Nightmare Moon Is The Best Pony 1,937 members · 783 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Note Pad
Group Admin

Good night, my fellow subjects of the night.

Luna laudate!

It is almost time for the long awaited writing contest. My fellow admins and I have been working hard to figure out not only the subject, but the prize. Yes. That's right. The winner will receive not only bragging rights, but an actual prize! (And perhaps the favor of our dear Mare of the Moon~) What is this prize? Well, you'll just have to wait for the contest!

There is only one thing left to do for the contest. And that is to decide the subject matter. The admins and I have decided to put it up to a group vote. The pictures posted below were chosen by the administration, but we were unable to reach a consensus on which to use, and so we leave it to all of you. Leave your vote in the comments section. The vote will close this Friday at midnight!

I vote for the third picture of the Mistresses Moon!

Third one seems best!

I vote for the third one .

Voting for the first pic here. Might not win but I like what I'm seeing in that one.

The first for me.

Definitely the first one.

The third one seems to be the most popular here... Eh, what the hay, I like it too.

yo voto por la primera

I vote for the first one.

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