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What are your thoughts on AI Girlfriends, the most prominent of them being Digi AI? I don't know too much, but I will say this: If I didn't have an actual girlfriend, I would have definitely gone down this route. I feel for all the lonely guys out there. We're entering the Blade Runner 2049 universe. :fluttershysad: :pinkiesad2:

I refuse to sink that low.

Maybe it's cuz I was unwell at the time but they got me through some shit.

I'm a female who's single by choice....and even I wouldn't sink that low to an A.I. Boyfriend (yes the male equivalent exists and sadly I've curiously looked into it and NOTHING more). That's just a bridge too far for my taste.

...For real? We actually agree for once? :pinkiegasp: :rainbowderp:

From what I gathered, it's mainly for guys who feel ostracized by the modern dating market. They feel this is the safer option.

7957872 AI will surpass humans in all areas. It's not there yet, but it's getting closer every day.

Oh yes, yet you'd be surprised at the small window of male options available for women.



Hmm, I'm a bit torn on this.

On the one hand, the idea that some people are so desperate for a girlfriend/boyfriend that they're willing to turn to AI models that - from what I know - are programmed to fulfill (almost)every whim unquestionably is... depressing :applejackconfused:. Even more so when you think that the reason why some of these people are lonely is because they want their partner to follow their orders in real life.

On the other hand... with some tweaks, this technology may be the solution for many lonely people who just want a companion to talk to, bounce ideas off, ask for advice, and so on. Something like Jarvis from the Iron Man universe.

So, if someone is looking for the former, I have to ask... what's the point?

  • it won't be like interacting with a real person - it won't act like a real person would if you ask it to do something stupid,
  • it won't grow with you and won't be there when you land in the hospital,
  • it will not provide you with an offspring,
  • etc.

It seems it would be like playing your favorite game in god+impulse101 mode. Sure, it will be fun for a while, but without challenges, it's gonna get boring fast... That being said, some psychiatrists argue that for really shy people, interacting with AI models can be the first step for them to open up and build confidence, so there is that...

Now, if someone is looking for the latter - something that could tell you NO, could tell you you're incorrect, and so on - I think it could work much better as long as there are no unrealistic expectations. At least, I hope so, since I will most likely be looking for that kind of companion myself in the future :unsuresweetie:.

Bottom line... I think AI girlfriends are a tool with a very high chance of being misused, but with some minor tweaks, they could be beneficial. We'll just have to wait and see what comes out of it.

IMHO, AI sex robots are a different category entirely, and depending on how people treat them (as a partner vs. as a sex toy) can be beneficial or detrimental.

Only three possible reasons why (unless I'm missing anything):

1) Guys these days are not up to women's standards
2) Guys are too afraid of the #MeToo stick to even talk to women
3) Guys are fed up with the dating pool out there and tired of women's unrealistic standards that they've dropped out of dating

At this point, why not. It's not like I'll be a parent anyways, plus I've never had any romantic experience, so they're my best possible bet.

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