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So I have an idea for a story and I thought I would ask some questions and see what you all thought. If Ahuizotl was transported to city of Maretropolis (which I assume is in another dimension considering the episode it appeared in), how would the locals, Power Ponies and villains interact with him?

Also what do you think he would do in this world? What would he do, if he learned he couldn't return to Equestria?

You thoughts/theories/suggestions are welcome.

Considering he's a Guardian Beast, probably protect ancient relics and such still.

7193551 That is the one thing that confuses me. According to season 9, he is a guardian of the basin, yet in previous seasons he is shown trying to achieve god like power and seeking to unleash 8 centuries of unrelenting heat. Now I haven't seen the actual episode in season 9, so did they ever explain why that is? Was Daring Doo lying/confused about her previous depictions of Ahuizotl?

Sadly, this contradiction was never explained. Apparently new writing cast wanted to make Ahuizotl sympathetic and misunderstood, but haven't thought things through.

If I were on the writing team, I would entertain the idea that "8 centuries of unrelating heat" was either to avenge some artifact, ponies destroyed, or to force ponies to leave the kingdom, so they couldn't get artifacts.

7193601 In my original headcanon (before season 9 appeared) was that perhaps he was a misunderstood villain, that perhaps he had been raised by ponies but they were killed for protecting him and his intentions were to avenge his adopted parents.

I had also considered going down the "Superman" route with the idea that his species isn't native to Equestria and that their strength, abilities and even size is determined by the magical items in their possession.


So how do you think a Maretropolis citizen would react to seeing Ahuizotl on the street?

Considering the most logical options if he's supposed to be Guardian Beast, it's possible that the 800 years of unrelenting heat could be a defense mechanism against intruders to protect the natives and animals of the land kinda like how Wakanda did things. Only other option is the endangered route and that the natives bloodline is slowly dying out to extinction and the heat is more literal as in Forcing the Estrus Cycle to work if it stopped for some reason. After all if they're unable to mate for any reason then their civilization is doomed to die out. Since it was never elaborated on you can see how a misunderstanding could happen. Especially if didn't realize Daring Doo was the good guy trying to stop thieves and recover Artifacts for preservation and archeology unlike Cabaralon who was profiting off of stealing them. Daring Doo did think Ahuizotl was stealing the artifacts after all so yeah.

7193625 True, but we are getting a little bit off topic. :twilightsheepish:

How do you suppose the pony citizens of Maretropolis would perceive Ahuizotl?

Like ponies to Zecora initially. 😆

I mean, he is a creature, no one ever seen before. Also, Ahuizotl could start to rob the city or even join villains to find a way to return to "Equestria Prime" (after all, he is already shown to go to most extreme measures to achieve his goal) so it's totally possible for ponies to see him as a source of danger.

well they're two routes you could go with this

1. You could do a cult based around this character who have plans to either resurrect him or spread their influence

2. You could have a pony who get posse by the spirit of the Ahuizotl and becomes a punisher type

7194333 Hmmm... A cult... that could be interesting. :pinkiecrazy:

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