Transgender Bronies 1,110 members · 759 stories
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Awesome. I didn't know about the Forget About It, and looked up Sally Manero's flashback story. It's really progressive for something that came out in the early heyday of 4chan speak and normalized queerphobia.

I just saw this video, and thought you would like to see this

You know, while sloppy at times, I really like how King of the Hill always took societal issues from, well, a social perspective. Really enjoyed that this episode's focus was community first and foremost, and that it's about queer people does build up on the idea of acceptance and integration.

I really wish more adult comedies from that period were this mature.

Here is one more video for you
p.s. before you watch it, gets how it's going to end

P.S. now that you have watched it,
what do you think ?


Hey, I remember that episode. Used to watch that series when a kid. Cool stuff.

I didn’t know about the PPG episode. Pretty interesting the approach. Specially contrasted with Bones’ one.

Ya, at the end, over all it was just an adjective about her

But what do you think about his/her thoughts about the PPG episode ?
should it have been better if he... wasn't born one, and the unicorn just magic one onto his head ?

Yeah, I think the PPG approach wasn’t the ideal, and about the same sensibility the Bones one. Lili’s approach sounds more pertinent, but I think execution overall would be the end-all.

it makes me think of my O.C.

I first I was planning to have him be an Earth-pony that wants to be a Pegasus
but an scared to get comments any a character that wants to be a different race
EDIT: (Rachel Dolezal)

then I thought of having him be a ''pegasus'' born with out any wing (somewhat like an... albano Albino African-American, if you know what I mean, sorry if you don't)

but now after seeing this video I'm not sure

what do you think I should do ?

Oof, that’s a loaded question. I don’t like telling other writers what to do or how to do. So bear that in mind if my answer sounds too vague.

I think the there’s a conversation about both approaches, that inevitably circles around how one sees a trans person’s relation to their AGAB. Same difference if the pony tribes can be used as a metaphor for gender or race.

My first direct recommendation would be to settle for one metaphor. Decide if him being a pegasus is a gender thing, or a race thing. Because mixing both will muddle either approach.

Or you could just made him trans, besides the pegasus thing. Put that bit on the forefront, and make the relation of transitioning gender to changing one’s body. Like, where does “making my body adjust to my identity” ends and “making my body ideal” begins.

But that’s just an opinion. I’d recommend you a story in Scribble Hub called “Trouble with Horns” that talks about the relation between gender transition and trans humanism. Though, it can get a wee bit dense.

P.S. fell free to ask me any Questions about anything


Oof, that’s a loaded question. I don’t like telling other writers what to do or how to do. So bear that in mind if my answer sounds too vague.

I know, and I want help with that

I think the there’s a conversation about both approaches, that inevitably circles around how one sees a trans person’s relation to their AGAB. Same difference if the pony tribes can be used as a metaphor for gender or race.

Funny thing is that my (non-binary intersex) O.C. Bent-G. does do sex-changes
and can it fully, Wish Fulfillment , it just tacks a full Month to prepare to get your body ready
but/and His/Her Niece, CottonRose can give you your full race-trats, but only the ones that you do have
(for example give Scoot full size pegasus wings, and the Cakes wings and horn, because they have that DNA in them
but can't give Gabby the griffon a cutie mark, because she doesn't have any Pony DNA,)
p.s. if I go with the, he is a Pegasus, but was born with out any wings, why he doen't ask her, it's become he only meats her later in his life, and but that time he was already a "self-make-pegasus" and wants to keep it like that

either way, I don't need to make it onto an allegory, I do have Trans-pony in my stories,
it's more... the the blinds wanted to see, and the paraplegic wanting to walk, and him and his identity
p.s. if CottonRose had the power to turn any pony into any pony-Race, they would all ask to become alicorns

My first direct recommendation would be to settle for one metaphor. Decide if him being a pegasus is a gender thing, or a race thing. Because mixing both will muddle either approach.

it's... a Race and identity thing

Or you could just made him trans, besides the pegasus thing. Put that bit on the forefront, and make the relation of transitioning gender to changing one’s body. Like, where does “making my body adjust to my identity” ends and “making my body ideal” begins.

