Anti-Depression Ponies 1,887 members · 2,438 stories
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I have nothing. I AM nothing. Nobody wants me even as a friend. I've never succeeded at anything I try. My life is pointless, and the only reason I haven't ended it is because I'm too much of a coward.

Noooo, you don't want to do this, I almost did it myself, but I didn't go through with it. I be your friend.

7904703 I haven't posted this in this group because I thought it wasn't needed, but reading your OP, I think I may have been mistaken. A lot of what you say reminds me of the titles of:

Things will never get better

Let me tell you a story about two miners:

Don’t be the one at the bottom. Keep going. Just because you haven’t found what you’re looking for thus far, doesn’t mean you’re not close to it. The only way to your happiness is if you keep on digging.

Can’t deal with this anymore

The decision (not?) to end your life is probably the most important one in your entire past and future(?) life. You don’t want to get this one wrong. Explore all alternatives before making any decision.

Just want to end the pain

The bottom line is, when you die, it won’t matter how much you suffered in your life. By shortening the ‘suffering’ you achieve nothing.

Even though your situation may not be all sunshine and rainbows, a lot of people would switch places with you in a heartbeat. For instance, there are people with no limbs, struggling to stay alive, enjoying being alive. They would cherish what you have, problems and all. If they could transition themselves into your body, they'd be instantly euphoric. You're in the exact same situation, just that you don't even have to port to your functioning body. You're already in it. Why aren't you euphoric? You should be, because you’re you.

There are people deaf and blind at the same time, unable to explore the world around them, yet they relish every new day. If they can find meaning in their lives, then you can find it even easier.

Utterly lost

Sometimes, all it takes is a moment to distance yourself from the things that frustrate you.

Here, imagine yourself being transported into a different world. Nobody that you know exists in it. No family, friends or any of your possessions. All the baggage you have is a couple of sandwiches in your backpack.

It’s a tough situation, but wouldn’t it be just a little fun to explore this brave new world? You’ve got nothing to lose. You’re free to do whatever, free to learn about the inner workings of this new world. You can always die another day. Living, however; that’s a one time deal.

The thing is, you don’t need to teleport to another world to experience all these new wonders. You’re already in this brave new world There are a lot of things in this very world that you don’t yet know about, and they are right there, waiting for you to experience them.

Even if your life shatters entirely, you can build anew. And the building part is half the fun.

Reality can become your playground. Imagine yourself escaping from a literal Hell. You're just finding out that for the first time in centuries that you're not burning alive. You're kissing the ground, and you're not sure what you should explore next. Everything is simply divine. And that is the reality you live in right now. You’re not burning alive at the moment. Appreciate that for a second.

The way you feel often has more to do with your perception than the reality around you. The world isn't out to get you. You're the one painting it black. Now put some colors into it.

It’s not the world that can make you happy. The power for that is within you.

With the right attitude, you can keep it together even in the worst of disasters. Don't regret things that are happening outside of your control. Accept them as they are. 

Death will come soon enough. You might as well sit back and enjoy life to the fullest while you wait for it. Take the long scenic route to the final destination. You may even start liking the journey.

Want, but can’t haz

You're still hung up on the things that you lost. You're looking up at the clouds, wishing to be there, instead of looking down under your feet into the abyss below, realizing that you're far above it. Secured on the solid ground.

Don’t deny the things you already have, because you have plenty. You don’t need to have it all. For some, a single little thing is more than enough.

Food is the most important part. It matters more than a roof over your head, a car or your clothes. If you get yourself into the position where starving to death won't be a danger, you're already doing better than 99.9% of the animals on Earth. Everything above the basic food you get is just a bonus.

Instead of constantly searching for the things you don't have, try to calm down for a moment. Smell the flowers. You’re now alive after billions of years of being dead in the past and before billions of years of being dead in the future, you’re alive right now. Just by being, you’re extraordinary in the grand scheme of things. Being alive is what makes you unique.

If one door is locked, don't waste your life on it. Find another one, and yet another one if that one is busted. Or just look around you and notice that the room you’re in isn’t that bad, after all.

You're sitting on a green shore, gazing at the other side, thinking about how beautifully green the grass on the other side is. Yet you fail to notice the fluff beneath your very feet. Don't take the things you already have for granted. There could be a world where you would lack all the things you have, and you’re not living in that bad world, you’re living in the good one.

