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I formed an evil anti-Power Ponies team of villains with powers that specifically counter the abilities and strengths of the PPs, as well as being similarly based on the personalities of the Mane 6. They might be evil clones, I don't really know, but they look mostly like the Mane 6, like the PPs do. I'm really proud of them, so any suggestions or feedback would be very much appreciated :)

Fillisecond's super speed is rather easy to defeat. Stickywicket is practically made of sticky bubblegum, allowing her to immobilize anyone who tries to brawl with her or gets caught in one of her sticky gum traps. She's very giggly and pranksterish, and can also do comical maneuvers like inflating her own head and floating away (Like Pinkie did that one time).

Radiance's attack constructs are dependent on her focus, which is why her evil counterpart Mesmeralda uses her dazzling charm and blinding lightshows to distract and beguile her opponents. She can be seductive when it helps her get past security, and is difficult to chase down when laser lights and smoke aid in her escape. I can totally imagine her and Radiance getting caught up in simple banter, calling each other ugly and insulting each other's style.

There's no force in the world that can stop Saddlerager, which is why Yellowbelly uses the opposite of force. Her extreme meekness and timidity is phenomenally disarming, and when she bursts into tears it's near impossible to stand up against her. The other members of the team tend to bully her, and even use her as a distraction to escape, but make no mistake, she's just as evil as the rest.

Mistress Mare-velous has practically no powers above what any ordinary unicorn can do, and has a "capturing" motif with her lasso. As such, MissFortune is an expert at evading capture, despite her complete lack of powers. She's a ninja, but not the "magical ninjas" common in fiction. She uses nothing more than stealth, misdirection, traps, a quick wit, and a highly trained body to trip up and snag down her foes. She's the most serious and level-headed of the group, and prefers not to bloody her hooves.

It took a while to figure out how one could possibly counter Zapp's weather control, but a somewhat recent phenomenon in Russia inspired the hyperspeed pegasus Meteoryte. The most recklessly destructive of the group, the shockwave from her hypersonic booms can crack concrete, shatter all glass over several city blocks, and blast away any air currents nearby. Thunderclouds, hail, and even tornadoes are completely wiped out by the blast, leaving nothing but a huge empty hole in the sky. Of course, it puts a strain on her body that keeps her from doing it too much too often, but she has a flippant disregard for safety in the first place.

Finally, the Masked Matterhorn may be able to shoot several types of power beams from her horn, but the Antimattercorn only needs one. A mad scientist pegasus who invented a head-mounted ray gun that fires beams of supremely destructive antimatter, she is the de-facto leader of the group. She's much more "standard" as a villain than the others, the simple "genius with a death ray" archetype, but I find it works very well for the leader of the bunch, like Lex Luthor or Mojo Jojo. For some reason I imagine her wearing those crazy goggles that mad scientists tend to wear.

But wait, there is more than six members to the Power Ponies. How does this group fill the gap? Well, though the Antimattercorn leads the group in their regular crimes, they are overseen by The Boss, an enigmatic mastermind that delivers them special missions and orders via transmission. They've never seen his face, but his plans are always perfect and they don't dare disobey him. He may have created the six, I'm not really sure. However, the terrible truth about The Boss is that rather than a counterpart, he IS Humdrum, the very same sidekick to the Power Ponies. He plays the part of bumbling sidekick to learn about the Power Ponies' strengths and weaknesses, as well as be in prime position to affect the balance of power in Maretropolis. He may "fumble" an important task if it goes against his interests, or occasionally come through and help defeat a major villain in order to protect Maretropolis until he's prepared to take it for himself. Even when the two teams face off, the evil counterparts have no idea that their Boss is the little sidekick hiding behind the Power Ponies.

So what do you think?

Not too bad, I suppose. And that part about Humdrum is an interesting twist

Group Admin


Very interesting premise, though do I have a few interesting ideas to add to it, for example:

Stickywicket: She can control exactly how sticky her body can get, from being easy to peel off to being so sticky that it's practically impossible to to tear off without pulling off huge chunks of whatever she's stuck to in the process. She can also stretch parts of her body to near impossible lengths due to her being made out of bubblegum did tentacles to strike and capture her opponents as well.

