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You may know that analysts haven't given the recent episodes a thumbs up. We've been getting more Nieghs Than Yays and that bugs me. So far (excluding the season 4 episode 1 & 2), we haven't gotten an episode that doesn't have a mixed opinion. This the first time season I'm going through as a brony so could someone please tell me if I'm being paranoid cuz I LOVE this fandom and I don't want it to end slowly.

2337201 Just because people don't think the show is as good as it was, doesn't mean people won't keep making shit about it.

No, I didn't know they didn't give the episodes a thumbs up.

But I don't really care. Because I'm enjoying it and they're not.

2337201 dude Hasbro might just be keeping us waiting for something good to happen

2337201 I think it is mostly the new writers making this similar to the previous gens instead on what Fuast made originally lets just hope a Spike origin stick makes it all better

2337210 Well Hasbro can be a bitch at times...

lol just because they dont appreciate it as much as others do mean they hate the episode. trust me if they had to pick between not getting an episode and getting a "crappy" one they would still watch it. its just people are getting too nitpicky. mostly because these episodes lately are very plot focused. i believe you are getting scared for nothing. this fandom has so much to go for until episode 26. which will hopefully not be the last, cuz i love this fandom :pinkiehappy:

i personally listen to thier critiques of the episodes but just because they don't like it means i dont either. i agree with them on some points but c'mon its a fucking kids show, not a goddam breaking bad series. all series tend to have plot holes or mistakes.:rainbowhuh:

Your being hella cray.

The last 4 episodes in this new season were excellent. I mean, if you asked this question during the end of Season 3, some might have agreed with you, seeing as it was kinda meh at several points. While it may be a little too early to say, the episodes of this new season have been GREAT compared to most that have even been in the show, ever.

If I were to make a prediction, I would say this season might just be the best season sense the first. Maybe even better in some ways. I mean, the premier was just as great as every other one. Although, I cannot predict the future, and nether can you.

Also, seeing what the title of this thread is, I'm guessing that this one is gunna be active for a while. :trollestia:
That being said, at the end of season 4, I might just say if I think the series is dying off, but until then, I can only give a guess based on my opinion. Obvious question though, why do YOU think this new season is bad?

2337201 You're too paranoid.

All things end.

Group Admin


Eh, at the end of the day people all have different opinions. For instance, some may want more Derpy, some may want Discord to turn evil again, just for a laugh. Some even want more fan work included in the show. In the end of itwe all rate things based on our own expectations.

I'll admit, i have not watched many episodes of the show, i can't stand the majority but that didn't stop me from starting two fics, interacting in the forums and, i'll admit, making an arse of myself on the majority of said forums (Calidus the Immortal i apologize for the whole "The villan should be Thor in your fic and Zeus should go around and impregnate everyone (Cause that was pretty much his thing) making lots of demigods" thing i typed eariler.

Back on topic, the show could end right now but lots of people would still continue to watch the old eps, write the fics and clop to the works of Reigar, so i don't think it will ever die out.

2337220 People have been giving them a bad time and.....

2337233 I think you just might be listening to a loud minority, because the majority (At least from my sources) say that the premier has been awesome.

Also, yup. Why do you think that there has been a flood of posts. You done goofed and now all is lost for you. :trollestia:

2337227 Also, that profile picture.

2337254 Whats wrong with my profile picture?


Hush, Negative Nancy, the show's fine. It's going to last as long as it's profitable, either as FIM or as a spinoff.

Just look at Transformers. Most of its fiction is terrible, leagues below FIM, yet it's going strong as ever. Hasbro's gonna milk this cash pony's twin teats until it's a dried husk of failed hopes and raped dreams.

In other words, the show's only going to end when you're sick of it, and maybe not even then.

2337256 Not yours, Punch's, his is great. That being said, yours is too, so now all is happy. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2337261 And that is another REALLY good point. We might all stop watching it before it actually ends, if it ever does get like that.

... I probably wont though, I'm too much of a bitch to the show.

2337222 lol glad to hear. but yeah take it easy and enjoy the episodes tbh these have been one of my favorite episodes thus far. a really awesome start considering how lack luster i thought S3 finale was. so yeah just enjoy the fandom as much as you can! and dont let your imagination run wild a have it come back with fear! its better if it comes back with cake :pinkiesmile:

glad to have helped.

2337201 NO! What are you talking about. Granted I admit haven't really watched the new episode besides 1 and 2, but the fandom isn't really dying. Is it?!

Stahp it, you're tearing me apart Shabih!


