Sad Luna 221 members · 356 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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the dobermans
Group Admin

Greetings, fellow disciples of Luna. First, let me bring to your attention that this is the night of the largest supermoon that will be seen in the next couple decades. Luna, as the Romance tongues have it, has not been this near to us since 1948. I for one will be proffering my admiration.

Our most solemn contest has reached roughly its midway point (give or take a few weeks), and we have our first brave entrant (_Moonbeam)! Still working? Never fear. There are 5 weeks left to submit, the deadline being a not coincidental 21 Dec (link to guidelines). Beyond that, I humbly request that your story be tagged Complete by the deadline. This will greatly shorten the reviewing process.

That's all for now, my friends. Enjoy the gorgeous night!

Phew, I thought I remembered the deadline being the beginning of December. Though in reality the extra time is probably only gonna make me procrastinate more :P

Super moon was super bright. Too bad there wasn't any snow where I live. Full moons and snow make the brightest and best nights ever.

the dobermans
Group Admin


No worries. Sometimes you just need to brood on it. :twilightsmile:

The supermoon was indeed impressive. I could make out more of the details of the craters without a telescope. It also increased the volume of the whispering :pinkiehappy: When Luna speaks, one can only obey.

Snow would have magnified the glory, most definitely.

:pinkiegasp: you hear the whispers too?! I'm not crazy after all!!

the dobermans
Group Admin


Whispers, chimes, flashes, and sometimes, if I'm exceptionally lucky, the occasional poem.

We've spoken a bit about infinity, but it's all there in the moonlight.

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