Anti-Depression Ponies 1,887 members · 2,438 stories
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Group Admin

I believe that we can all agree that the last few months have been quite challenging, and it’s no surprise that many of us might feel down, anxious, or depressed once in a while because of everything that’s been going on atop our normal lives. Such troubled times bring out both the best and worst humanity has to offer, and so I thought that it’d be great to have a thread that talks about both of these aspects. Did you do something kind or has something nice happened to you recently? Feel free to share it. Or maybe there’s been something bothering you or you just had a bad day? Don’t hesitate to talk about it! Maybe there are folks dealing with the same issue as you, maybe they already solved it and can give you advice, and maybe, just maybe, a short tale of how you helped some old lady cross a street might brighten up someone else’s day. After all, we don’t need to just help people deal with depression—we can also try to prevent it by lifting each other’s spirits.

I’m stepping down now, freeing up the soap box for any who want to share their joys or sorrows.



... so this is basically a free for all thread for the group :rainbowderp:?

Group Admin

Well, not exactly a free for all chat thread since plain spam and unrelated stuff won't be tolerated, but mostly yes, consider this a place for sharing smaller things that otherwise would not deserve their own thread. Consider it a manifestation of what Crimmar suggested in one of the older threads:

It would be nice if we could all use this forum a little bit more, and don't wait for actual depression or the end of our rope to hit us before we decide to ask for some help, talk out some crap that annoys us, rant, or comment how Bam's skirt really lets me look up there when he's climbing up ladders.

Or, you know, if you did something awesome and want to share, no matter how small or big it is. It's what I call personal victories or turning defeat into a win. Did you forget to check both sides of the road before you crossed and a car broke your leg? Come on up and tell us how a 1-2 ton metal vehicle tried and failed to kill you because you were too much man for it.



So if, for example:

- I'm pissed off because I would like to play new Zelda games, but Nintendo is making it difficult on the new systems
- OR it gets me down no one plays old gems like Gothic 2 anymore
- OR that irrational fear sucks

Can I rant here? Or is that off-topic :unsuresweetie:?

Group Admin


Can I rant here? Or is that off-topic :unsuresweetie:?

Yeah, ranting about anything is fine (unless it turns into pure vitriol and hate speech, of course, but what you listed is really tame.)

It feels like turn-based games, like ye olde final fantasy, have basically died, big companies are afraid of making them and some folk go so far as to say that style of gameplay is "outdated" and "a time when they couldn't create decent gameplay so they just, made do, with lackluster, slow and boring, turnbased, gameplay." And it ticks me off.

I like that when I ask certain family members to do something, they do it no question asked, I pay them or give them something, of course, but it feels good to have someone that's got your back and it feels good to be able to reward that.

Turn-based games still get made quite often, they just tend to be on handheld systems. It's true most aren't marketable enough for triple A status, but stuff like the recent Persona 5 releases and X-Com are close enough imo.

Group Admin


I'm pissed off because I would like to play new Zelda games, but Nintendo is making it difficult on the new systems

Oooh, Zelda fan? Nice! I recently started playing Breath of the Wild again, this time on Master Mode, and I'm considering going into the Wind Waker HD edition when done. Then, perhaps give the "Two Worlds" flat Link a go (the name is escaping me at the moment). Man, I love those games. I've played the vast majority of them. Which one you're having issues with?

OR it gets me down no one plays old gems like Gothic 2 anymore

I had a talk about it in the free-for-all thread in The Writers' Group. I'm planning on starting them up soon.

But a lot of people do actually play them. Why do you think GoG sells them?

OR that irrational fear sucks

As a person with fear of heights, I agree. It sucks so much.


It feels like turn-based games, like ye olde final fantasy, have basically died

Have you tried Xenonauts? It's all that the X-Com remake tried to emulate and failed, and Xenonauts 2 is not far from done. There are less of these games out there, but they're still made. The Epic Store gives a free game right now that IS a turn-based strategy, I believe. All you need is to sign up which only needs an email, and you can get the game in your library forever, no credit card, no nothing. Just hurry up if you do because it's for a few days only.