Hasbro's gonna milk this cash pony's twin teats until it's a dried husk of failed hopes and raped dreams.

Okay, that comment just got weird... :rainbowderp:

2337201 It's an analyst, they are supposed to nitpick and gripe about every little facet about the show. Even so at some point it has to end, all things do. The show will eventually come to a conclusion and be rebooted.Or the writers will destroy it.

Some fans will move on to the new stuff while others stay with the old and continue to produce fan made content for it, just like every other fandom. You don't have anything to worry about, the fandom may get smaller as time goes on but there will always be fans of the show, long after it's done.

The show has slowly been going downhill ever since the Season 3 finale, which much more heavily relied on dated and stereotyped cliches of typical cartoon shows in the 80s to mid 90s meant for little girls. (Overuse of songs with female vocals, the central main character becoming a princess without any complications, immediate fumbles, or drawbacks, etc) I suspect Hasbro may be trying a little too hard to please the target demographic as well as the critics at the expense of the more influential adult fanbase, possibly a long-lasting side effect of the fallout triggered by the Derpy Hooves incident in The Last Round-up, though this is just speculation.:facehoof: Although there is little debating that the S3 finale was the first moment in the series to introduce its first case of fandom dividing controversy.

Another great flaw with the show upon the season 3 finale is the over glorification of Twilight Sparkle. Being someone who heavily relates to her, from personality traits, interests, pet peeves, and even backgrounds, I find her ascension to royalty to be unnecessary and even selfish and contrived. I know I would not be pleased with that perk since it would involve new burdens and a steady loss of time with my dearest friends. It makes her seem much more important and 'special' than the rest of the Mane Six, which completely goes against the message of the show. And every two-parter has been increasingly blatant about this. I get she has stronger leadership skills than the other five, but that isn't reason enough for all this. I also find it bothersome that the other five members are unconditionally fine with this without showing any objection at all. It made sense with Twilight being the central main character of season 1 because as the show was starting out with strong morals to teach the audience about friendship while still playing things somewhat safe without deviating too far from the My Little Pony norms, she basically served as a medium for us since of the Mane Six, she had the most to learn about friendship with the show educating us through her. With the following two seasons, this is no longer necessary since the Mane Six have been shown as having much to learn and share as well, balancing out the cast and letting the morals become a bit more less focused on just friendship and outlying issues as well. Bringing the spotlight back onto Twilight in this manner brings a crapton of flaws and issues that Hasbro really needs to sort out, hopefully before the end of season 5.

It is not surprising that the season released immediately after it would hit a few snags after a controversial ending to the previous season. Hopefully Hasbro will figure out what they've been doing wrong very soon and get the show back on track to making it the way that made it great in the first place. Regardless of the flaws and general nitpicks I have with the plot developments, I will keep watching the show even if it does hit some low points. There is no other show like it and it will probably be a very long time before there is ever another show like it.


Worry not, too many people seem to do just that. Over thinking something based on what others MAY think or believe is truly useless anyway.

Just keep on going right? If MLP still makes you happy seek out places where it still lives on. It behooves, (lol,I know) this and many other MLP FF sites to keep it together..the loss of thousands of MLP stories would tear a new hole in this heart of mine.

*Cough Cough* Don't forget about the MLP Collectable Card Game coming out soon. It's a load of fun. :pinkiehappy:

Am I missing something? I know not everyone who's in the fandom actually watches the show but I liked all of the recent episodes in season 4. Especially the latest one. The only nitpick I have is the whole tree thing from the first 2 episodes. :fluttercry:

Actually, you just asked if My Little Pony is dying.

Considering how the franchise as a while had existed for decades (and probably before you were born), it has stood strong against generation changes, designs and marketing.

MLP will take a long time to die.

As for FiM, I think the internet has it's hold on it too much for it to die outright. Maybe it will stop being in production, but it will not stop being shown online for years to come.

The worst mistake you can make regarding the entertainment industry is to ascribe any degree of authority to any critic for any length of time. No two people, no matter how alike their interests, will see things wholly in the same light (much less three or more). The only thing a critic is really any good for is relaying what they've seen/read to their fans so as to allow them to decide whether the subject of the review is worth looking into.

According to some of the most noted critics of the relevant day the home console video game industry was never going to survive past the NES (or, later, the SNES/SEGA), CDs were a dead end and email was just a passing fad that would disappear once the novelty wore off.

To put it quickly and simply: Critics are as short-sighted and biased as the rest of us. Pay them no mind.

"It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here."