Her weakness however is water or possibly any type of liquid, she'll lose her elasticity as well as for stickiness if she gets covered in enough of it.

Yellowbelly: While she is meek and timid, she has the ability to produce a special type of "pacifist aura" through crying, which can make anyone completely lose the will to fight. She also does have a few special fighting moves, this combined with her aura makes her a formidable foe.

Mesmeralda: She can also use her Dazzling Charm to create what she calls her "Siren Vision", she sings a special type of music as her charm creates a special light that showed her opponents their greatest desire which lulls her opponent into a trance.

That's all I have for now, what do you think?

Definitely interesting ideas, thanks for sharing! I'm hesitant to add too much, since the Power Ponies themselves have very limited powers and until I see them going further with theirs, I don't want these six to be too powerful.

For Stickywicket, I suppose it's necessary to have her able to choose whether to be sticky or not, since she can't be super sticky all the time. Stretchiness can work, but hmm, maybe she gets weaker the more she stretches? That would make sense. It would probably be played more for humor than for utility. I definitely don't think tentacles though, she should probably have the same pony "skeleton" all the time. I can't imagine why water would be a weakness, if anything drying out would be more of a problem for her. You aren't just trying to rip off One Piece, are you? ;) Gum is very different from rubber!

For Yellowbelly, I'd prefer the "pacifist aura" to be implied rather than stated as a real phenomenon. While it is a superpower, you can never really say for certain that she's not just really good at crying ;)

And similarly for Mesmeralda, Siren Vision shouldn't really be necessary if she's believably written as an actually seductive and distracting character, so I don't think I'll go with that. I will say though that you did give me an idea, that her Dazzling Charm could actually be a physical charm she wears like Radiance's bracelet. Heck, maybe it's the source of her beauty!

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

3521442 so basically, Evil Radiance would be like Vijounne? That would be awesome.

Also, someone had to make the reference:


I was hoping I'd get more feedback, but oh well. Now there are a few questions I'd like to pose.

1. What could the group be called? I originally thought the Sinister Six was good, but it turns out Marvel already has that. I haven't been able to come up with anything better though.

2. This one I've been deliberately not thinking about because I want to get ideas from other people. So each of the six are made to be able to beat their counterpart in a head on fight. So how could you reorder them so that each Power Pony wins against one of the six evil ponies? Be creative!

Fili-Second vs. Yellowbelly. (Assuming Pinkie's personality comes into play) A pony who's mission in life is to make ponies smile could easily take on the challenge of somepony who makes others feel miserable. And it'd be nonviolent, too, meaning she wouldn't even have to lay a hoof on Yellow even with the whole can't-raise-a-hoof-against-her thing.

Saddlerager vs. Meteoryte. The unstoppable force meets the immovable mountain. And what is more likely to get SR angry than a complete disregard for the safety of everypony in the area, even Meteoryte's own team?

Zapp vs. MissFortune. When being a stealth expert, the last thing you need is for the environment to work against you. And what does Zapp do? Bend the environment (at least the weather) to her whims. Lightning strikes lighting up the area, winds blowing away camouflage cloaks, rain creating puddles that make splashes if she passes through them, etc.

Mistress Mare-velous vs. Mesmerelda. (Again, assuming Applejack's personality is important) One of the most down-to-earth ponies in the world probably wouldn't react much to someone who's sole gimmick is essentially flirting with her target.

Radiance vs. Antimatterhorn. Antimatter may work well on matter, but Radiance's bracelets create energy constructs. One shield in front of those blasts, and nothing'll come close to happening.

Masked Matterhorn vs. Stickywicket. Sticky strikes me as the kind you don't wanna touch. Masked Matterhorn's entire skillset is based on long-range combat. She'd never even have to come close.

3521442 I think I can imagine Stickywicket kinda like Rubber Band man from Static Shock in which she can morph her shape into lots of different objects for stuff like pranks or even stealth.


1. Sinister Six is good for it to be the initial name that group has because Humdrum came up with the name so probably was going to be something for him to tell the teams apart and what purposes they respectively serve, the 6 members of the team wouldn't have been together long enough to have come up with a different team name that they all can agree on, and it provides the general idea what the team is about.

