Power Ponies HQ! 430 members · 218 stories
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I like for this thread to be a list of places people can use for their power ponies story. Power ponies seem to be a cross between DC, Marvel, and MLP. So any places from those three can go here. We already have;

Metropolis = Maretropolis
Gotham = Trotham
Atlantis = Alfalfis
Arkham = Balkham

From MLP, I kinda like to include;
Crystal Empire
Well of Shade
Everfree Forest
Mirror Pool
Stream of Silence

What places would you like to see in Power Ponies?

Yeah i can see more dc than marvel. But I like to see

a few companies like
Sparkle enterprises = wayne enterprise
Glimmer corp = lex corp
Comet city: named after superman horse

Some of the marvel elements are in the Power Ponies are

Scott Summers = Masked Matter-Horn (Trot Summers) went to Professor Celestia School for Gifted Youth.
Bruce Banner = Saddle Rager (Spruce Spanner)
Thor = Zapp (Aurora) wield the mighty Thunderer

I like your idea of Sparkle Enterprise and Glimmer Corp. Who should be the MLP version of Tony Stark and Stark Enterprise. I like
Changelings = Skrull
Badlands = Savage Lands

To be honest I got a superman/batman feel from Masked matter horm and shazam from zapp.

Though to mlp version of Tony stark how about blueblood

I'm against how derivative the Power Ponies canon is already, I'd really hate to see people just making carbon copies of existing comic places. I mean, doesn't that stuff already exist anyway?

I can't really see Masked Matter-Horn being Superman because she lack sunshine absorption, super strength, or super speed.

If they have a pony version of Superman and the Kryptonian, I think Autumn Blaze and the Kirin/Nirik could work. Could have Kirinite (Kryptonite).

Zapp also lack many of the abilities of Shazam. I think if they did have a Shazam character, it would be Hum Drum.

I think Sunset Shimmer in her Daydream (EQG: Friendship Game) and her Nightflare (EQG movie) form could make a good Jason Blood/Etrigan.

With her hoofarang(batarang) and lasso, Mistress Mare-Velous is a cross between Batman and Wonder Woman.

And I think Blueblood being the pony version of Ironman(Tony Stark) could be a good idea. And instead of iron, he can use the MLP metal, azurantium.

The Threstal could be the MLP version of the Inhuman.

It seem that the MLP crews are fans of Sailor Moon since they created ponified version of them.

Superman was derived from Doc Savage, the Phantom, Hercules, and Samson. Dragonball was derived from Journey to the West. The Hulk was derived from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So I don't think the problem is that something is derived from something else but how the story is told.

And to be fair, Maretropolis is obviously meant to be more like Gotham anyway.

Well she has flight and is a paragon of goodness so more superman. Autunm blaze feel would be more fitting in a Chinese type culture.

The reason i picked shazam for zap was they had similar personality. i know she was based on Storm from the x men. But Zap seems less serious then her. plus shazam does have thunder type powers and is called captain thunder.

With sunset shimmer i see her being more like catwoman/riddler and use her research in advance alchemy to create power up versions of each.

Agreed on mistress marevelous though i might throw in batgirl for good measure

What little we see of him he was more self center. so i can see him being more like Justin hammer/titanium man

starlight glimmer would be idea for a lex luthor to masked matter horn

cheese sandwich would be good as a trickster type character to fillisecond

Here an idea how about turning the cmc into a young hero group ie teen titans or young justice.

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