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Kirb #1 · Dec 7th, 2013 · · 4 ·

Now that Twilight has become an alicorn, it has enabled other bronies in an unexpected way. Therefore, ever since that happened, the number of alicorn OCs has increased.

Now come on. Whether you support Twilicorn or oppose it, I don't think ANYBODY wants to see more alicorn OCs.


PS: The "New Thread" button is really small. Is that a bug or is that intentional?


the number of alicorn OCs has increased.


~Have a good one.

Group Admin

Just read enough of the story to know that it sucks for sure downvote it for having an alicorn and move on.

2333588 Then we must do our part to combat this menace by making more draconequus OCs

Group Admin


Alicorn OCs are best OCs, nothing like Lord KillDeathSlaughter of Miseryangst land to start off your day. Plus, Red and Black never goes out of fashon. Add in that you can make your Alicorn OC the brother/cousin/sister/daughter/uncle/aunt/transgendered lover of Twilight and you've got a story!

how about Twindigo (Windigo Twilight) OC's? :pinkiecrazy:

Has there really been an increase? I hadn't noticed. :trixieshiftright:

Far as I can tell, there have always been a large amount of wish-fulfillment alicorn OCs, even before Twilicorn. Hell, even before Cadence.

Besides that, is it honestly such a big deal if there really has been an increase lately? If a reader hates alicorn OCs that much, I would assume they would just never read any stories that contain them.

Boom. Problem solved.


the number of alicorn OCs has increased.

2333588 Increase in alicorn OCs, huh? I think I'll just continue to ignore all of them like before.

2333592 So: more people will figure "Hey, I don't need to work hard to make my character likeable and develop their personality; I'll just be a lazy wank and slap some wings and a horn on it to make it instantly special! I like to eat poop." (Yes, I have yet to come by an alicorn OC I found likeable)

Besides personal preference, it's not really an issue. In fact, I think it's fun to see how bad stories like that are.

~I'm off for a wank (thought I'd get one too - it's to show that I'm professional, right?)

By the way, who's the bugger who keeps downvoting everyone's comments?

It appears some people here like Alicorn OC's, judging by the downthumbing going on in this thread.:rainbowlaugh:

2333911 Well, in that case:

I fail to see why I should care, I think most OC's and bland and generic anyway. It's the real special ones that pop out.

I for one want to see a new type of OCs: Crystal Pony OC!
And now I wait.

I k ow a lot of flaws with that plot device, although I confess I did not foresee this one.




2333766 What does Nelson Mandela have to do with this? :ajsmug:

Twilight isn't the big deal. It was Cadence. When the alicorns were Celestia and Luna, period, that was solid.

And then suddenly you had Cadence. And she was young. And she had a peripheral sub-domain of her own. Suddenly everything is different. Alicorns can't be so extremely rare. The floodgates were instantly opened to the point that I felt that it was necessary to add several (mostly offscreen) alicorns to a story I was writing at the time, each with a subdomain analogous to but further-off than and better-established (not in canon, but more politically stable) than the Crystal Empire. The cosmology just didn't work otherwise.

At least mine weren't wish-fulfillment. You barely meet one of them and she's an asshole.

I suspected something like that would happen with twilicorn didn't expect an increase in characters I thought at the very least it would make. it's not an iron clad rule that all alicorns are inherently overpowered and uninteresting. yes celestia is way overpowered but twilight isn't anymore than she normally is certainly wings and a horn are no excuse for a bad character but I think an alicorn can be interesting as long as there's an interesting reason


So: more people will figure "Hey, I don't need to work hard to make my character likeable and develop their personality; I'll just be a lazy wank and slap some wings and a horn on it to make it instantly special! I like to eat poop." (Yes, I have yet to come by an alicorn OC I found likeable)

If someone decides to be lazy and make a shit OC why is that mine or anyone elses concern?

~Have a good one.


Besides personal preference, it's not really an issue. In fact, I think it's fun to see how bad stories like that are.

You did catch that part of my comment, right? Because I clearly state it's not.

~I'm off for a wank

2334677 It's the To Damn High meme.


You seem upset! The King is amused by this.

we need more nicholas cage OCs

2333588It's sadtric

But the issue, I'm guessing, isn't a preponderance of alicorns, but the consequences of many alicorn stories:

A lot of them will be crap, and you just won't know it until you SPEND THE TIME to actually read them

WHICH we do NOT all have.

Perfectly understandable.

And what now?

I don't even know how to respond to this.

2337568 You don't know? :facehoof:
Aren't Crystal Ponies fire proof? :applecry:

Crystal ponies are organic but their DNA is compromised by the constant radiation emitting from the crystals they literally live inside. They are therefore crystalline in appearance and can be broken.

So, we need a new generation of OCs which will be in constant danger of breaking themselves into pieces!

Note: In my opinion there must be a kind of them which is made from some kind of sugar crystal.
I let the rest of this thought for your dirty fantasy to complete.

The only OC alicorn I know is,
No other.

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