Writers With Learning Disorders 223 members · 1,539 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I would also like to take this moment to promote a local charity:
Magic Moments For Autistic Kids: a family run registered charity and winner of the Queen's award in 2009, they are a wonderful charity and have more than helped me to cope with any problems I have. Please go and show them some love and spread the word

There's lots of corrupt charities out there. Sucks. :pinkiesick:
The lady in that video is really cute...

Autism Speaks actually wants people to genetically screen people with genes that relate to Autism, so that they can be exterminated before they are born.

Doesn't that sound...familiar?

4120877 I'm thinking more along the lines of:

4120835 Considering that I have been born with Autism and ADHD since I was two years old, I'm actually glad that my parents didn't believe on any of the crap that Autism Speaks spews out.

4120835 Being a guy born with Aspergers and ADHD I personally wouldn't get rid of them if I even could, there a part of me and in some ways have shaped me as a person, but it doesn't define me, or hinder me, as a member of society. Quite frankly, comparing Autism to an epidemic or a disease and saying it needs to be 'cured' despite a percentage not wanting it and many saying it cant be done shows Autism Speaks knows next to nothing about the people they say they're helping.

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