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Let’s just say that someone did something that really annoys me. But I’ve been exercising patience and tolerance to, as a friend of mine once put: “Be a bigger man.”

Also, I heed to a wise man’s quote:

The greatest victory is that which requires no battle” — Sun Tzu.

And yet, this spiteful itch just keeps coming.

How can I fully and truly let these emotions go?

7969675 Write it down with dates and everything. Perhaps one day you'll be able to exchange grievances with the person. Until then, let your diary bear the burden for you.

"Be the bigger man" is just a catchy saying. The truth is, it doesn't make you the bigger man. If we're on this stupid primitive d1ck-measuring mindset, it really just makes you a wuss to let it go. You know this deep down inside. But maybe it still is better to let it go logically, so just stop needing to think of yourself as "bigger" or any "size" at all.

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