, it's literally the bad guy from Iron Man 2.

5789179 I see a guy who has chains for arms. Like Whiplash from Iron Man. Maybe he's ripping something out of the ground.

5789179 Looks like Iron Man's gotten caught in a trap.

Thardoc or Dropbear: "Something irrelevant to the group. Locked and banned." :p

Man is being dragged down by chains, whether literal or not. However his light is helping him resist.

bound but still unbound
he stands unbowed
with no regrets still standing
a pure heart and no circumstances can keep him from defeat.
perhaps the first (and last human alive) Prisoner in Tartarus?
waiting for his time....


A super soldier about to beat ass wholesale. Primary weapon of choice? Concrete slabs attached to chains.

I'm not locked in here with you. You are locked in here with me.

The way the chains only connect to his arms, it almost looks like he could be pulling something to safety or something.

5789179 The game Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason.

The final where the hero fights Chronus for souls.

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