Anti-Depression Ponies 1,889 members · 2,446 stories
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Lorenzococo made me feel ashamed. I honestly feel like crap right now, and that mostly has to do with me feeling that I'm one of the very monsters I fight. I can't really help feel like I should be ashamed of being a man, of being a someone that values personal freedom.

I just feel like in addition to being an unemployed looser, hat has failed at becoming an Engineer or an Economist. And to make it worse I can't comeback to college ever unless I pay for it myself. (At least I have no student debt.) With money I don't have.

I'm also a terrible person that apparently is sexist and racist despite being a liberal, and me being overly polite to women, and never having the confidence to ask a girl out in my life.

So, how the hell do I live with my pathetic existence. I have nothing to live for now. But I can't commit ritual suicide to purge my shame because father will miss me. But if he learns that I have no future, he probably wont love me anymore.

Why must I live, if living hurts so much....


I know that there are millions among millions that have lives objectively worse than mine. But why is it that I'm too stupid to acquire the power to save them? I'm undeserving of love and pity, yet my heart aches craving it.

Now I ask myself, how do I eliminate the need to feel loved and praised. How do I stop caring. How do I stop the pain....

Look, I know you, and I'm going to be honest. You are probably one of the nicest liberals I have ever had the pleasure of talking too. And that is saying a lot, considering I'm conservative.
So what if you are unemployed right now? You never know what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow can easily change the way you look at life! Always look forward to tomorrow.
Overly polite to women? Please. We need more polite people from ALL genders. I'm proud of you for being kind.
And someone called you this and made you feel like this? I'm gonna go kill that bitch!
Overall, please know that you are an amazing person who I am proud to consider part of my family here on fimfiction.

Is there anyway you can find a job to at least earn some money?

6030633 I've known you for a long time on here and I think you are an awesome person. Don't let the words of someone else get you down.

The person was most likely trolling. Don't let the actions of a random troll make you feel bad.

I know that you will reach your goals in time. Just take things one step at a time. Don't get stressed over the small things in life. Focus on the people in your life that care about you and want to see you succeed. :)

6030663 Working on it. I'm applying to deliver pizzas now.

I second what ponybird21 and LyraAlluse have said. I understand that you are going through a very hard time in your live, but things will get better. I'm in a rather similar situation, so how do deal with it? I just look on the bright side and focus on the good I do, like talking to you right now.

And like LyraAlluse, that stupid person was just a troll and, even without knowing you, I can tell from these few comments alone that nothing that person said was true.

So, just fight through it and look on the bright side. You're a good person and you have more value than you could ever understand. Don't ever forget that.

I know this sounds a lot easier said than done but you need to remember what others may seem to say to tear you down is only their 'opinion'. Just because someone says something does not mean it is fact. The only person who can diminish you is really you.

This said don't let anybody tell you what's right and what's wrong. As you long as 'you know' you are doing your best to care and be respectful that is what counts.

People say all sorts of hurtful things without thinking of the consequences of their ramblings. If there is something to learn from what is told to you than work with friends and family to sort it out in a positive way. If all it was is a series of insults against you as a person it isn't worth your time.

I'm blind and have had many people use my disability as a means to tear me apart. I've lost two jobs as a result of being made into some sort of inferior by supervisors and colleagues telling me how I was some sort of 'inconvenience'. I used to let their words and actions hurt me to the core but, through therapy, I learned I am not the monster they made me out to be. I'm not the freak they tried to create. Sure I have things I can work on to be a better person but they had no right to treat me in such a way and I don't need to take such cruelty seriously.

As you build your self-esteem you will find other means to reach your goals. Always be open to critique but know it is ultimately up to you whether-or-not to take in what is being told to you. If someone says hurtful things I'd recommend walking away and dismissing it. True friends and caring people don't mentally assault others.

Well, that is a start. You'll get a paycheck and as a result the money to start doing things. The next step will either involve saving up that money or making a budget for purchases. I know delivering pizzas isn't a particularly prestigious job, but it's better than jack nothing.

Don't listen to criticism that is only designed to tear you down. There is constructive criticism, but that's intended to help, not hurt. If there's one thing people like to do, its to rip into something without offering a solution, and the internet provides a way to do that without opening themselves up to public (As in irl) scrutiny.

I hope all goes well. Bunker down and weather the storm. I'd say you have support here.

May God go with you, and I earnestly pray for your success :twilightsmile:


You get my respect, Yosh-E-O.

6030717 Thank you king of madness and lover of Pinkie Pie and Sonata. Your words are appreciated.

6030764 Fireheart, your name deserves that that cat be on fire, and that it instead be a Sabertooth Tiger, and somehow also immortal. You are boss.



Thank you, really. Thank you. And I shouldn't have named Lorenzococo by name. I don't want to completely defame him.

6030849 You are very welcome my friend. I hope that things get better for you soon. I am always here if you need someone to talk to. Many hugs and snuggles to you. :)


Whoa. I didn't think my advice was that good. :twilightoops::rainbowdetermined2:

Considering the cat in the series ends up having nine lives, that last suggestion (immortal) comes close enough. :raritywink:

What's been said has already been said. The person who said that doesn't know you. They may claim you to be the salt of the earth but have you done anything to warrant such a statement? No.

Don't let the words of a bitter and resentful being determine who you are. You may be stuck right now, but if you keep climbing that mountain you can be so much more than you ever know. And those spiteful voices that get thrown at you will be stuck at the bottom because they will be stuck there until they see that they shouldn't be wasting their time cursing and bitching but working towards something meaningful instead of hurtful.

And, when you reach the top, if they are still barking, then you know that you are the better person.

Does that make sense? Not sure of anything these days.

Hope this helps. Be awesome.

Yeah, that was worded very poorly, wasn't it? Either way; if you keep at it and don't let those who throw those kind of words at you get to you, you'll be fine. You are not what they say you are, you are so much more.


Oh that I can do. Thanks for the encouragement friend.


I can't really help feel like I should be ashamed of being a man, of being a someone that values personal freedom.

You really shouldn't buddy. I'll repeat myself; you're a great Liberal. And I'm saying this as a Libertarian. You really shouldn't let one guy tear you down. Since everybody said what could have been said, I'll just add that for your actual issues, which is your odd position in life, I'll just advise to make a plan, and do things step-by-step, one thing at a time.


And someone called you this and made you feel like this? I'm gonna go kill that bitch! 


You won't.

You were mean to my family. And nobody messes with my family! Come at me bro!

I get you're doing this to cheer Ash up but let's be realistic for a bit here. The chances of you killing Lorenzo are slim.

Wait, kill? I meant to say slap...
Oh dear God. :facehoof: how in the WORLD did I miss that? :rainbowlaugh:
Maybe not, but at least I can call them out on it.

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