Explore what you want, but don't go dissing the luscious shore you're standing on right now.

Have you read The Princess and the Pea? It's about the Princess who comes knocking on a castle's door with nothing. They let her in and let her sleep over. Everyone else would be gleeful for that. But she's not because there's a pea under her bed, making her uncomfortable.

Don't be like a princess full of pride. It's what's making you miserable.

The world hurts me

Let it.

This is the one life you'll get. Don't waste it worrying about the things you can't affect. Live your life despite the world!

The greatest pleasures don't come from life being easy. The greatest joy comes from life being hard and you facing it straight on.

Live on. Not because it's easy, but because it's hard. Welcome the challenges life offers. They'll make you stronger.

Your current situation is just a small obstacle in the grand scheme of things. Wait it out. In time, it will become irrelevant.
A better future awaits you. All you have to do is live until then. Just live.

You know what's really scary in life? Going down a path leads to bad results. Being fully responsible for the evil you brought.

But in the situation that you described, you have no agency. All these things would have happened regardless of your involvement.

There's no use worrying about things you cannot affect. Nothing is required of you in these dire situations. There's no reason for stress or anxiety.

It's best to just accept the things you cannot change. Since you don't know exactly what result will come of this, it's best to just accept both results.

The world is bad

Even if the world and the people in it are bad, you can still find worth in yourself. You don't need subjective opinions of others to appreciate yourself. You don’t need to have a beautiful world to find beauty within yourself. The world is what it is, you won’t save it. But you can save yourself. You can mold yourself into whatever you want to be. Nothing is holding you back, not even the world.

Woe is me

If you wish to be a victim, be my guest. Woe is you. If, however, you wish to be happy instead, then blaming the world for your sorrow is not the way to go. The world can be your canvas on which you can draw whatever you like. You can be whatever you want to be. The person who will help you the most in achieving your dreams is you. Give that person a chance.

Life isn't perfect. No one ever said it was. What's making you miserable, however, isn't life; it's your high expectations that make you miserable. Try being happy with what you do have, instead of being miserable for the things you don't have.

Be a watcher for a while. Look at things without wishing for them to be different. Distance yourself and see them from afar, without all the negative emotions. Things can only weigh you down if you let them.

There are no bad things, we just interpret them as bad; sometimes correctly, sometimes false.

Perhaps others who put you down see more than just who you are. they see your good potential that you can't seem to see yourself. Perhaps they’re trying to push you on the path to greatness the best way they know.

What you interpret as bad, might actually be good.

Any experience that you walk out stronger, is a good experience. Sometimes we need a sledgehammer to get unstuck from the mud. Try seeing the good side of it.


When you expose yourself to the world, you become part of the world. In turn, your dark inner world takes a back seat. When you start liking yourself, the world will like you, for you are part of the world.

Relationships end

The goal of a lasting relationship isn't that it last forever, the point is that you get to experience more of the good stuff. Forget the goal, be there for the now.

This is why you should try to make a connection with everybody; not because it may last, but because it is good while it lasts.

The older people get, the less open they are. We all know of the stubborn grandpa-s that are set in their ways. Young people have an easier time forming connections because they're open to anything. That's not a limitation of old age, it's a limitation of your mental framework. Luckily, you can change it. In your heart, you can be young again if you choose to be. Forget your goals, forget your criteria; nurture the child-like curiosity and enjoy the ride of your relationships. Be an explorer and see where each one of the paths leads; not because of the promised treasure at the end, but the scenery along the way.

I’m nothing

Don’t you know you're a special snowflake! Just by being alive, you achieve that. We all can.

Countless beings have worked for over 4 billion years to give rise to you. Are you really willing to throw all their efforts away so easily?

Life can adapt to almost any environment, but that's not its most special property. The fact that life even began. That's the special part.

You can't get to a self-replicating organism via evolution. You have to get to it in one big jump. We know what chemical reactions would have to happen in the sequence in order to produce such an organism. The chances of that happening are almost zero. All of the Universe since the Big Bang isn't enough for such an event to be probable.

There shouldn't even be life on Earth. Rivers and oceans, yes, but all void of life. There shouldn't be any life in this whole Universe!

