Human in Equestria 16,924 members · 17,127 stories
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So, we all know that the ponies in MLP have been specially designed to look adorable to humans. Large expressive eyes, tiny rounded snouts, marshmallow hooves.

Well, what about them?

Anyone who knows anything about biology would be able to tell you why humans find those things cute. It reminds us of infants, and they inspire a protection instinct within us.

So, let's take a look at pony infants.

Huh... Look at that.

Tiny noses, small rounded eyes, large stocky limbs.

How about children?

Basically in-between. They still have the stocky limbs and smaller snouts. They're eyes are definitely more developed than Pound's were, but still rounder and smaller than an adult's.

For comparison:

Bigger eyes, more ellipsoid. Longer, more pointed snout. Longer, more slender legs.

It's not just a rule for ponies, either.

Look at the animals that Fluttershy dubs 'cute'.

Small rounded eyes. Some have big goofy noses, some have small ones.

I hear you saying, "Well, what does this have to do with Human in Equestria?"

Can you name, just off the top of your head, one species with small eyes and noses?

What do you think? Would Equestria's ponies find us just as cute as we find them?

Chipmunks are just adorable...they are evil buckers though if you have a car..

2544694 They found parasprites cute before they found out they were devious little shits

...... I can't think of any other species that fits that description. :rainbowderp:
Very one of a kind to have those traits.

Possibly, our height might be an issue, since I believe most people place ponies at 3-4 feet tall.

I agree with everything else though, hell we might look like Normal Norman from EG

2544694 Hmm... interesting. But I have a question for you.

It has something to do with the uncanny valley.

What would ponies find creepy?.

2544694 A fascinating concept, it's certainly possible, definitely something I'd want to see explored.

2544694 i don't think they would fins us cute. but im sure the kids and babies of our species would come as cute to them as well.

you reminded me of Vsauce by the way you explained how we find things cute

peacekeeper won

2544786 Behind that mask is my real face...If you look closely, you can find my eyes. Careful though, you could get lost...:pinkiecrazy:

2544954 careful, they say the eyes are the window to the soul, and I like to break windows and take what's inside


2545059 Heroin, lots of heroin


2544981 Then you're gonna have a fun time...

A really fun time...

2544694 Y'know, I went into this thinking of saying human fetuses, and it turns out that I'm likely correct.

I never thought of it that way....

Well in Equestria Girls Twilight was attracted to the human version of Flash Sentry, but idk if that counts since she was a human as well at the time.


Cough* Cough* Flash.. Cough* Cough* Sentry Cough*

heh.....heh.... No one saw that

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