~The Decent Writers Club~ 1,678 members · 9,346 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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First of all, I just wanna say, Welcome to the Masquerade. We are very happy that you decided to join this group. I hope you have fun here!

1: Please respect other users.

2: We are not your personal blog. If you can't wait for "Age of Adeline" to come out on DVD, then go tell your followers, not us. We don't care.

3: Self-promotion is allowed. However, do not post threads promoting the same story over and over in this group the same day.

4: Listen to the admins and contributors. If you don't, then expect a clone of Morgan Freeman to come find you, and tell you, in detail, how you're going to die.

5: Keep swearing to a dull roar. A dull roar means a minimal amount of swearing. We don't care if you swear, just try and not use it over obsessively. This is a list of swear words, because JenkinsRevenge wants us to clarify. And I don't have time to clarify what swear words are, so here's that thing. Keep all swearing pg-13

6: No linking to malicious/porn websites, and no posting porn. If we want to see that stuff, we'll look it up ourselves.

7: You are allowed to ask for help. Just make it clear what you need help with. We don't want to blindly offer our services just because someone asked for it.

8: Applejack is best pony. If you don't agree with me, then buck you.
Try your best not to arrouse conflict.

9: This list is oddly sexy, because All of the Above wrote it. You should follow him.
Don't be that guy.

10: Feel free to ask questions, so long as they have something to do with ponies or the group.

11: Please don't post irrelevant things. If you do, I can and will threaten you with this!

12: (Not a required rule, but it would be nice if you did) If you're about to make a thread, then please use a thread tag. Types of thread tags are found below.

Cry for help: If you need some help with stuff. Like, if you need a pre-reader, editor, or a co-author (I could be a pre-reader) then you make a thread with this on it. If you really need help, then add desperate to the beginning, and the admins or some kind passerby will come and help you.

Discussion: If you want to know what other bronies think of a certain thing. But please keep it about horses and magic.

Question: If you need to know something

Self-Promotion: When you want to promote a group, a new story of yours, or something you made yourself. However, if you aren't affiliated with the thing you're promoting, then please don't post. For example, I posted a new video on the vimeos, and I want to share it across the web, then that's perfectly fine. If you share a video that you didn't make, but you helped out with, then that's fine. If you share a video that is a music video for you favorite band, that's where we draw the line. Just remember, no one cares.

14: Do not make an ask thread for yourself. Those are for the admins and contributors only.

15: No NSFW threads!

If you break any of these rules, you will be burdened with a strike. Strikes work like this.

- Earned by breaking our rules after a warning or breaking one of the rules we have designated that does not get a warning.
- 3 strikes will result in a ban from the group.
- Strikes can be appealed against by PMing any of our admins other than the one who gave the strikes.
- Strikes will be removed after two weeks unless we have to speak to you again before the two weeks have passed.

Have a good one!
-All of the Above

11: Please don't post irrelevant things. If you do, I'll threaten you with this!

NO ANYTHING BUT THAT! :pinkiegasp:

Rebecca Black?! You monster!:raritydespair:

1845302 I don't really hate that song as much as everybody else seems to. I mean, yeah, it's pretty bad, but I honestly can't say that I hate it. I just don't like it.

Group Admin


I'm now tempted to make a thread about the conjuring....

Jk, I'd never do that. But I find that rule oddly specific.Has that happened before in another group?

Group Admin


That was porn for you? Whatever floats your boat, man.

Annalisa Flat
Group Admin

1845302 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Thank you for posting this :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

I love you. You have given me material for future trolling... Thank you.

of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible.
"a minimal amount of information"

the least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required.
"technical difficulties have been kept to a minimum"

It is possible some individual may find it impossible to stay below the realm of using over 25.684958395938593 swear words per comment/thread or find it required by their own subconscious to use 25.684958395938593 swear words per comment/thread

So I would recommend being more specific but it's up to you really.

Meanwhile I will study that list intently...

That is all. Equestria is gnikcuf ours.



14: Do not make an ask thread for yourself. Those are for the admins only.

And the people who won contests and became contributors. I'm pretty sure that's a thing, although no one has utilized it yet. :trixieshiftright:

If you break any of these rules, you will recieve a strike. Strikes work like this.
- Earned by breaking our rules after a warning or breaking one of the rules we have designated that does not get a warning.

I liked your set of rules and regulations, but any group that lets you "earn" strikes is a group I want to be a part of. :raritywink:


However, do not make multiple threads promoting the same story. Promoting separate chapters when they come out is fine, but multiple threads in one day is a no-no.

This is little confusing since it sounds like you're saying that one story cannot have multiple threads... and yet it can.
Which is it?

No real special rules. Do as you please, and please as you do.

Sorry for the mix up. You can make different threads promoting the same story, but if you post many threads in the same day, then we don't allow that. Again, I apologize for the mix up.

You know, just looking around, the only admins in this group that are still on the site are Nightmare_0mega and CrownofDissonance?

--Sweetie Belle

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