And yet, there is. There is you. You defied the odds. You are unlike everything else that is dead in the Universe.

There might have been billions of void Universes before this one came to be that managed to produce you. You’re the best thing the Universe has to show for itself. That’s how extraordinary you are!

Life gives meaning to the cold Universe. Be the protector of life, not a destroyer of one.

If you throw away your life, and the rest of life forms follow your ‘logic’, this one spark of life in the whole Cosmos will be extinguished. Don't let that happen. Live!

There’s nothing to live for

There's nothing to die for, either.

There were millions of people in line for your life during your conception. Only you made it.

If you could offer your life to them, they'd take over it in a heartbeat. When they would see the trouble you're having, they'd just laugh it off as insignificant and enjoy their chance at being alive. Live for the vast majority who didn’t get the chance. Let them live through you.

Mah tragic past

What is it about your past that keeps you looking back instead of forward? Did you forget something back there? Is it really something you can't do without?

If you want to fix what's broken, you have to find it first. What are the thoughts that instantly bring moistness to your eyes? Failures? Regrets? Purposeless? Fears? Whatever they are, I bet they have nothing to do with your current situation.

You don't have to live by the genre of the past. You can start a new story at a moment's notice. 

Stop allowing your past to dictate your future. If you've experienced lots of bad in the past, doesn't mean that you won't find a wonderful future, eventually. The main condition for that is that you're alive. So, keep living. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. The pain that you feel now will only make your victories sweeter.

I’m invisible

You could still find meaning in life, even if you were the only person living on Earth. The same purpose can be found in the current world, full of people, just easier.

Try to imagine it for a moment. You are the only person on the planet. Would such a life be acceptable for you? If yes, then make such life your baseline. Life is still worth living if you're forgotten. Instead of fearing the lack of appreciation, feel the joy at the moments when you do get appreciated, even if they are fleeing. The scarcer they are, the more you can appreciate them.

You can be strong on your own. You're more than just the connections you make. In fact, the more invisible you are, the freer you are. You could go travel the world and you wouldn't even miss anyone if you truly don’t have anyone. Who else do you know who is as fortunate as you are? While everyone else carries expectations from those they are attached to, you are boundless.

If you throw a diamond at the sheep, they'll just trample it. It doesn't mean that it wasn't shiny enough. It just means that its value was hidden from their limited perception. You are the diamond. Don't stop shining.

It doesn't matter what others think. The only thing that matters is what you think. Be a lion and claim your own space in this world.

No future

Do you know who the most unhappy people are? It's those who reached their goals. Mostly the rich ones who don't even have to worry about things like jobs and retirement.

Many opportunities still lie ahead of you. Only by making use of them will you gain a right to point fingers at your past self.

Stop constantly comparing yourself to something better. With that attitude, you wouldn't be happy even if you had a better job. You'd just see someone who has it better than you again, and you'd still be miserable about it.

What you already have is far from little. Don't take it for granted. You already have the future. Everything on top of that is a bonus.

The lack of concrete goals in your life could be an opportunity for you. A fuzzy future gives you the ability to be fully in the now. Whenever you feel like being miserable again, say to yourself, "This may be the best moment in the rest of my life." Appreciate it for what it is. Find joy in it and accept it with gratitude.

The happiest people are those who aspire but don't succeed, yet they also don't fail. They keep aspiring, looking forward. It's not about reaching the goal. It's about the journey.

You weren't always like this. Do you remember the past? The times when you were happier than you are now? The times when you were still on a journey?

What made you stop the journey? What made you stop looking forward? Did you get tired? Did you lack support? Someone to cheer you on your journey? Someone to appreciate your accomplishments? Or was it the failures? Did you stumble and now you find it too hard to get up?

What are the things you used to enjoy? Why not enjoy them again?

Don't focus on the worldly goals. They're too big and they'll just scare you off. Focus on the first step of your journey. And when you do the first step, focus on the next step. Make the journey your passion, even if there is no goal in sight.

You can still become whoever you want to become. The rest of your life lies before you. You can live wherever you want to live. The places you dream of, you can go there. The futures you daydream about, you can make them a reality. You can break the chains that bind you and rise up proud.

If you imagine a perfect life, what would that life look like? Write it down. Make it happen.

I feel bad

Just because you feel like dying doesn't mean you have to follow through with it.