Already have Trans-ponies in my story
funny thing is that his... best friend is a trans-stallion

But that’s just an opinion. I’d recommend you a story in Scribble Hub called “Trouble with Horns” that talks about the relation between gender transition and trans humanism. Though, it can get a wee bit dense.

can you link it ?

Okay, I'm getting a clearer view on the concept. I go back to my argument that it lies more in the execution than the concept alone, though.

And sure, here it is:
Trouble With Horns | Scribble Hub

I'll let you know when I start to write any part that has him in their

P.S. fell free to ask me any Questions about anything

p.s. Do I start with
87: Breaking the Cycle
Jun 21, 2022
1: The Break Up
Sep 19, 2019

it's a bit long ?

The Break Up, and it is really long. If you already have your concept going on, I recommend putting it in the 'read later' list. It's still a pretty good read anyways.

I'll keep an eye out when you do so.

Ok, p.s. fell free to P.M. me and ask anything about my O.C.s
. Bent-G.

p.s. CloudBusters trans friend is Bracker Older siblen of CottonRose and the 6 other sisters
and they have 4 moms
if you want to ask how
MoonRacer: The land of misfits.
Chapter 3: First day, new impressions.

“Say, the last girl seemed to know the one who told the story, and you are related to her… but none of your traits say what blend of races tie you together. Are you related to the mare who told the story?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Yap, I’m their half-sister of both Salami and Anchovies.” Oregano told them. “And Jalapeño is my other side,” She said before laughing.

“Jalapeno?” Spike asked curiously. “And I thought Light had a big family.”

“Oh, how many sisters do you have?” Oregano asked. “10... 15?”

“Um… Three, one of them being brand new.” Light explained curiously. “Why such high numbers?”

“Oh... well, I have 20 sisters,” Oregano said. “Apparently, they don’t know what heater is, nor how to turn off the A.C.”

“T… twenty?!?” Light said in shock as his head jerked up.

“Oh… I pity your mom.” Twilight said with a cringe. “I bet she loves your dad to death with all of the kids he gives her.”

“Oh... no, I have seven moms, no fathers.” Oregano started to explain. “And they each have a child with one of them.”

Twilight’s eyes widened at this. “S… seven moms… and no dads… one with each of them?”

Salami nodded, having come back to chat, “If you have seven times six divided by 2, then take all of them and then take out one, you get 20 sisters.”

“No, we did the math. It’s the science we’re trying to figure out.” Spike explained as the group looked baffled.

“What?” Salami side. “One zebra, one buffalo, one thestrial, one pegasus, one unicorn, one changeling, and one earth-pony.” She told them not understanding what they were truly asking.

“All mares, no males, something’s missing in this equation.” Spike pointed out, trying to understand what was going on with this family.

“Yes, you forgot to carry the two.” Oregano said before laughing, even making her nerdy sister Salami to laugh. “If you are asking about the Y, there is none; that’s why we don’t have any brothers.”

“Um… I don’t mean to be offensive, but technically, there shouldn’t be you without a Y. How is this scientifically possible?” Twilight asked as she was trying to accept this impossibility.

“Well, you take a little bit of the DNA of one of the moms, make it into a seed, and then plant it in the garden of the second one, and some month later, you have a Cabbage,” Salami said, not knowing how far their parents went when they told them about the Birds & Bees.



Ya... maybe maybe I should stick you him being a pegasus that was born with out his wings
seems the more safe way

The full ideal was that he was born with 2 pegasus parents,
but at his birth they saw that he didn't have any wings, (so any earth-pony)
but his is a pagaus, but was born with out any wings (some what like albano Albino African-American, if you know what I mean)
So he can fell that he is a pegasus, (because he is, even tho he wasn't born with his wings,)

p.s. They are also more about he getting adopted, his real father being an earth-pony, and him becoming the adopted brother of Bio-Bionic,
but that's not imporent

What do you think ?

p.s. 7900116 I was thinking of (Rachel Dolezal)

Oh, God. I had thankfully forgotten how disgustingly transphobic South Park was.

But yeah, this is a pretty good argument to keep race and gender identity as far away as possible. Specially if transphobic groups in real life are using the 'transracial' bit to justify their transphobia.