Some past regrets still linger on me. I guess that is all I can say. Don't feel like going into a rant, since I'm in a good mood right now.

Nice things today? Well, I greeted my dad with a hug. You know why, today is the day.

Group Admin


You know why, today is the day.

> :rainbowhuh:
> *suspicion arises*
> *googles "when is father's day"*
> *results: 21 of June*
> *Looks at time. 12:31 after midnight. 22 of June*
> ...
> FUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuck!!!

Hopefully, he forgot too. :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

That’s understandable. A that’s very nice of you indeed! :twilightsmile:

It’s also the World Giraffe Day, so don’t forget to hug your giraffes. And especially giraffe dads!

And hey, I still have twenty minutes till midnight! :trollestia:

Hey, weirdest thing, I didn't even see Xenonauts on the Epic Game Store, even for sale! Maybe it's region-locked?

Group Admin

Darn, sorry, I meant to sepaparate what I said with a paragraph there. No, Xenonauts is not free or on epic games store (It's money well spent if you like the OLD x-com style games and I think you can find it on GoG or on Steam). The current game that epic has for free is supposed to also be a turnbased game from the description I saw, that's what I meant.



Huh, I never envisioned You as a Zelda fan, either :unsuresweetie: Interesting...

Anyway, I'm a bit rusty - the last Zelda I played was Majora's Mask on N64. I wanted to get back to the game and play all Zelda's released after that one, in the proper order. But... I found out that in their infinite wisdom, and unlike in case of Wii, Nintendo decided NOT to port most of the old games to Switch. And I can't find a new Wii or WiiU anywhere. That pisses me off...

For GameCube, an emulator will probably be enough, but for Zelda's from Wii? Unless some emulators that support motion controls are out there (not sure, didn't check yet), I'm out of luck...

I had a talk about it in the free-for-all thread in The Writers' Group. I'm planning on starting them up soon.

Oh, Gothic fan as well? Surprise, surprise... :unsuresweetie:

If you never played any Gothic before, you may want to start with G2, it has WAY better controls than G1 and is way more polished in pretty much every way. I only played G1 for a few hours before forgetting about it due to how the controls were handled. Still planning to get back to it someday to finish it, since the story is apparently excellent.

In any case, get yourself a community patch before starting any of those things (I don't think you can even start G1 without one on W10). And be ready to die... many, many times, especially in G2NotR :pinkiecrazy:. The level of difficulty in that game at first is waaaay too high because, as developers said, 'it was developed for hardcore fans of Gothic 2' (which was pretty hard in itself). Still, it's worth it, I spent entire April playing it over and over and over again :twilightsheepish:

But a lot of people do actually play them. Why do you think GoG sells them?

Well, maybe not literally no one, but that game wasn't that popular in the first place, compared to many other titles.... OK, perhaps I exaggerated here a little... :trixieshiftright:

No prob, I understand, I have to thank you because I actually had wanted that free game for a while. :pinkiehappy:

I guess my main issue was that turn-based games aren't as represented as action games or shooters and the people that say it's a stale or obsolete genre, I realize that's their opinion but I feel like there are better ways of putting it without disregarding a whole genre.

Group Admin


For GameCube, an emulator will probably be enough, but for Zelda's from Wii? Unless some emulators that support motion controls are out there (not sure, didn't check yet), I'm out of luck...

If you can't get a WiiU, then an emulator might be your best bet. There are SNES emulators so you can play Link to the Past, gameboy for Link's Awakening, GBA for Four Swords, Minish Cap, etc, and DS for Phantom Menace, and the rest. Dolphin supports Wii remotes as far as I know, though you might want to do some research in case some models don't do (and make sure your computer has Bluetooth), and I'm not mistaken a sensor bar just needs a plug in order to 'light up' and doesn't actually transmit information. You can also play Breath of the Wild on an emulator, since it's perfectly capable without the pad and just a normal gamepad (I actually use a nintendo gamepad instead of the motion pad on the WiiU), and all you will have to do is, if there hasn't been a solution yet, skip on a very small number of shrines that uses the motion pad for some puzzles.

OK, perhaps I exaggerated here a little...

The Retro scene is alive and kicking, harder than ever before.