2. First off here, I would switch Zapp to take on MissFortune as Zapp is the only 1 that doesn't have the skill set based around capturing the opponent in a conscious state whenever possible like the others do.

Next Mistress Mare-velous would use her rope to tie up Yellowbelly while remaining outside of the latter's effect range.

This would lead to Saddlerager taking down The Antimattercorn for the massive amount of harm and damage she caused.

Than The Masked Matterhorn's strategic use of her horn rays would allow her to take out Stickywicket easily while clearing the field of sticky gum traps.

Followed by Fillisecond running circles around Mesmeralda to defeat the latter.

Finally, Radiance would take care of Meteoryte.

Heey, not bad! I'm getting a bunch of ideas from everyone here, this place is more creative than I expected :)

3521442 4 words:
Do. You. Have. Art?
I want art! :pinkiehappy:

Oh how I wish I did! I don't even have designs, so anyone I ask would have to be willing to both design and draw 6 costumes, and you can imagine how difficult it is to find someone who wants to.

3648246 If you don't mind, I'd like to draw Stickywicket. :pinkiesmile:

I would love that! I imagine she'd be pink like Pinkie, her mane having a chewed bubble gum look, but it's totally your call how you want to do it :)

3648603 I was thinking pink too, since bubblegum is usually portrayed as a pink. :) The chewed bubblegum is a cool idea! :pinkiesmile: I'll do an attempt.
My costume designing skills aren't superific, so it might be lacking in that department, but it can always be modified to look cooler! :twilightsmile:

Well I couldn't design a costume if my life depended on it, so I'm sure it will be great!

3649088 Thanks :pinkiesmile: Hopefully I can finish her tomorrow morning.

3649088 Here:
Also, do you think I could do Radiance's nemesis too? :pinkiesmile:

Whoo, I love it! Has a sort of "nasty" look, but it's totally fitting :D
And no need to ask, I'm ecstatic you'd want to make them at all! Please, do as much as you want!

3650860 Alright! :pinkiehappy: Do you have any suggestions for Mesmeralda? I've thought her eyelashes would be thick like Adagio Dazzle's, but that's about it.

Thick eyelashes sounds about right. Maybe some sort of dazzling reflectors spaced around her costume? She needs to be pretty, but not necessarily the way Radiance is. Lots of makeup probably, and possibly... green hair?

All of this is just suggestion though, go with whatever you feel is best :)

3651280 I think I'll base her off the Dazzlings for the most part. :pinkiesmile: I'll see if green hair works. Also, I probably can't finish until Friday, since I can only begin on Thursday morning.

3651280 Alright, here she is: I think I overdid her tail :D

Hmm... no offense, but I think this design is a bit... off. Her mane and tail would ideally be styled, perhaps overly styled, but this looks a bit... simple. Her costume has some good stuff, but doesn't look very glamorous. Is that a popped collar? I'm not sure what the wrappings on the hooves are for. Is her outline pink...?

I like the face though! I hate to offer such criticism for someone's nice work, but I think Mesmeralda may have been the most difficult choice for you to try ^^;
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, especially since Stickywicket up there was great! How did you make that, anyway?

3656350 Yeah I understand. :pinkiesmile: If the colors are fine, though, someone else could use it as a starting point to do something more elaborate.
How did I make what? :rainbowhuh: I'm not sure what you mean.

That's a good point, I can definitely thank you greatly for the reference pic!
And I meant how did you make the Stickywicket pic?

3657239 Alright, first I got a base, which is how I usually do my art. Then I filled her coat and eyes colors in, and then I started on the hair. After I filled it in, I added a lighter, per shade of purple to my pallet and made the shine using the curve tool (MS Paint.) Finally, I added the suit and used the curve tools to make the bubble pattern.

