Transgender Bronies 1,110 members · 759 stories
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in ancient greece, they thought that trans people existed because Apollo got really drunk while creating them so he gave them the wrong gender.
what a cool origin story

You, wake up Disappointed with a Million $ and a Cat-GirlFriend

Is the Greece one true lol

I don't knot really
Some what
According to the Greeks trans people exist because Apollo got drunk making us and gave us the wrong parts.

6 Transgender Myths From Ancient Greece

The story goes: Prometheus was busy shaping humans out of clay, but before he was done he got drunk with his buddy, Dionysus, god of wine. When he came back to finish the job, he accidentally stuck some of the wrong genitalia on the wrong people, which is why we have men who like men, and women who like women.

When Hermaphroditus emerged from the pool and saw his new form, he prayed to his parents to bless the pool so that anyone who bathed there would be similarly transformed, and his wish was granted. The spring eventually became the Salmacis fountain, in what is now Turkey, and classical authors recounted how the water made men ‘effeminate’ if they drank from it. Unfortunately, transitioning these days requires a bit more than a drink, but you can read about what you might need for a great MTF transition here.

Honestly though medical care in the United States is so expensive that becoming female seems far more worthwhile than the million dollars. Especially if said folks are stuck with transphobic helicopter parents that will yell at them for spending money in a reckless way.

Where is the button for just becoming a girl outright? That's the button I'm looking for.

Then I can focus on the get a girlfriend/be the girlfriend dilemma.

No, sorry, thems the rules
you have to press the first button, and risk getting Million $
then you can try the second button and risk getting a Cat-GirlFriend

50% become a normal Girl
25% become a CatGirl with Million $
25% stuck as a guy that has Million $ and a CatGirlFriend

Pretty cool though. Thanks for the helpful list.

Apollo, you drunk-ass.

Also, I did name myself Kasandra because of the myth. So the fact that Apollo is also culturally relevant for trans people is a bonus.

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