Everything must come to an end.

Hopefully the more autistic side of the fandom dies off first, so it can end on something of a positive note.

2337201 This fandom died before it even came into existence. Think about it; everyone outside the fandom either hates bronies or doesn't even know about MLP at all, most of the members are 17-25 so they have to quit the fandom sooner or later because life starts getting in the way, then there is the fighting within the fandom (last time a fandom had this much inward fighting it tore itself apart).

The way I see it, within one or two years the only thing left of the fandom will be a few empty websites and old youtube videos which only gets five or six views a year.

2337201 MLP is a time lord. It can't die, it can only regenerate.

Eh...I'd say MLP is doing fine. The seasons are going to vary as the writers try new angles to keep it fresh: think World of Warcraft and the changes the game undergoes with each new expansion. Of course some of the stories are going to upset some of the more vocal fans who had their jimmies rustled when certain things don't meet their head canon (for example).

Wait. Season 4 is out?

well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. (Yes, I realize this is a possibility.)

2337478 Sorry, I didn't feel like sugar coating anything.

2337475 Yes.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so there's that. If something this big has been started, then it probably wouldn't end anytime soon.

MLP will only truly die when nobody remembers it.
But anyways, I'm sure there will be many more seasons before the saga finale.
Edit: I don't even want to think about that anyways.

2337201 Those self-proclaimed "analysts" are fools too high and bloated on themselves. It's like they actually expect everyone who watches their shit to feel the exact same way as they do. The thing they like to forget, though, is that it's a show for little kids, and a really solid one at that. In my opinion they're just spoiled brats who think the cast of MLP will bow to their every whim and care about their devastating displeasure.
"Good luck with that," I say.

Believe it or not, Friendship is Magic's targeted demographic is not bronies, it's for kids under the age of 12 (or 11, forget which). It's one of those few genuinely good shows out there right now with very creative writers behind it, but at the end of the day it's just a kid's show targeted towards little kids.

My point is, if you really enjoy yourself in the fandom and the show then the nagging little self-proclaimed analysts' opinions really shouldn't get to you. It's true that some episodes aren't as good as others but it's not for those wankers to decide which ones you should think less of.
It's called having an opinion, it's really something I would recommend - it has done wonders for me.

(In case anyone couldn't tell: yes, I fucking hate those "analysts". Not because of their opinion, but becuase they are intent to shove it in your face as much as possible until you burst)

2337201 Rest assured dear brony. This fandom will only pass when you pry it from my cold, dead hooves. :rainbowdetermined2:

It's dying?!! ohmergawd! :pinkiegasp:

But seriously dude, I doubt that. Season 4 has been probably one of my favorite seasons out of all of them so far. Maybe because it's new, maybe because the plot is more important now, but the only reason why people are gonna nitpick at all is because they wanted something different.There's a few elements of charm that some fans will probably feel will be taken away, but MLP has a whole new charm to it now that season 4 has taken the steed in my opinion. :raritystarry:

But overall, once season 4 is done, it'll probably be a new wave of MLP fans coming, and older ones will either appreciate it more, or even less. Just like the last seasons. Depends on what captivated them. :applejackunsure: Regardless the plot is moving forward, and if you ask me, it should be cause for even more inspiration the previous seasons.

Like 3, How did anyone get inspired from season 3 is beyond me. It wasn't bad, just crazy short and lacking in any development other than maybe 2-4 episodes. But it was popular! I say give it time, people will like it. :trixieshiftright:

2337201 If the show was dying, I doubt that Hasbro would have bothered with a full 26 episode season. Its simple. Some older fans may grow bored, but a whole bunch more new ones will take their place. Ass for the lack of thumbs up, every show will have episodes that are not as well received. And they will have episodes that are simply incredible that everyone loves.

Keep faith. I bet you any amount of bits you wanna put on the table that there will be a Season 5 following, and probably a Season 6, before the show begins to die out.

The season just started, calm down, There probably just throwing in filler episodes for the various characters before they get to the good stuff about that crystal box thingymajig.


If "life" gets in the way that person is doing something wrong. Time management isn't too difficult of a skill. Anyone who went to college learned how to manage time. After college you have way more time. Let me tell you, even a family and a job doesn't eat up as much time and effort as college.

I don't have a lot of time to do things, not because of my job, not because of my son, but because I have to come home and study and research and do online assignments for in times that would normally be for unwinding. The only time "LOL LEIF" is a good excuse is when something just demands your attention. Because like I said, If you don't have time to unwind, something has gone terribly wrong.

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