Writers With Learning Disorders 223 members · 1,539 stories
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Why did doing something I love have to get so difficult? My block has gotten to the point to where I can't even focus anymore AT ALL. Nothing comes out anymore. Or at least, nothing that I'm satisfied, even with a dear friend's advice.

I don't think I can write anymore, or should. I understand that I still do this because it makes ME happy to be doing it, but...it's not beneficial to me at all. It doesn't make me money. It doesn't make me look good. It doesn't do anything for me. I should just stop, and I REALLY want to. It's not worth beating myself up over and forcing words to come out. Sometimes it works out in my favor, but then, there's the deadline that I'm not obligated to keep for myself. I say I don't have to keep it because I know that I need to take my time with writing, but if nothing EVER changes, these wonderful people will keep having to wait for something, that wouldn't even be worthy of reading because of how ignorant I am with literature.

I'm saying I'm stupid. I really am.

My hobby doing this is nothing more than a joke. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm the absolute worst at it. I think TOO hard and I CAN'T help it. I don't know how to stop that, either. I've always been way too cautious about everything, and I said I would change that at the beginning of the year...and I'm still trying. But writing isn't helping that deal, so I've got to stop. If I keep going, and I probably will because of my extremely indecisive and conflicted self. I'll just end up the same way I was months ago, depressed and hopeless and destroyed.
I don't want to go back to that life...
And I'm not going to. All these issues right now, work in my favor. I DON'T want to stop writing; I love being able to be useful SOMEHOW, but I HAVE to stop, otherwise that will happen all over again.
And I understand that talking about this isn't doing me any good either, but it's coming out anyway, because I'm done.
I wonder if there are any kinds of therapists or doctors out there that could help me fix my horrible mind.

I know exactly what you are talking about. Believe me, I haven't managed to update my story in over six months now, despite attempting to work on it multiple times a week. It's tough, I know. Eric Shaffer once said, "I hate writing; I love having written." I couldn't agree more with him.

So yes, it's difficult to write. However, it is incredibly rewarding to see the end result. The things in life that are worth finishing are often the most difficult things, so please don't give up. Hey, you managed to write this. That's nearly four hundred words already. The trick is to not think, but to feel. My guess is that your feelings are what gave you the drive to write this, so use those feelings! Save the thinking for when you proofread.

If you need a sympathetic person to talk to, shoot me a PM. I don't bite. Normally.


You're overthinking it, letting your negativity drag you down. If you keep writing, you'll get better at it. It's that simple, I guarantee you. It just takes time, that's all - nobody masters an artform right away. You may fail, you may mess up, you may write things you wish you didn't. But that's okay, messing up a bit is part of learning the craft. Just try again. Learn to say: "This is good enough, time to move on to the next one." You only need to do your best, nobody can demand more than that.

I've suffered terrible writer's blocks. Years of them, in fact. You know what I learned? The key to writing is enthusiasm. It's not about how skilled your are, or how much work you put into it. It's about how strongly you feel about it. Just stop putting unnecessary pressure on yourself and try to have fun with your writing. It will sort itself out, eventually.

There is only one acceptable reason to ever stop writing, and that is that you honestly don't want to write anymore. Otherwise, as long as you have stories that you want to tell, you need to tell them. As long as you write, you are a creator - someone who creates something out of nothing, something that may have value to other people. That is why, no matter what you write, it's better than not writing at all.

4026134 I hadn't thought of THAT before...
It helps me see a lot more for what I need to do and what kind of take I need to have on it. I have plenty of enthusiasm for what I want to write, and I think, after taking your advice into consideration, that I'm pretty much tired all the time. I've had bursts of energy today where I've gotten some stuff done on BOTH of my current stories, and I'm proud of that, and maybe they'll come more often, now that I know what I should do.

Thanks so much for the advice, man. I really, truly appreciate it~


One more thing, then: Take it slow and don't try to force it. If you need to rest, then rest. If you can't write, then read, or watch a movie or play a video game - anything that you enjoy and find stimulating. Find stories that you love, as many as you can, because that's where you find the stuff of inspiration. Let your mind wander as it will. Let your stories come to you on their own.

The biggest mistake a lot of writers make, I fear, is thinking they are in complete control of their own creativity. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. The very best ideas, I find, strike like lightning: Very suddenly, and mostly at random.

Oh, and if you think you're feeling seriously depressed, do talk to someone about it. A professional, I mean. I'm mentioning this because the way you describe your issues sounds rather worrying to me, and a potential mood disorder is no trifling matter.

4026268 I really don't like resting, as I feel like I do too much of it already, and not enough work. But if that's what I must do, then I'd have no problem playing a few games in my free time. XD
But...I have a personal rule that I live by almost unconditionally. I HAVE to keep a deadline for myself, and even though I always go past those deadlines when it comes to writing, it's enough disappointment to feel defeated and not even try to keep going because I've lost the momentum I had gained when I first start a new story, or promise that I'll work more in a blog post.


I really don't like resting, as I feel like I do too much of it already, and not enough work.

There needs to be a balance in all things, of course. There's nothing wrong with having a work ethic, but work can be a distraction as well. Be honest with yourself, and try to make sure your motives are clear to you.

But...I have a personal rule that I live by almost unconditionally. I HAVE to keep a deadline for myself, and even though I always go past those deadlines when it comes to writing, it's enough disappointment to feel defeated and not even try to keep going

Doesn't that basically mean that you are making yourself miserable? Like I said, you can only do your best, and there's no shame in acknowledging your own limits. You're doing this for your own happiness, yes? So being too hard on yourself is counter productive.

4027505 You're so right. I'll follow your advice the next time this happens. :3

Thanks for talking with me. I really do appreciate it~

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