I guess my main issue was that turn-based games aren't as represented as action games or shooters and the people that say it's a stale or obsolete genre, I realize that's their opinion but I feel like there are better ways of putting it without disregarding a whole genre.

Not very surprisingly, that's the "CoD" type of crowd you will see spouting that. Heck, some of these people are shocked to find that single player games actually exist. Heck, look at games series like Fire Emblem. I recently just finished Eden: Mutant Zero (or whatever it was called) which wasn't bad at all, and these same guys recently released a VERY similar game (which is the only reason I didn't try it. TOO similar). X-Com, Xenonauts, Phantom Doctrine, Battletech, and so many others.

The genre is not dead. It's just not beaten like a dead horse which is what's been happening to all those CoD type of games.

Hey, I actually played Mutant Year Zero when it came out... it had HORRIBLE crashing issues on the Xbox, so I ended up giving up on it, do you think I should buy it again on Steam? I also started playing a game called Persona 4 Golden, they recently ported it to PC, I heard it was really good.

I see what you're saying, sometimes I just get in a funk I guess, strategy or turn-based games are pretty much all I play, so it kinda bugged me, I feel better about it now!



Zelda fans? Nice! I"ve played a bunch of Zelda games too and at the moment have rented Breath of the Wild from Gamefly.

If I don't play that next, I might play "A Link to the Past" that I have on both my Wii U and with the Switch's online pass. A younger me would have a FIELD DAY with just the games that online pass lets you play. What a deal for just $20 each year.

Group Admin


*applauses for five minutes*

Group Admin


do you think I should buy it again on Steam?

Depends on the price. There isn't actually a lot of replayability, and while what is there is very good it still is a bit on the short side. If it's on a sale and low enough, why not?


How about a few dark jokes to brighten up the mood and vent?

Last week, I told my psychiatrist, "I keep thinking about suicide."

He told me that I have to pay in advance from now on...

I called the suicide hotline in Saudi Arabia. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

Suicide is illegal because it's a crime to destroy government property.

And my favorite:



Sorry about yesterday, this was one of these vent things... :applejackunsure: I know not everyone appreciates gallows humor. How about a few beautiful pieces to make up for it? I hope this is appropriate for this thread...

Pure heart-warming:

Cathartic (not necessary pure joy, but makes you feel better):

Pure saddnes (becuse sometimes we need it too):

What do you think? Got any interesting uplifting (or sad) pieces to share :unsuresweetie:?

Group Admin


Got any interesting uplifting (or sad) pieces to share :unsuresweetie:?

Well, if some epicness is what you seek:



Nice! Some of those I already knew, the rest I will give a try. Thanks :twilightsmile:

You wouldn't be a fellow Two Steps From Hell and Bergersen fan, would you :unsuresweetie:?

Group Admin


You wouldn't be a fellow Two Steps From Hell [...] fan, would you :unsuresweetie:?

*Implying there are people who are not*

Group Admin


You wouldn't be a fellow Two Steps From Hell and Bergersen fan, would you :unsuresweetie:?

I don’t know, does liking their songs make me a fan? :scootangel:



Hmm... *glances at the quote to see that Bergersen was explicitly cut out* So... You're a fan of TSFH but not Bergersen? As in Thomas Bergersen? You know, this guy:

Two Steps From Hell co-founder and leading composer? There can be only one response to that:


BTW. If I recall about a year or so ago, I've seen you posting a link to some dark rock (or metal) ballad (I think that's how it was called). Something about a guy who wanted to become a rock star against his father's wishes. He stole a guitar, and slowly realized his dream, only to find out that with fame and money, he feels miserable and alone. Before his big concert, he phoned his father to make amends, but heard "My son is dead!" or something similar, and hanged himself using guitar strings.

Do you recall what that thing was called :rainbowderp:?


Depends... Do you drink your coffee from a TSFH mug, wear a TSFH t-shirt, sit on a TSFH cushion, and have a TSFH phone case :duck:?

