House of D'aww 768 members · 1,169 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Going back to basics a little bit on this group, one of the early things this group was used for a lot was posting a bunch of cute pictures on a theme in threads.

So this is a thread for cute pictures of couples. Post away!

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle


One of the most classic adorable gifs,


But who's in a relationship with who in that last picture?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Rarity and Applejack?

--Sweetie Belle


I mean, it could also be aj and rarity'd dad or somesuch.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

He's already in a relationship.

--Sweetie Belle

DilEmmas4U has some cute ones:

Sleepin' on Rainbows:

Fans and their Ships:

Oh, Okay...:

Considering Eqestria's gender ratio: It could still be AJ and Rarity's dad. And Rarity could be smiling at the couple, because she loves love, and she's happy AJ and her dad have each-other.

Yay! Shipping! We need shipping!

Some adorable young love.

My job here is done. Over and out!

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