If there was a mechanism that would kill anyone who ever wished to just disappear, the Earth would be barren.

You’ll have your ups and downs. Sometimes downs can last a minute, sometimes a decade. The trick is to ride the waves and not get disheartened at the bottom. Wait it out. Feelings change.

The inner state of emotions is usually dependent on the point of view, not the actual situation. You can see yourself as being in limbo or you could see yourself on a springboard about to reach new highs.

Imagine a time and place when you were happy. There are many places like that. What's keeping you from making more of them? Nothing.

I suck

Stop putting yourself down. There are millions of other species on this planet, and none of them can reach the intellect you possess. 

If you compare yourself with a common dog, which one of you has more functionalities? You're obviously more advanced. In fact, you're a member of the most advanced species we know of. Dogs have nothing on you.

And yet, there are dogs in the world. They're far more worthless than you with no real purpose in life. And yet, they live.

The problem you have is that you're comparing yourself to better people. There are 8 billion people on this planet, what are the chances of you beating them all at something?

Instead, compare yourself to a dog.

Obviously, dogs aren't suicidal, but let's look at their success rate. Is a dog better at school then you are? Did it come further in its career? Is it high-performing in its job? Does a dog organize better parties? Is a dog a better writer than you are?

Here's the bottom line: yes, you could kill yourself as you say, but you have to let all the dogs in the world kill themselves before you. Oh, and cats too. And when all the dogs and cats of this world commit suicide, then, and only then may you start thinking of doing the same.

You may die by your own hand someday, but not until all the dogs commit suicide first.

You're much better than what you give yourself credit for.

Do you know what the most terrifying state of existence would be? Being Superman. Having lots of talents at disposal. That's the worst thing possible. Can you imagine Superman watching TV or playing a video game while people are dying out there because of Superman’s inaction? Superman couldn’t even watch TV because his obligations would eat him from within. But you can. Nobody expects you to save the world. That’s a good thing.

You're free. Unlike others, you've been sent to this world to have fun? Any extraordinary talents would only stand in your way.

Others think I suck

You don't have to prove anything to others. The world is yours for the taking whether others approve of it or not. The only person you need to impress is yourself.

The more power they take from you, the less responsibility you have to bear. The more you can express your true self.

I fell

There's nothing worse than your hopes and dreams getting crushed. It may feel like the end of the world, but you should note that it only feels that way. In reality, this can be the beginning, not the end.

Just as flowers that wane in autumn and burst out in spring, so too can the new hopes and dreams be born when the old ones fail you.

Time is on your side. You gain nothing by rushing things. Explore your options. There are more possibilities out there than you know. Many paths lead to happiness. Don't give up just because one path turned out to be a dead end. There are many more out there waiting for you.


When I'm feeling a bit down, I think about puppies and how useless they are.

I think of the ways I'm more awesome than a dog. For instance:
-I can read
-I can write
-I can talk
-I can pick up a fork with my opposable thumb

I think of how empty dogs must feel for sucking on so many levels. But then I think about how they don't actually feel sorry for themselves, even though they suck so much. And if I'm a hundred times better than a dog, my feelings should reflect that.

Then I designate an empty room in my mind and write on the door, "A lot of good feelings because I'm not a dog."

And then, with much more ease, I can ignore that other dark room at the end of the hallway with black fog oozing from under it. I know that's not the correct room. My true inner feelings are in this newly designated room, and I know this by the means of logic, and logic beats irrational thinking.

Then I flip the irrelevant dark room and I scream at it, "Puppies suck! Take that, darkness." And then I just end up feeling smug, which is nice.

There is no meaning

You think that life doesn't matter if you're not happy. But the feels aren't all-be-all, is what I'm saying. Life can have objective meaning beyond your personal grievances.

Objectively, you can have more value than any dog or a cat in the world. What this means is that every dog and cat in the world needs to die before you can find a reason to.

You wish to feel better, but wouldn't it be better to act better, regardless of feels? After all, you impact the world with your actions, not your feelings. Nobody will ever know your true feelings and when you die 50 years from now, the feelings will die with you. Only the impact you made on the world will live on.


Perfectionism is good in the short term, but bad in the long run. One tires and gives up on things.

You were hurt by failures and missed opportunities. But what if those are just symptoms of an underlying cause? What if instead of trying to make things perfect, you'd try to address the core?