... me neither :raritydespair: and I would want to :raritycry:

If you haven't already, you may want to check out their latest album, 'Seven':

First song:

Entire playlist:

At least for me, it's very nerve soothing - perfect for this whole pandemic :twilightsmile:


Thanks for the songs, especially the last two caught my ear :raritywink:

Group Admin


Do you drink your coffee from a TSFH mug,

I don’t drink coffee :trollestia:

I’m following TSFH on YouTube, so I’ve already heard a few songs from Seven. And yes, those are excellent :twilightsmile:

And I’m glad to hear that. My playlist basically consists of epic music, pirate shanties, renaissance folk, and game soundtracks :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Hmm... *glances at the quote to see that Bergersen was explicitly cut out* So... You're a fan of TSFH but not Bergersen?

The vast majority of people know TSFH. Say Bergersen and they shall blink. That's why I cut it. Everyone is a fan of their music but not everyone knows who the guy is. :moustache:

Do you recall what that thing was called :rainbowderp:?

Band: W.A.S.P.
Album: The Crimson Idol
Link: Here for your pleasure

All in all, I think you'd like WASP a lot. They have quite a lot of songs which have to do with the concept of power, especially as in relationships between various people. The Crimson Idol for instance is about how the MC's father remains the main figure in his life and how everything he does revolve, in some capacity, around him, and how he feels unable or unworthy of love because his father denied it to him. Charisma (song) is about the use of charisma as a power to direct people instead of thinking. Trail of Tears is quite obvious. No Way out of Here is a song I think you'd feel very in synch with (and the point being that everyone does at some moment). Unholy Terror partners with Charisma, and it's easy to see how it refers not to some eldritch power but the selfish innates desire that push people to fuck everything in order for a bit more power, a bit more stay in the limelight.

Also, you might want to check out Nox Arcana. Them guys are pretty sweet too.



I don't drink coffee :trollestia:

:twilightoops: this is just... just...

Life without coffee, the horror, man! If this is health-related, you can always reduce it to one cup per day:

:trollestia: Honestly, though, I cannot imagine life without the black gold :pinkiecrazy:

And I'm glad to hear that. My playlist basically consists of epic music, pirate shanties, renaissance folk, and game soundtracks :rainbowlaugh:

Then we're someone alike in that :twilightsmile: You can check this thing out someday:

That is if you're into rock and metal remixes :scootangel:

OR, if you're a C64 fan:

I still like to listen to original C64 SID music - remixed... or not:



The vast majority of people know TSFH. Say Bergersen and they shall blink. That's why I cut it. Everyone is a fan of their music but not everyone knows who the guy is. :moustache:

This is... Darn it, I already used the heresy meme :unsuresweetie:... let's just put Rarity's duck face and move on :duck:

Band: W.A.S.P.
Album: The Crimson Idol

YES, this is it, thanks :twilightsmile:! I may give entire W.A.S.P. a try at some point. I do like songs with deepened sense. This one is great too:

The novel it's based on is pretty messed up from what I heard. I need to give it a read one day.

Also, you might want to check out Nox Arcana. Them guys are pretty sweet too.

Will check it out, thanks :twilightsmile:


OK, most people probably know this, but for those who don't... Here is something to brighten up the mood:

Entire comic is great, I can't get enough of that one. Give it a try :unsuresweetie:


OK, everyone - listen to that soothing, beautiful piece :pinkiesad2::

I find it very relevant to the latest drama and perfectly timed too. Give it a try :twilightsmile:


Shouldn't that thread be pinned :unsuresweetie:?

Group Admin

Very nice, even though I prefer pieces that are without vocals :twilightsmile: (Also, if someone wants to start a discussion about the topics that inspired this song, feel free to do so in a separate thread. It’s going to be a bit more organised that way.)

And it’s pinned now.



I wouldn't be surprised if there was a version without vocals, Thomas likes to experiment a lot, and sometimes makes those alt versions parts of the pack, so... who knows :raritywink:. If only they would put the damn thing somewhere without region lock I would tell you, but I can't buy it anywhere :applejackunsure:.

If by starting a discussion you referred to me, then I'm not planning to - I got enough drama to last me for a while. Let's just enjoy some beautiful music in peace.

