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Comments ( 12 )
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Would you guys say that getting a dog before trying out dating is a sign I've given up on love? I'm seriously thinking of getting one at this point.

Go on a date.
Have a bad time.
Then get a dog.

What if the dog turns out to be your one true love? You can't miss out on this chance, man.

You can't just put your entire life on hold until you 'find romantic love.'

Or at least you shouldn't.

No. I got a cat last June, and haven't dated anyone.

Getting a dog is just a sign that you want a dog. Get a dog if you want a dog, but don't give up on dating. Hell, dog parks are a good place to be social and at least you'll talk to other people and that's certainly a good thing.
Or I may have misread your post.
Any way, if you can care for a dog I don't see any stigma in just getting a dog.

I am not sure I like what this might be implying.

I don't think so.
However, I'm 20, and I have no intentions of doing either.
And no, I have not dated before.

'Been around pets all my life and had only one date. It doesn't really matter beyond what loneliness you want to fill.

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