Transgender Bronies 1,109 members · 759 stories
Comments ( 65 )
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Divine Path
Group Admin

For all the secrets you wanna share (with consent) and banter of myriad subjects!

I Stole a snicker bar from a child when they wernt looking and i didn't give it back
This probably isn't what you meant by secrets but this keeps me up at night some times, why didn't i just give him their candy back :(
I feel so gross.

I am glad i got this off my chest.

I once was babysitting a three-year-old, got fed up with him and yelled at him for 'cheating' in a game. He was three, of course he cheated. The game wasn't even real, it was just something he invented, but I was tired and got mad at him for basically nothing. I'm still sorry for that now.

One time i peed myself In middle school during lunch but i was wearing dark pants
So i spilled water on the person with jeans next to me really sneakily so no one saw me do it and blamed it on them and i got away with it.
That person was my friend and after that experience they hated me for 2 years until they forgot the incident even happened.

That is one i very rarely tell people but this is the interwebs and i doubt we will meet in person for you to make fun of me about it.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Mostly anything goes here!

I've recently been enjoying Warframe a lot.

I lowkey want to leave Fimfiction's LGBT group because it's so toxic. To be honest, I lowkey want to leave Fimfiction because the whole website is a toxic culture of gross behavior and shitposting.

Says you of all people? You, who won't let the week pass by unmolested by your attempts to stir up drama to sate some perverse need to fulfill your own prophecies of a desolate world full of awful people who hate you for no reason at all? You, who will wield the vague threat of suicidal thoughts as a weapon to bully people into caring about you, or doing as you wish, or even getting involved in twisted one-sided relationships with you just so they don't feel responsible if something goes wrong?

No one but you is responsible for you.

Here's a secret: You and yours are one of the three main reasons I loathe this website, but it's not your constant trolling for drama that disgusts me. It's the way you instinctively begin to emotionally abuse every user you meet.

If you keep thinking people like me—people who see you as less than you could be if you tried even a little to be kind or understanding—are keeping people like you down, you're just keeping yourself exactly where you are. Move beyond your present. Grow as a person. Change or find nothing.

Of course, another of those three reasons is the people who get on your case every time you or someone like you makes a post, and turn every conversation into a battle until a mod locks the thread. This whole war is absolutely stupid and has gone on far longer than necessary.

Divine Path
Group Admin

It really has, but let's get calm down and return on-topic, all right?

I'm sorry, hon. I'm tired of seeing friends get hurt. I'm so tired.

I obey conflicting feelings almost constantly, have very little time self control, no work ethic, and thus no real future.

I also have no idea who I'm supposed to be or what I even want to do.

Is that too angsty? Are we going for angst here?

EDIT: Help. Everything is shallow.

Divine Path
Group Admin

If you like, venting is good. (SOME angst is okay!) <3 Hope you'll figure it out sooner rather than later. I'm here, if you need someone to talk to. :3

Yo what the fuck happened here.
I don't see how anyone got hurt on this post other than the feelings of that kid who got yelled at.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Backstories, I suppose you could say. Anyway, back on-topic? ("On-topic". XD)

I can appreciate how as soon as I start moving toward unlocking my second Warframe (character), I proceed to get blueprints for more.

I got like 9 now and and 3 weapons for each.
didnt spent a penny...

I'd love to join this discussion and share personal things, but honestly as long as there's an outright anti-trans troll active in this group, I don't think I will.

Then how's about we Don't đź‘Ź Send đź‘Ź Nudes đź‘Ź To đź‘Ź Fourteen-year-olds for starters and take it upwards from there

I mean, there's nowhere to go but up

Wait, did someone do that? Isn't that illegal in most civilized countries and America?

Sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. Today's been one hashtag-trigger after another and I just can't stop. It was horrid enough when I thought she was only sixteen at the time, and fourteen makes things exponentially worse. After what happened to me in my youth, I cannot sit idly by and let others like that get away with their actions.


most civilized countries and America

I'm gonna remember that one.

Not to be rude, but it wasn't until 2005 that America decided that minors probably shouldn't receive the death penalty. So... Less than civilized.

Olivia, I don't disagree in the slightest. We're a mess.