Also, thanks for pinning that thing :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Well, I'll try to look around for an alt version, maybe I'll utilise a VPN to do so :moustache:

Oh, I was speaking in general. Though I also want this thread to remain friendly, peaceful, and somewhat carefree :twilightsmile:


Or maybe there’s been something bothering you or you just had a bad day? Don’t hesitate to talk about it!

Might as well use this thread to let out some feelings.

Something I pride myself on is that I've never broken a promise. Some promises are easier to keep, like promising to kiss my fiancee six times every night before bed. But others are essentially long-term goals that I now have no choice but to meet because I promised myself that I'd hit them.

And to be honest, I haven't hit most of those promised goals. Most people tell me things like I'm successful or that they're envious of my life, but to be frank, I just can't bring myself to care. Because to me, praise from others is worthless, and the only thing that matters is whether I did the things that I promised myself I would.

I made those promises when I was 18. I'm 26 now, and just haven't done what I was supposed to do. Yes, things beyond my control like genetic joint hypermobility completely halted my progress, but I can't help but feel that I should be able to overcome my genetics through smarts and sheer will. Because that's basically what I'm doing right now, but I should've done this years ago when my injuries started piling up.

Often times, I feel like I need to go to the woods and not come out until I've done the things that I told myself I'd do, even if it takes years. Or for my fellow Dragon Ball fans out there, I need me some of that Hyperbolic Time Chamber haha.

Group Admin

I want to share a realization that I had today. A memory came to mind.

When I was a weenie little lad, I had a friend. I'm talking about 7 years old. This other weenie little lad's family and mine used to live in the same building until we moved to our own house. Still, we remained friends, and that was because we were all each other basically knew, and his home was really close. So I'd just skip to his place, what with all being a weenie little lad, and we'd fart around.

Now, I spent most of that time in his room with him. To me, an adventurous bloke of 7 years of age, the rest of his flat was an unexplored wonderland. My tiny soul burned with fervor to discover treasure, and I'm so glad his parents knew to lock their bedroom doors lest I had memories of 7 year old me wielding sex toys to share. No, the bedroom was locked. But I found entry in other places.

Enter the bathroom.

There was a strange basin in there. Mysterious. Perplexing. It was too low. It was too wide. The depth and shape was beyond my ken. And the faucet! Oh, what a wonder it was! It shot water in an upwards arch, and in my childish eyes it was like seeing a rainbow being born. Being a child, I decided to play with it. I frolicked, swindled it, slipped on the porcelain arcs, and gargled, spat, and blew water from the majestic bow that came down from above.

Anyway, long story short, I just realized today that I spent hours when I was seven years old playing with and gargling water from a fucking bidet.


I've got something I'd like to talk about and really need to let off my chest.

When I was a young boy and I first started going to church I was in a very dark place and a pair of bullies made a bad first impression on me there.

But when I was at my wits end another young boy, the son of my church bus driver, went out of his way to be kind to me and comfort me despite threatening him because I mistook him for one of the two who hurt me.

That boy would go on to be a near and dear friend to me for many years before we both left the chirch with our own lives to lead.

I often worried about him because he kinda got into edgy shit but never grew out of it and the last I had heard of him he was having trouble with his family.

Today I got a visit from said family, people who I respected dearly in my youth and often regret drifting apart from, and they told me that my friend had been murdered two and a half years ago because he got tangled up with a crazy woman and her mother's boyfriend shot him in the back.

And to add some shit to the pile I also found out that a large portion of the church's staff has passed on and they're having trouble replacing them because a lot of the churchgoers from my day are dead or in jail.

I'm a little messed up right now and would like to talk about it.

Group Admin

Well, that’s indeed messed up. It’s really said to hear that someone so brave and courageous ended up like this. If you can, make sure to be there for his family, even though it’s not a recent loss.

I suggest turning this into a separate thread that’ll appear in people’s feed—that is, if you want a lot of people commenting on this publicly. If you want to talk about this privately in PMs, I promise I’ll listen and lend a helping hand if I can.


I worked through the worst of it with some family shortly after posting this but it means the world to me that you offered.

I'll try to be there for his family as well.

Group Admin

You’re welcome. I’m glad to know you’re feeling at least a little bit better. The offer still stands, should you ever need it.

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