3532064 how about you call them The Villianous V, like a Roman numeral?:derpytongue2:

3657239 As stated before, counter-villains are basically one-trick ponies. A simple mix and match will usually defeat them. You need a broader team of villains that are a threat to multiple members of the team even when operating alone. And try not to avoid the Team of Clashing Ego, as all it takes is to set them against each other to get them to tear themselves apart. It's a real cheap trick when they've created the "More Powerful Than YOU!" Villain Team.
Start with a Mastermind. One with powers of their own, but still smart enough to assemble a team to help doing villainy without dirtying their own hooves all the time. If they don't already know the weakness of the heroes, they soon quickly figure it out. I'm thinking Queen Mystique, the super-powered version of Queen Chrysalis. A Master Shape-shifter with the ability to drain the powers of her victims once she has tricked them. She's also willing to turn public opinion and the law against the heroes in order to weaken their resolve.
Add a powerhouse. One that also creates powerful constructs from energy, but based on something like Rage. Then angrier they get, the stronger they become. How about Sinestallion, the Master of Rage. His constructs are red, and he's good with FIRE. His physical strength is also greatly enhanced when enraged. While his powers are vast, he has one weakness, and that's his tendency to enrage others... like Flutterhulk. Oops.
Add a speedster. Fight speed with a speedster. Quicksaddle, the Mutant Master of Speed. Master of at least 12 different forms of Kung Pony, he can deliver a hundred blows before most ponies can blink. Also knows how to knock out opponents by blows to pressure points. Very good at being stealthy even when moving at speed by zipping from one hiding place to the next.
Add a sharpshooter. An expert with firearms as well as all forms of firearms combat. They have anything from pocket derringers to 4-bore double barrelled shotguns. Outlaw, the Renegade Gun Fighter. Has a number of trick guns and bullets, such as 'sleep gas shells', 'flash-bang bullets', etc. Also quite agile, acrobatic and gymnastic.
I might think of some more later, but that would be a formidable team as is.

That's neat! But... there's six of them. Villainous VI?

Not really sure what your intentions are here. If you want to come up with your own group, just say "Here's a group I came up with." And while you have some points about how counter-villains work, you're kinda missing the point, and the appeal, with your proposed group. They're neat villains, despite some glaring ripoff concerns, but as you said they're "a threat to multiple members of the team even when operating alone". So then, why would they team up? They all come across, in my opinion, as standalone villains who would just take the Power Ponies on themselves. There's no real reason for them to exist as a team. My group on the other hand was formed specifically as a team, who benefit from each other and, like the Power Ponies, aren't really all that without teamwork (unless facing their counterpart one-on-one).

Now it's true that I haven't shown how they would work together exactly, I can work on that, but can you offer the same for your villains? How would they synergize?

3684819 Well, I was spitballing ideas off the top of my head. But they synergize around the will and plans of the Mastermind like most good villainous teams do. I'm just saying that there's limits on one-trick pony teams. They're too easy to defeat, and such a pain to turn into long term interesting characters. A strong team is always greater than the sum of its parts alone, and a good Mastermind realizes this. I just came up with some ideas one might get from say examining the Legion of Doom or the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, for example. In many cases, the villains have been defeated by teamwork and realize that they cannot truly succeed on their own. I guess I'm just saying that your team needs to be a little more than just the opposite of somebody else's hero.

Alright, so who's your mastermind? How do they work? What are they after? What makes them a mastermind? I'm interested :)

3685989 Queen Mystique is the Mastermind. She's the leader by virtue of the fact she is the Queen of her own nation, and being a Queen provides one with Diplomatic Immunity in most of the world, such as a Doctor Doom or Queen Bee enjoys. She already has a small army of absolutely loyal changelings on her side, but even she knows their limits, so she employs "mercenary" supervillains to increase her influence and perform her dirty work for her. She is somewhat greedy by nature, always seeking just a bit more money, a bit more power, and a bit more to control. Therefore, she tends to horde artifacts and new technologies that would make her nation as powerful and influential as Equestria. She gets what she wants even when she can't outright buy it. Using her changeling followers, she likes to infiltrate the military, political and financial capitals of the world for "inside information" she can use to adjust and further her plans. She might be looking for things like "Mass Mind Control Devices", "Doomsday Weapons", or "Infinite Power Sources" as things she would want to control herself. I can think of one such device right in Maretroplois, after all. :)

Huh. Well like I said before, she (and the others) sound like they would just never work together. I'm not sure what stops her from instantly taking over everything already.