Woo! And Canada's okay. Also you guys have a Nazi party that is within the bounds of the law, but to my knowledge the formation of a new communist party would be illegal. We have a Communist party here. They want to cut public funding of the Catholic School board. This is good. Communism with a little c (curse you Autocorrect) is a good system, provided we use computers. A South American country tried to do that in the eighties but then America did something or other and the project was discontinued. Something military.

Edit: It is two in the morning, and mood swings. Peace!

Sleep well!

Oddly enough, it seems to me that the Nazi party is less legal but more acceptable than a communist party. Even democratic socialism has a rough time just because of socialism's association with the Red Scare—yet the Republican party's ties to Russia, the scariest of the red, are accepted with open arms. We are a society not of thought, but of tradition and reaction.

It's a crapshoot. :twilightsmile:

No, the Nazi party is legal. The Communist party is literally against the law.

Wait, no. My bad. Double-checked. You do have a Communist party, as of 99 years ago. Which is weird, because there were some laws during the red scare that should've made it illegal. You also definitely have a nazi party. Really ought to patch that little bug.

Hehe, law. Politicians don't follow laws, silly filly!

Hey, aren't you supposed to be sleeping? :raritywink: I won't distract you any further. Bonne nuit, Olivia.

No, no. I hate sleeping. It's boring.

Sleeping almost properly is a good first step toward conquering the rest of those demons you mentioned above.

The American Nazi party?

Jokes aside, it isn't. I've slept okay between now and fourth grade or so.

Then it's time to figure out the second step, I suppose. The structure of a sleep schedule helps, but you'll need to structure the rest of your life as well.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

You believe? Oh heck, you're sounding as bad as me!

Well, just hold out until you get out of the school system and start to live your life instead of that of Generic Student #50,392. Try to take classes that interest you if you can; if you can't, then try to figure out what you wish you could take, and chase that passion. You have plenty of time yet to figure out what you want to do with your life. Perhaps that same journey will lead you to your work ethic.

As for who you're supposed to be... Well, there's no supposed-tos in a question like that. You'll make that call when you figure it out.

I guess? Maybe. Dunno.

Divine Path
Group Admin

If you haven't already, it's often good to pursue options in areas you're interested in, if you are financially stable.

If it looks like a troll, and posts like a troll, I'm gonna consider it a troll. I don't really give a shit why you keep starting discussions designed to invalidate trans experiences, that's what you're doing, and I'm totally disinterested in displaying my personal life in front of somebody who acts like nothing I've experienced is real or matters.

Divine Path
Group Admin

No need to poke here, though. I'd suggest contacting people for this purpose not in this thread? :heart:

Contacting who? You're the group admin, and you've already been here, in this thread, and in others, seeing this behavior. You already know what the troll has done and said, and that hasn't prompted you to ban them. That sends the message that you think their presence here is acceptable. What reason do I have to believe that contacting you to let you know of behavior you've already seen would accomplish anything?

I've done some bad shit, both for attention and because I have an impulse control problem. But lately I've become nihilistic and everything seems pointless now. I just want to make my way through life with as little hassle as possible.

I also love how perfect my pic is for comments like this.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Wanting to live life without hassle isn't an unusual sentiment. Wish you the best of luck, anyway!

(Still, the fun part is that when there is no point, everything becomes a point!)

Oh its actually been a bit of a blessing. I no longer feel depressed because being depressed is pointless. As a result, I'm just bored. Luckily I have begun making plans for a long term art project.

I'll ignore you from this point forward until you can actually say something with some kind of meaning to it.

Divine Path
Group Admin

That's kind of neat! Best of luck on it. :3

You know what would be fun? Immortality.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Is an interesting subject. An infinite ability to enjoy games, music, writing and other art is certainly appealing!

There are several reasons why immortality would actually suck.

Divine Path
Group Admin

True. Is complicated! Although I believe there would be plenty of fun amidst the suck, personally. There would have to be to deal with things.

And almost all of them are wrong.

Watching family die? You have as much time as you want to work out how to bring back the dead.

Boredom? Erase your own memories, or use a random generator of some sort.

Insanity, eternal depression, being trapped in a confined space and unable to die leaving you to suffer forever in solitary confinement, outlining the human race and having to witness it's downfall as it destroys itself and the planet.

Knowledge, the capacity to become a perfect leader, or a perfect anything, really.

*looks at historical leaders*

Right, that will never happen.

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