Also, I think you're trying to say 'albino', referring to the congenital absence of melanin. Albano is an Italian name. Like the singer, Al Bano:


Also, I think you're trying to say 'albino', referring to the congenital absence of melanin. Albano is an Italian name. Like the singer, Al Bano:

ops sorry :-(
but you do understand what I mean ?

any comments about my ideal ?

p.s. the song has good sound

is holding hands and going away together
is an innocent look, in the middle of a crowd
is staying close like children, happiness

is a pillow made of feather, the rivers' water
that flows
is the rain going down the roofs
is turning off the light so peace can rule

is a glass of wine and a sandwich
is leaving a note inside a drwaer
is singing together how much I like you
happiness, happiness

You can feel in the air
our love song that flies
like a thought that knows about happiness
You can feel in the air
a warmer ray of sun that flows
like a smile that knows about happiness

is a night with a surprising full moon
and the radio that is on
Is a 'happy birthday' card full of little hearts
is an unexpected call

is a beach at night, the waves that hit the shore
is a hand full of love put on the heart
is waiting for the sunrise to do it all over again
happiness, happiness

You can feel in the air
our love song that flies
like a thought that knows about happiness
You can feel in the air
a warmer ray of sun that flows
like a smile that knows about happiness

You can feel in the air
our love song that flies
like a thought that knows about happiness
You can feel in the air
a warmer ray of sun that flows
like a smile that knows about happines

In all honesty, I think that you could make the wingless bit a take on albino Afro-descendants, only if you do the research in deep. This looks like a far too sensitive of a subject to touch without the proper understanding.

Or you could make it its own thing based on how you present Equestrian culture and social relations.

But hey, that's the thing about writing. It can get beautifully complex.

I'm only using the albino Afro-descendants
to explain how he doesn't have wings, but is a pegasus
I'm just using it as a Real-World example

Welll... it's technically just some extra body parts if you think about it
Tho... it does determents what you can do (fly)

Ya, I know

Yeah, very complex. Specially on the gender end with how intersex people are born with "extra body parts" and are operated on to get rid of them (which, since there's no expressed consent on the matter, is considered mutilation).

Really complex.

that makes me think of my O.C.
Solid Ground

long story shirt
he was born a PegaCorn, from 2 earth-pony parents
the town though he was an alicorn

They did it
they finaly did it

Wow. That's pretty cool.

I'll need to watch it tomorrow, though. But thanks for telling me about it.

and before you can even watch this one
a new video comes out !

p.s. haven't see it already, no spoilers
Just watched it,

Mhm... what do you think of this ?

Honestly, I'm surprised a show like that got to take on the concept. Also a nice surprise they gave the research and work into it.

for a second I thought you were talking about SpongeBob

I actually missed the Sponge Bob one until you mentioned it now, and two things. One, I actually remember that episode, and two, it's as bad as I remember.


p.s. What about the MLP one ?

also it's my Birthday today


First of all, happy birthday, pal!

Secondly, I think the episode was okay, and I agree with how MMC does fit as a depiction for dysphoria. But what honestly surprised me was the shout-out to the site and this group in particular. That's was pretty nice.



Well we are the site and the group about this

p.s. 7915257

Magical Mystery Cure.

Oh yes

and now you know what he is saying

Yeah, when I was a kid him singing in Spanish was a regular in some radios. I loved his songs.

Wait, Italian or Spanish ?

I only know EN and FR

edit: French Version

Spanish in that video, Italian in the original. Al Bano's Spanish versions used to be really popular here in Latino America.

A... ok

would you like Lily Simpson talk about Full House ?

Seeing those clips? Yeah, it looks like there's something to talk about how it treats gender expression and identity.

Honestly, I'm more surprised over how wide and complex is the Pax Patrol universe (a sentence I was not expecting to type today). But hey, great to see simple "trans person exists" stuff without having to dedicate the episode to debating of explaining it. Specially with enby people who do get sidelined a lot in media.

Well done, awkwardly copaganda-adjacent show (I'm kidding. That was actually pretty well done).

I haven't watched The Love Boat, but I've heard good stuff about it. Lily's intro about how it actually handled race, sexuality and gender also speaks good of it as a show. Maybe I should give it a check later.

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