Transgender Bronies 1,109 members · 759 stories
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Hello! My name is Natalie, and I am one of a few moderators for an adult transgender support server on Discord! We are currently a small, homely server with active staff and users (99 current population) all seeking to help and support each other, and we are opening the doors to this recently friends/close acquaintances server in hopes of better servicing our community.

Within these cozy walls, you will find users new and old, mtf, ftm, enby, and in between, who have all gone through what many of you are or will experience, and our main goal is to help make those blows bearable by sharing experiences, coping methods, and any other help we can offer in a friendly, one-on-one setting.

Our staff prides itself on polite and careful consideration for each an every individuals' issues, some of us (me) going so far as to pursue a masters degree in psychology in order to better address the needs of our community. We are entirely community ran and do this out of our own free time and a desire to help so, if any of this appeals to you, come on by and fill out our application! Hope to see you, soon!

Adult Gender Support Server Application

Divine Path
Group Admin

Sounds pretty neat. Question, though; what exactly is it that you'd like to know about those applying to join in the "tell us about yourself" section?

It's mostly a section for you to introduce your personality to us, as we are less inclined to approve someone who states they like drama and causing issues.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Thanks for the speedy response. :pinkiehappy:

Not an issue! Certainly helps that I'm currently writing in FimFic xD Hope to see you, soon!

Divine Path
Group Admin

I've just sent an application!


Considering past issues with trans Discord servers, mostly in that any time I mentioned I disagreed with someone I was verbally attacked by members and moderators alike, I don't feel like joining nor do I really trust them anymore.

I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with servers in the past, but I hope you can find the light in the world and learn to see the good in people, once more. Have a great day!

maybe you want ot help them too


What did you disagree with, if you wouldn't mind sharing?


Oh it wasn't anything considerable, in fact a lot of it was mostly based on the ridiculousness of some of the rules. Some of it was based in argument related to bathroom incidents, but even that was on the basis of letting pre-HRT people use the bathroom of the gender they identify as, which I disagreed with because I felt that it would be less uncomfortable for people on both ends if they used their birth gender bathroom at least until they started HRT, not because of what the T person might do, but because it would be uncomfortable for some.

I can see why that might have gotten you yelled at, and I would point out that everyone's situation is different. You can't really make a blanket rule for that.


I quite agree with that statement, really I don't agree with gendered bathrooms as a whole because, as far as I am aware, Europe doesn't have really as many problems with the so-called issue, this proven by the fact there are cases of women casually using the men's restroom, due to lines or crowding, with no issue, and in some facilities and places they do not even have gendered bathrooms. The existence of urinals, for example, is utterly pointless because there's no reason to stand up or in the open, when one needs to take a leak. If you feel the urge to stand when you piss, just lift the seat.

Honestly, no one wants to see someone using the restroom, as normal as it is, and frankly it always pissed me off in school, and still does to this day, when there aren't dividers between the urinals. Its not that no one wants to see it, after all most people simply don't care, it's simply that pissing in front of people can feel uncomfortable.

Separate bathrooms only started because of classism in England.


Not surprising.

Thanks for posting this! I've been hoping to find a group like this for a little while now. : 3

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