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I just realized that it's now over a decade since I started senior year. How I miss high school so much. And with the way my life has gone downhill since then, I don't know if I should even attend my high school reunion in a few months.


My advice is to take into account how well you got along with those you went to school with. I must say, I am surprised that you miss high school. Most people I know are glad to be done with it and having moved on with life.

Maybe it's because life was simpler back then. Maybe because I had a lot of friends. I do remember junior year being one of the golden years of my life, after my hellish sophomore year.

I also came across a Youtube comment that summarizes how I feel:

"When the peak of your life is high school, the rest of your life is going to be a hell you wouldn't want to wish on anyone."

Up to you. Suppose it is a chance to reconnect with people you haven`t seen in a while.

I skipped my reunion, mostly because those were far from the best years of my life and the vast majority of those people I really don`t want to see again. The latter years of high school - Grades 12 & 13 I can`t say I had anybody that was even a close acquaintance, much less a friend.

I`d be hard press to pick an era of my life that I peaked. I know junior high and high school times are not in the running. Possibly some times in grade school along or times in my later 20`s and early 30`s.

I hated high school, personally. It was Hell on Earth. Everybody ignored me.

Did your life get better once it ended?

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