House of D'aww 768 members · 1,169 stories
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Sometimes, we make threads where we share cute pictures. This one's different: We won't be sharing cute pictures, we'll be sharing ways to find cute pictures. So, where do you get your cute pictures?

I have been around for quite a while, so I know a bunch of artists who do cute art on DeviantArt and the like. And if I was in need of more cute art, I’d just visit Derpibooru and use the appropriate tags to search that site :twilightsmile:

7369165 Type in words like 'cute" and "daaaaaaaaaaaw" into the search bar on Derpibooru.

7369170 7369177
There's another Derpibooru-like site: Ponybooru. Ponybooru the result of a schism within Derpibooru. I'm not going to get into why the schism happened, or the rights and wrongs of it. But the point is: You might want to try plugging those tags into Ponybooru.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

There's also one called furbooru, though while it has pony content, it's intended to be more broadly for all types for furry content. It's based off the same code as derpibooru.

--Sweetie Belle

7376122 I didn't even know this site existed.

To answer my own question: I usually use an image search-engine. But there's no image search-engine I can really say that I'm satisfied with.

I like the way Bing gives you options for related searches. But Bing makes it needlessly difficult to get to the image file itself, or even to the webpage the image is on! Searx lacks Bing's bells and whistles, but doesn't make it difficult to get to the image file or webpage.



There's a whole litany of Derpibooru alternatives

To name a few.

Oh. Well, do you know which one (if any) is run or endorsed by the Derpibooru staff, who were banned from Derpibooru?


I think Ponerpics was created as a response to the Derpibooru drama earlier this year and they want to archive banned and deleted pony pictures, among more normal ones. I don't know much about the history of the others though.

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