3686249 Because her nation is a small time player, not a super power. You could make the same argument for Queen Chrysalis, Doctor Doom and Queen Bee, but they just can't instantly take over everything. They lack the power. They have super heroic enemies. A lot of them. They know that if the whole world turned against them at once, it would all be over. They have to bide their time and keep their cards close to their chest. The takeover of the world can only happen at just the right time, the right place, and the right conditions. They know it. The other villains have their own reasons for going along: A share of the power, a share of the spoils, a share of the thrills, personal revenge, personal devotion to the Queen's vision, or just plain being cray-cray. Most villains like to work for someone who's a winner, even if it's just in their own little corner of the world.
I like complex villains like that.

I can top that: Kul'as demon that slayed the mighty Tau Sunflare Eons ago before the time of the Windegos. Brought back from the dead through hos spirits collaboration with the Mane-iac, and injecting himself woth some of a serum made for a the power ponies togive their powers a boost, he has been reborn, even of it's just a a fraction of what he can never regain. When he recieved his new powers had the Power Ponies not also had the serum, he would've easily been able to fight Saddle Rager one on one. Now returned from the brink he plans in the shadow to conquer Maretropolis and the rest of the planet by any means. Even if it means constant clashes with the banes of his existence The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and The Nova Knight, and if he didn't know better, he could assume they were sisters based on how they constantly collaborate when fighting him.
below is before rebirth and after.
And After (with the same black and purple color scheme):

As if complications in his city conquering plans weren't bad enough with his collaberation with the Mane-iac, Animated Blitzwing has ened up in Maretropolis and joined forces with them. Worse part on Kul'as' behalf is Blitzwing was seperated from his 3 personalities and now Kul'as is stuck with Random Face Blitzwing whom the Mane-iac has taken a liking to.

The pictures were the only forms I could find to match Kul'as' awesomeness and Evil.

3755587 wait this is the counterparts forum. Sorry forget what I said than.:twilightsheepish:

3521442 I used Stickeywicket here. What do you think of my portrayal? :pinkiesmile:

Hmm, hard to say without the team, as well as the whole human thing going on, but I'll look into it in more detail later!

So after almost three years, I got some professional art done of my villains!! These are preliminary sketches based on vague guidelines I set, but most of the design and costume choices are from the artist, which means they're totally up for revision! They look amazing as-is, but I want to come up with any possible improvements before I go further. I know you guys are creative, if you're still around, please help me come up with any little things you think could look better!

And finally, after ten thousand years of waiting, BEHOLD!

(by AshleyArcticFox)


So I have a question.

Are these characters available for use in our stories, with permission from and credits given to you for their creation? Because if they are then they will likely make it into a story I'm working on that focuses on Smudge from the 2014 IDW special.

Well, as long as I take a look at it and give the go ahead, that's how it works! I look forward to hearing about it :)

I'm excited to work on a cosplay of Stickywicket.

Okay so it's been years and you most likely don't care anymore, but what if instead of Antimattercorn firing destruction antimatter blasts, she turns into one?

A deadly force of energy that breaks down matter and A: renders it harmless B: creates deadly proto molecules, that bombard everything with deadly energy, or C: enables her to transform it into more antimatter that she can shape and control, however she sees fit.

A weakness for option C could have antimatter break down into proto matter over time, ensuring that Antimattercorn must constantly feed on regular matter to keep her shape, causing her to be weak when sperated from physical molecules and leave damage behind that is easy to track when she feeds.

And for zap's opposite: Unstoppable: a pegasus that sucks the thermal, electrical, or kentic energy out of any suronding system and using it to power her own movement, becoming a juggernaut of energy, whose physical strikes can level city blocks.

Also the Humdrum thing is genius. Although one thing I will add, is that I have always imagined that his special power was a special psychic filter, which fools people into underestimating him.

Perhaps he developed technology and gave it to the team to work around this problem? Or perhaps he figured out how to control who gets affected.

Either way it would explain why he is capable of acting as a double agent right under the Power Ponies noses.

Nevermind. I missed this addition. That being said, sweet artwork.

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