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Out of curiosity who would be the equivalent of villains like Sombra and discord in the power pony setting?

discord could remain himself i guess and Sombra an ancient evil returned in the modern day the pharaoh could be written to be like sombra or keep Sombra himself too

If you ask me, Discord would be like Mr. Mxyzptlk... You know, that cosmic imp that's always bugging Superman.

Are you asking about Comic Book Villains specifically? Because when I think of Sombra, I can honestly see him as someone like Trigon from DC comics (The father of Raven). That is, of course, if you want for him to be a villain. There are multiple examples of other characters in DC that have darkness related powers such as The Shade, though it honestly depends on what you would want to go with

I... would actually have to agree with that. Especially if you count the Gilbert Gottfried version from the animated series

So how would you do Chrysalis

Maybe something like Talia al Ghul? Where, ignoring Ras, she's the skilled leader of a large organization who specializes in infiltration?

Personally, for Chrysalis, Talia might be one potential idea, but I think of her a bit differently. Infiltration may be one thing, but her magical abilities go along the lines of mind control. This makes me think of another DC villain, Queen Bee, a villain who not only is an antagonist of the Justice League, but later becomes the leader of H.I.V.E. in the comics.

I didn't think of that maybe combine the two call her the deadly stinger

Here another idea how about combining cozy glow with lena luthor and starlight with lex luthor dub the equalizers.

Discord is basically Bill Cipher. So impose certain limitations on what he can do like Trigon, and only have his power cross into the main universe under certain conditions.

Just use Sombra as Sombra, but crossed with the animated Teen Titans version of Slade Wilson.

A evil scientist type who uses his powers and mad science to psychologically break down his victims and force compliance.

Here another idea how about combining cozy glow with lena luthor and starlight with lex luthor dub the equalizers.

I see Cozy Glow as more of Babydoll meets Harely Quinn myself.

Those are some good ones. Have any for the older villains like grogar or catinrina

G1 Grogar could be the equivalent to Dr. Gotham or Darkseid.

I haven't seen G1.

But based on the G4 version of Grogar, he should definitely be a mix of Tombstone and Norman Osborn from the Spectacular Spider-Man (perhaps with the ramming power of Rhino?)

As for Catarina, from what little I understand from her description, she basically uses drugs to control people.

So probably a version of Mad Mod with a broader love of fashion trends.

Maybe mix it up with some Egyptian themes (given Egypt's adoration of cats).

Or she could use drugs instead of clothes, and be a Egyptian themed Black Mask or Mad Hatter.

Starlight Glimmer would be Doctor Gloom obviously. A Doctor Doom variant.

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