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Hi I'm wondering if some of you can tell me about the PP universe, like the full list of the heroes powers, list of other heroes, and villains.

Well all i can give is what is on the MLP wiki so...

Masked Matter-Horn (Trot Summers) - Fires off various magic beam's from her horn including ice, she also has Leadership

Mistress Mare-velous - Super Strength and a physical connection to her lasso. (Also i think she has has various gadgets to help fight crime but i could be wrong.)

Zapp (Aurora) - Wields the mighty Thunderer, a magical lightning talisman passed down through generations, that allows her to harness the powers of nature itself! also as a pegasus she can fly.

Saddle Rager (Spruce Spanner) - Anger induced transformation, Super-Strength and Invulnerability in transformed state. Also a pegasus so she can fly and she was a scientist before gaining her power's.

Radiance (Green Gardener) - Has two power bracelets that give's her the ability to create solid objects and control them with her mind, In the 2014 annual she was also shown having skill's in mechanical engineering. She also uses levitation like a normal unicorn.

Fili-Second (Marey Allen) - Super Speed, she is also stated to be the city's best police detective when out of costume.

Hum Drum - None, but he seems to act as the teams heart that keeps them together, he also is the one who taught them friendship since before the Power Ponies barely tolerated each other.
Villain's : Most of these characters only show up in the My Little Pony Annual 2014 where they teamed up.

Mane-iac (Mane-iac Mayhem) - Her power's where based on the Marvel character Medusa so she should have the same power's, possessing the psychokinetic ability to animate her hair which has great tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and shear resistance far surpassing normal hair. (Temporally steal's Masked Matter-Horn, during this time she grew a unicorn horn.)

Phony Pharaoh (prefers Pharaoh Phetlock) - Commands a small army of mummies, they are either real undead mummies or they could just be made of bandages. He also own's a Egyptian themed car. (Temporally steal's Fili-Second power's)

High Heel - None, but uses a variety of shoe themed gadget's and has a shoe themed car. (Temporally steal's Sadle Rager's power's)

Long-face - Flight (pegasus) and uses a despair inducing toxic gas. (Temporally steal's Radiance's power's, he grow's a horn during this time)

Shadowmane - None but is a extremely skilled thief and ninja, she forgoes themed gadget's for real weapons like throwing knives. (Temporally steal's Mistress Mare-velous power's)

Smudge - He is made out of some type of slime, pretty much makes him like DC's Clayface (except no turning into other people) though this seems to have the side effect of him being unable to talk . (Temporally steal's Zapp's power's)

Interesting, how do you think the power ponies would deal with bang babies

I am amusing that your talking about the Bang Babies from Static Shock, and in truth i would assume they would treat them like another criminal.

Alright what about another hero? I mean if a strange being shows up with powers and starts fighting some bad guys what would they do

That i am unsure about though in the beginning of the My Little Pony Annual 2014 it was shown that for a time the team couldn't stand each other and only acted as a team in public for the sake of their image, notably Masked Matter-Horn and Mistress Mare-velous where both trying to act as leader and butting heads while doing so. Though half way though Hum Drum convinces them to preform some team/friendship building exercises that cause them to become friend's and a better team.

With all that said and getting back to your question i would say that if a new hero showed up and they where in there pre-friendship phase then they might see him/her as a rival, but if this is after the Power Ponies become friends then i would assume they might try to invite them to become a member. (well as long as they aren't some overly violent hero like Punisher)
Though if they are a strange being then the Power Ponies might be weary of this new hero at first, mattering if the being looked threatening or not.

Mind if we talk I PM's?

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