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Is it ever too late to make amends with people? I've done some things in the past that I regret doing now (those of you who have known me for a long time should have an idea). I look back on them now and I cringe at how stupid, selfish, and close-minded I've been. Oh, if only I could turn back time, so I could have done things differently! :pinkiesad2:

You're a good person who deserves forgiveness and care. It's never too late to make amends.


No, I don't think its too late. It's best to try to make amends if and when you can rather than let the problem fester.

There's a saying I've become familiar with, "I hope you find your sympathy before you find your tragedy." As I see it, it's basically forgive before you personally know their pain.
I do believe there is such a thing as too late, but that's not something you can determine. There will always be a hard line where amends are simply not possible. But if you can still speak with them, then there's an opportunity, so long as you're sincere and work to make sure what you're making amends over does not happen again.
But it's their decision to accept. I have family who I can no longer accept their apology should they ever offer one.
Simply put, it's complicated and all you can do is your best.

7924092 What you will do is far more important than what you've done.

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