Why don't you try to stop winning all the time? You can't keep up the game of winning for long. It tires you and you can't play it. When you define the bar for failure so low, the failures start piling up and the game stops being fun.

Don't try to win anymore. Instead, try to lose gloriously. Seek opportunities, not to win them, but to lose at your very best.

Victories have been few and you can't fuel yourself with them anymore. Switch. Make glorious failures your new fuel. Then every new opportunity will be a gift of itself again, and you won't want to miss any of them anymore.

Whenever morning comes, you'll jump out of bed, ready to take on the world itself. Fight it for the glorious fight itself, because in the end, nobody wins.

Feel like doing something? Go here:

Don’t be the one at the bottom. Keep going. Just because you haven’t found what you’re looking for thus far, doesn’t mean you’re not close to it. The only way to your happiness is if you keep on digging.

I've tried. I swear I've tried. People told me things would get better in high school. They didn't. They told me things would get better in college. They didn't. They told me things would get better once I was done with school. They still didn't.

7904910 One thing is for certain though, if you stop moving forward, you'll never find your happiness.

I can't tell you how much longer you'll have to dig, but I can assure you that the only way to get there is if you keep on digging. You gain absolutely nothing if you give up now. You only stand to lose everything.

You gain absolutely nothing by prolonging suffering, either.

7904994 Life is like walking through doors.

Exiting life is like locking the door in front of you and throwing out the key because you don't like the room you're in. It makes no sense. Even if you haven't found the perfect room yet, there might be one in your future. The only way to find out is to keep on walking through doors.


You are NOT nothing. Screw what other people think; some people like us are late bloomers, that's all.

Nobody wants me even as a friend.

I could try being your friend. I'm not going to pretend I'm good at making friends, but I can da@# well try.

I've never succeeded at anything I try.

What is it you're trying to do? College? Driving? Employment?

the only reason I haven't ended it is because I'm too much of a coward.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but that's one thing NO ONE should have the courage to do.

You are not nothing. You're here for a purpose.

What interests do you have, and what could they be used for in employment/success?


What interests do you have, and what could they be used for in employment/success?

Pretty much my only hobby is fanfiction. Useless. Can't write anything original. Can't even be good at writing fanfiction.


Still, worth a try. And Just Desserts was pretty good.

Tell that to all the people who didn't read it.


Not everyone reads every story. That isn't what makes them good or bad. I thought it was well written, funny (though with a bit of gore when the cyborgs were being turned back into flesh and blood ponies), and saw justice being done. Not a bad story. And at a time (Halloween) when people write stories with bad endings, this one saw a decent one.

How could you expand that story? What kind of prequel would you write for it that explains just how the original got to where it was when it began? What kind of sequel could you write to it? What kind of improvements could you make? What kind of lore would be canonical to it?

And, if you're interested in writing stories as a career, then how would you turn what is essentially fanfiction into a story that, even if its not about ponies, could be turned into a similar story and lengthened into a full-length book?

I can't. I can't write anything outside of fanfiction.


Well, could it be turned into something that would legitimately sell as is? There have been some fanfictions on this site that have been turned into physical and e-books.

I apologize if I'm causing trouble rather than solving it. I'm trying to turn the one thing you're claiming to be an advantage into something better than mere fanfiction.


There have been some fanfictions on this site that have been turned into physical and e-books.

I have no idea what the process for that is. Plus, it only seems to happen to stories that have like 1000 likes. None of my stories even come close.

7906334 You can sell fanfiction e-books as well. Smashwords is an example of that.

Let me know when you publish all your stories there, and I can give you more links to sites where you can publish your fanfictions.

I saw this post in my feed. I'm a little late to the party, but glad you're still here. :heart:

I understand the feeling. I'm 53 years old, and I've been in your shoes (I really hope they're 13 wide) many times. I'm bipolar, and until I got some help, I was just like you. I still get that feeling when I'm frustrated or upset.

I don't know the answer, but please remember two things:

  • Feel free to PM me. I can't guarantee we'll be friends, but I can certainly chat with you.
  • Maybe seeing a doctor could be the first step to a better future.

I hope this helps. :twilightsmile:

What good is that gonna do me?

7911945 I thought you wanted to make money by selling e-books.

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